From settlement civilization to urban civilization.
This may be a leap forward in the general human history.
However, this is not the case in this world.
Because, the human species in this world may have already developed city-state culture, but now they have been beaten back to the primitive era.
No gossip, Su Mo, who heard the proposal, thought about it for a while, and nodded in agreement with the proposal.
In this world, building a city is not just a good thing that can promote the development of civilization.
Not to mention the advantages of the city’s living environment, roads, and concentrated productivity. If you want to develop further, building a city is a necessary step.
However, on the contrary, there are many disadvantages.
The settlement may have various shortcomings, whether it is inconvenient to fetch water or plant.
However, just the fact that it is easy to evacuate in case of an attack is enoughbecome an overwhelming advantage.
The previous human species also relied on a little bit to survive.
No matter how secret the gathering places of human beings are, they will inevitably be discovered or affected, so death is always a danger that always accompanies human beings.
Weak human beings cannot resist danger, and the only thing they need to think about is to escape immediately after encountering a disaster.
In this regard, the settlement form has a natural advantage.
But urban civilization is different.
Since it is a city, it must be settled and cannot be relocated. If you encounter enemies in other places, you can escape. Once you encounter enemies in the base camp, you can only resist with all your strength.
It can be said that without the ability to resist the enemy, building a city is definitely not worth the loss.
And since Riku can say this proposal, Su Mo can agree to it.
Naturally, it is because today’s human race has begun to have the ability to protect itself.
While still risky, this option is worth trying.
So, after carefully selecting a place.
The city that was clearly recorded for the first time in human history just started construction.
Chapter 596 Jibril’s Information Sensei Kainas
Human history data before the Great War have long been lost. The city created in front of me is the first city recorded by human beings.
Such a major event naturally requires Su Mo, the supreme leader of the human race, to formulate a plan.
Although he intends to let the human race accumulate knowledge of architecture.
However, the elves and goblins have already established city-states and have enough information.
It would be too formal for the human race to start from scratch.
So, Su Mo threw all these materials to Liku, and asked this capable person to integrate the city model and construction drawings within a week.
Although Riku complained a lot at first, he was also full of energy.
As the highest think tank of the human species, he quickly absorbed those architectural materials, and eliminated the parts related to racial characteristics that were not suitable for human beings, and handed over a satisfactory answer sheet.
At that time, after confirming the blueprint, Riku came to ask Su Mo to name it.
Give the first city of the human species a very meaningful name.
After hearing this request.
At that time, Su Mo laughed lightly.
“Then call it Elchea!”
Riku was a little confused about the meaning of the name.
But since Su Mo said so, it’s settled.
As the leader who has led the human race to the present and can be called the leader of the level of prosperity, Su Mo’s authority is supreme.
Even if he casually chooses the name of a puppy or a cat, I’m afraid people will only accept it with reverence!
And now…
Under the sight of Su Mo, who is holding the fan tower of the loli god.
Those who are constructing the city in full swing are the enthusiastic human species——and the Ex-Machina species that actually undertake 99% of the work.
Yes, although people are very enthusiastic about building cities.
But they are still in the stage of strength development.
Su Mo naturally wouldn’t let them spend all their energy on building the city.
After all, a spectacle misleads the country.
Under Su Mo’s order, the Ex-Machinas, who had nothing to do, used a little bit of computing power to help build the city from the sidelines.
With the help of Ex-Machinas.
In just less than a day, the city has risen from the ground, and it is now approaching the end of construction.
After hearing what Su Mo said.
Fan Lou also glanced down.
Then, he shook his head slowly.
“Negative, [Tentative] Fanlou is not asking about the city. ”
Perhaps for the human species, owning a city may be something that has never been recorded in history.
However, for the gods, it is not surprising that a mere city can be created with a wave of hands.
As for the concept of city, other races have already had it, so it is not worth being curious about.
The reason why she asked the question before was not about the smoke and dust below.
But another thing to ask.
“”Emphasis”, [tentative] Fan Lou asked about the hand you put on my body. “The petite loli god bluntly said with a flushed face.
She looked down, and it was obvious that Su Mo’s hands were holding her, and they had penetrated into the skirt of her clothes at some point, and she didn’t know where they were stuck.
However, looking at the appearance of the Fan Tower, it obviously doesn’t look like it’s placed in any good place.
After hearing Fan Lou’s emphasis.
Su Mo’s expression was calm, and he didn’t intend to stop at all.
Not only that, but he also said it very confidently.
“What I’m touching now is Fanlou’s body. You are [tentative] Fanlou, so what does it have to do with you?”
…seeking flowers 0…
Hear this sophistry.
Fan Lou subconsciously puffed up his cheeks.
“‘Objection’, [Tentative] Fanlou is also Fanlou! So please take your hands away! ”
She wasn’t stupid, so she knew that Su Mo just wanted to bully her.
After hearing this, Su Mo showed a smile on his face.
“You finally admitted—[Tentative] Fan Tower is Fan Tower—this matter, if this is the case, when you call yourself and address me in the future, you don’t need to add the word [Tentative], right?”
Although not his original purpose.
… 0 …
But it would be a good thing if Fanlou could be corrected here.
Although the child’s mouth fetish is also very cute.
But too much can be troublesome.
Even now, when she calls herself, she still adds the prefix of [Tentative], Su Mo has long wanted to take this opportunity to correct her problems.
After hearing what Su Mo said.
For a while, Fan Lou couldn’t care about his hand, and began to fall into deep thought.
“‘Analysis’, what you said seems to make sense. ”
The point is not whether Su Mo’s words are impeccable or whether there is a strict logical inference.
What’s more, if I don’t admit it, wouldn’t I be touched by Su Mo unscrupulously for this reason all the time in the future?
in this thoughtNow, even Fanlou can only compromise.
“”Accepted”, Fan Lou agrees with your opinion, and I will call you Su Mo from now on, and remove the provisional designation. ”
Goddess Loli agreed to Su Mo’s request.
Then, looking up at Su Mo with wide eyes, he put forward his own conditions.
“In exchange”, Su Mo, you have to take your hands off Fanlou. “Four.
Chapter 597 The mentally handicapped god who refreshed the worldview
In order to stop Su Mo’s hand from moving around. Fanlou had no choice but to change the title, removing the word [Tentative], and referring to himself and Su Mo with normal titles.
But even so, in fact, in her heart, the doubts about things like names still exist.
Even if you don’t say it.
She still had doubts in her heart.
――Fanlou and [Tentative] Fanlou, how can we confirm that they are the same existence?
Su Mo naturally understood Fanlou’s thoughts.
I also understand that by doing this, there is actually no fundamental solution to the problem.
My main god is Kaguya
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