After these words, the elves standing in Xin Ke’s group immediately showed ecstatic eyes.
With such an endorsement from the Lord God, the position of Her Majesty the Queen has been directly stabilized to an unbelievable level.
After that, you no longer have to worry about the constraints of those old-school nobles.
Xinke Nierbalian was also surprised when he heard this.
When she still recognized that she was a citizen of the Mori God, Kainas wanted to exchange her for the magic inheritance of the elves.
Now that he betrayed himself, he became the most loyal elf in the world?
What an irony.
“Wait! Lord Cainas!”
Hearing this, the hearts of the ministers suddenly fell into the abyss.
They still wanted to say something, but Senshen was already impatient.
“Shut up! Guys like you who deceive the Lord God are not qualified to discuss the issue of loyalty!”
When the gods were angry, the sky and the earth changed color.
Even the gods who were frightened by Su Mo and fled were not something mere elves could resist.
The moment Shenwei swept across, the atmosphere shook.
…seeking flowers 0…
Next, these ministers were directly crushed into dust by the strong wind, and all of them lost their lives.
So far, the last resistance force left by the elves dynasty has also been burned.
And it is the ignorant Senshen who helps Xinke achieve this.
Seeing that Senshen cleared the last resistance to controlling the elves, Xinke immediately lowered his head.
hold back! Can’t laugh!
It seems that she didn’t startle the snake before, and the way of summoning Su Mo in advance was indeed correct.
Now, the suspicion of his betrayal has been cleared away, and he has even become the number one loyal minister of the elves.
If the matter of today is passed on, she will be able to justify her name and carry out drastic reforms.
However, before doing so, there is one final hurdle to pass.
When she was thinking like this.
… 0;
Senshen, who had calmed down, also thought of this question, and he asked immediately.
“Speaking of which, why did Qing Huaguan choose Mori JingIf the system was changed to a dynasty, wouldn’t the previous parliamentary system not work? ”
As a god, he doesn’t have much enterprising spirit, he only wants to survive.
Therefore, reflected in the management of the elves, he is also used to the same system.
Even though he knew Xinke Nilvalen’s loyalty, he didn’t doubt her intentions.
But even so, he didn’t want to let Xin Ke reform.
“If there is no need, just change the system back!” Cainas said lightly.
If those ministers who have died can hear this sentence, they will definitely regret it.
I knew that Senshen-sama planned to change the system back.
How dare they dance before!
Can’t we just sit and wait?
Regardless of the fact that they had been using the death of the elder as a cover, in fact, the reason why they opposed Xinke was only because the imperial system had reduced their rights.
The hustle and bustle is all for profit.
And hearing Senshen’s words, the elves on Xinke’s side immediately panicked.
Don’t look at it now, Xin Ke Nierbalian has completely cleared the internal obstacles of the elves, it seems that the general trend has come.
In this world dominated by spirit species.
No matter how hard the ordinary races put in, they can’t beat the light words of the gods.
If it is Xin, there is no way to change Senshen’s mind.
Just a simple sentence is enough to destroy the dynasty she built. Four.
Chapter 602 Crusade against Artoxiu
Just been praised as the most loyal elves. Soon to be deprived of rights.
Xinke Nierbalian had expected Senshen’s behavior of being so disrespectful and completely refusing to give his subordinates any room to play.
After living in the elves for so many years, how could she not know the nature of these guys?
Not everyone is like Mr. Su Mo, who will give himself enough room to play.
She had expected this a long time ago, so she naturally had a countermeasure.
Perhaps other elves would still reverence and worship the forest god Cainas.
But Xinke Nierbalian was different. Long before she came into contact with Su Mo, she had already seen through the nature of Sen Shen and despised him.
To deal with him, you don’t need any sophisticated planning or calculations at all.
Just grab the opponent’s weakness directly.
And Senshen’s weakness is exposed very clearly, that is, the weakness and cowardice that even the “two twenty” mice of the goblin species would sigh for themselves.
So, after clearing her throat, she didn’t directly object to Cainas.
Instead, he nodded and said.
“If Lord Cainas needs it, you can switch back to the parliamentary system.”
Hearing this, the elves of her faction all showed dejected expressions.
Even if helpless, but also can only accept.
After all, the orders of the gods cannot be shaken.
At this moment, Xin Ke changed his voice and said.
“It’s just that, if the previous parliamentary system is followed, for more efficient decision-making, the elders of the parliament need to be able to contact Mr. Cainas at any time.”
Having said that, she paused and reminded seemingly unintentionally.
“If you do this, the coordinates of Mr. Cainas may be exposed.” Then he continued.
“If we continue to follow the imperial system, the emperor will handle all the affairs of the elves, and Lord Cainas only needs to communicate with one person.”
“If you do this, the risk of Mr. Cainas’s coordinates being exposed will be much smaller.”
Hearing her words, the other elves were all at a loss.
So what if the coordinates of Lord Shenming are exposed? Could it be that the goblin gods dare to fight a battle of gods?
Even if the other party dared to do this, they still felt that their Lord Kaynas would definitely beat the gopher god Okan all over his head.
It’s a pity that the confidence of the elves couldn’t be passed on to Cainas.
Originally, he thought it was good to hear that Xinke Nilvalen obeyed and agreed to change the system back.
But when he heard the back, he panicked!
The parliamentary system is good, but if you want to make efficient decisions, you must let the elders be able to contact you.
However, after being reminded by Xin Ke, he realized that it was too dangerous to do so.
When he was ambushed by Su Mo, he never figured out why the other party could find him so quickly.
Thinking back now, it is very likely that the other party has located me because of the contact of the elders.
If you want to continue the parliamentary system.
This risk will still exist!
If the other party repeats the same trick, wouldn’t he be in danger?
The Sen god Kainas is an extremely selfish and cowardly god.
For his own habit, he was able to push back the reforms made by his subordinates without hesitation.
And for the sake of his own life, he can also abandon his habits without hesitation.
So, after thinking about it for a dozen seconds, he immediately changed his mind.
“Hua Guanqing, you are very considerate!”
“If this is the case, there is no need to change it back, you can continue to implement the dynasty system!”
Anyway, only connect with one person.
It is safer than communicating with so many elders.
For the sake of my own life, if I am not used to this, try it out.
After hearing Senshen’s words.
The faces of the elves of the Xinke faction were filled with ecstasy.
Her Royal Highness is called the most loyal elves by the gods, and the elves have personally supported the imperial system.
When these two things are said, the entire elves will immediately be united.
All will support Xin Ke Nierbalian to take the position.
This is the influence of the gods.
After confirming this point.
Senshen retreated the other courtiers.
My main god is Kaguya
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