However, the debate between name and reality was not the focus of his consideration.
Whether or not to fix Fanlou’s oral habit is actually just a matter of will.
What he really wants to do is to teach Fan Lou to recognize and believe in the existence of himself.
Therefore, whether it is “Fan Building” or “[Tentative] Fan Building”, these two options are actually the same, and it doesn’t matter.
The important thing is to force Fan Lou to choose the one he likes from two identical choices.
This preference of choosing “220” based on her own mood without much basis is a proof of her self-consciousness.
It is also proof that she has a “heart”.
Su Mo’s strategy was very successful.
Under the threat of his big hand who would “reluctantly” make trouble everywhere for the good of Fanlou, Fanlou quickly made a choice and expressed a compromise.
Now that the goal has been achieved, it is very reasonable for Fanlou to ask him to move his hand away.
Su Mo naturally gave a very reasonable answer.
“don’t want!”
After hearing Su Mo’s refusal, Fanlou froze for a moment, then puffed up his cheeks and stared at him dissatisfied.
“”Laughing”, the fan building has been removed [tentative], Su Mo, why don’t you let go? ”
Showing an expression as if betrayed, the young goddess looked at Su Mo with harsh eyes.
Facing this gaze, Su Mo replied calmly.
“Even if you removed [Tentative] and claimed that I touched your body, you shouldn’t have the right to stop me, right?”
Hearing these ridiculous words, Fanlou froze for a while.
Then immediately remembered something.
The reason why Su Mo didn’t let go before was purely sophistry.
——What I touched was the Fan Tower, what does it have to do with your [tentative] Fan Tower?
Now, after Fanlou got rid of the [Tentative] mouth habit, this sophistry is naturally unreasonable.
However, even if she put aside the sophistry and admitted that she was herself, she seemed unable to refuse Su Mo.
Because, initially, after being awakened.
Su Mo signed a contract with her.
“I have to answer your question, and all your ownership belongs to me.”
Su Mo said the content of the contract with a smile on his face.
“Since you are mine, I can treat you however I want, right?”
“”Cannot be refuted”. ”
The contract is mandatory, and the current Fanlou has not learned the skills of cheating.
So after hearing what Su Mo said, she could only nod dully, acknowledging the fact.
Since it is the content of the contract.
No matter how dissatisfied she was, she could only let Su Mo play with her body.
“Ha ha!”
Seeing Fanlou laying on top of him, he looked discouraged, as if he could play around with you.
Su Mo couldn’t help laughing.
Then, under Fan Lou’s suspicious gaze, he drew out his hands.
Then, the young girl in Chinese clothes was thrown out.
“If you want to play in the past, go and play. I’m not a devil. Next time, I will ask you positively in a cute way, and I will agree to you.”
Su Mo has already seen that Fan Lou has actually been staring down the mountain for a long time.
The reason why he wants Su Mo to move his hand away is just like a child who wants to play, he just wants to run out to play.
“”Doubt”, what is the cutest way? ”
The fan building thrown out by Su Mo was directly stabilized in mid-air. As a god, she naturally couldn’t wrestle.
After being thrown out, she didn’t run directly down the mountain either.
Instead, he looked puzzled, wanting to get a way from Su Mo to make Su Mo agree to his request.
Su Mo, who knew that she was wrong again, waved his hand, not intending to give an explanation.
Otherwise there is no end to it.
Seeing what Su Mo meant, Fanlou lowered his head in disappointment.
“”Reserve”, I will ask you this question next time. According to the contract, you are not allowed to refuse. ”
“”Notification”, Fanlou is going to interview below now, you have already agreed, and you must not go back on your word. ”
I’m afraid that Su Mo will take back his decision.
After reporting his itinerary to him, Fan Lou immediately turned around and ran away.
It’s like a child who goes out to let the wind away from his parents.
The place where the sail building went is the place where the city was built under the mountain.
As mentioned before, she has no interest in the city itself.
However, she still has endless questions about why humans want to build cities, and why they can be so happy after such a tiring work.
Going down this time, it is estimated that I will go to Chroni to ask questions.
entire human settlements.
Only Chloe Ni was able to deal with this curious baby-like God-like adult.
Watching Fanlou leaveback view.
Su Mo shook his head.
The cultivation of this young goddess has achieved initial results, but it is still far from blossoming and bearing fruit, so there is no need to rush.
After taking his eyes off her back.
Su Mo felt a very light and soft touch on his shoulder.
Then, a sweet and greasy breath came to his ears, which was familiar and comfortable.
Without waiting for the other party to speak.
Without looking back, Su Mo called out the name of the figure behind him…
“Jibril, where did you go to play just now?”
Behind him, the girl who wrapped her arms around Su Mo and kept rubbing his head was the final individual of the Flügel.
Also the only traitor of the Flügel – Jibril.
Unlike before, the current Jibril is not in the form of a young girl who has lost her power.
In order to teach her techniques and knowledge, Su Mo took action to fully restore her strength.
Today’s Jibril looks like a girl about sixteen years old, and her figure has obviously improved a lot.
Because the Flügel is born with the famous space movement skill called “Sky Shift”.
Her range of activities is also astonishingly large. On this planet, almost all the places she has been to can be reached in an instant.
So in her spare time, she often goes hunting.
At this moment, after hearing Su Mo’s question.
“Hey hey… replenish the breath of Master Su Mo.”
Jibril first rubbed against Su Mo like a slut for several seconds.
After the inexplicable [Master Su Mo’s energy] was replenished, he returned to normal and replied with a serious face.
“Master, when we were walking just now, the weeds contacted me.”
“Although I feel that the weed is very weak and obtrusive, and it is impossible to have any precious information, but for the sake of the master, I still reluctantly went there.”
Having said that, Jibril poked her head up, as if begging for praise.
Su Mo tapped a knife on her forehead helplessly.
“Get to the point.”
The weeds in Jibril’s mouth naturally refer to Xinke Nilvalen who is the queen of the elves.
She who was once praised by the Mori God as Hua Guanqing, has now become the only leader of the elves, and at the same time, she is also one of Su Mo’s subordinates.
0.4 Several people left just a month ago. In such a short period of time, it should be difficult for Xinke to achieve any breakthrough results in the research on the art.
Why did this guy contact you all of a sudden?
Su Mo was a little curious.
Jibril covered her forehead, which didn’t hurt at all, pretending to be pitiful.
Although it was cute, Su Mo was already immune to it.
“It hurts, hurts… Master, I poked it!”
Under Su Mo’s merciless punishment, Jibril spoke about the information seriously.
“Speaking of which, the intelligence from the weed side this time is really interesting! I almost died laughing when I heard it.”
“I think the master may be very interested in this, so I ran back to report to you immediately!”
Seeing Jibril’s proud expression, Su Mo pondered for two seconds, and immediately guessed what it was.
“It can arouse your interest, and it can also arouse my interest.”
“Could it be that it’s information about the forest god Cainas?”.
My main god is Kaguya
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