Then he asked Xinke Nierbalian if there was any news about Su Mo recently.
He was really intimidated by this god who suddenly appeared and wanted to take his own life.
If it wasn’t for his lack of talent and his desire to compete for the star cup.
With his cowardly character, I’m afraid it’s really impossible to return to the elves.
And now, even if he ran back for the sake of his foundation for so many years.
He still fears for his life…
So I want to confirm whether Su Mo will come back to fight back, and by the way, I want to know information related to Su Mo.
Information about Su Mo.
Xinke? Nilvalen really knows a lot.
After all, when they got along with each other before, Su Mo didn’t deliberately hide it from her.
Now after Senshen asked, she thought about it for a while, and thought it was an opportunity, so she told the unimportant information.
After listening to her report, Kainas suddenly realized.
“So that’s it, that guy has nothing to do with Artosh, he just kidnapped a Flügel!”
After knowing this, he finally breathed a sigh of relief.
This place can’t blame him for being timid.
It’s just because Artosh, the god of war, is too famous, so the associated person will also be feared by other gods.
At this moment, after knowing that Su Mo and the god of war Artoxiu not only have no deep connection, but are even enemies, Kaina suddenly became happy.
“As an enemy of the God of War, this guy will definitely not live long!”
He directly judged the date of Su Mo’s death.
“In this case, I just need to wait until he is killed by Artoxiu, and he will be safe!”
Thinking about it this way, his thoughts about life became even more serious.
There is no need to consider confronting Su Mo head-on, just stay until he is killed.
Thinking of this, the pressure in his heart was empty.
Looking at Xinke Nierbalian’s eyes became more and more satisfied.
“You actually managed to hear the news from the 0.4 Flügel, you did a great job!”
It has to be said that this information gave him a pleasant surprise.
In his eyes, Xinke Niervalen is very reliable in terms of ability and loyalty.
Thinking of this, Cainas confidently threw an emerald gemstone to her.
“This is my coordinates, and it is also the only prop that can contact me in the future.”
“All the magic stones that could contact me before have been invalidated, and the elves will be handed over to you in the future.”
For his own safety, before Su Mo was attacked by Artosh, the God of War, he decided that it would be better to keep in touch with the elves less.
So, after he finished speaking, he deliberately added another sentence.
“Remember, don’t come to me for nothing.”
“If there is something strange around you, don’t look for me.”
“In short, absolutely not let the other party have the chance to find me again.”.
Chapter 603: The Battle for the Founding of the Human Race
According to what Kainas said, it is estimated that before the news of Su Mo’s crusade by the God of War came, he would not dare to show up openly again. However, in addition to being timid, he is also greedy.
Because he was unwilling to give up his foundation that he had operated for hundreds of thousands of years, and wanted to control the elves in his own hands, he sneaked back after escaping.
For Kainas, Xin Ke’s proposal undoubtedly hit his heart.
The implementation of the dynasty system can not only ensure that the elves are under control, but also reduce the chance of exposure.
I just need to find someone who is 100% loyal to me, entrust the contact information to him, and I can sit back and relax.
in this case.
Naturally, without thinking, he entrusted this trust to the “most loyal” elf who had already been tested—Xinke Nierbalian.
And after getting this precious trust.
Xinke Nilbarian blinked, as if he didn’t expect that he would get such an honor.
It is true that she deliberately used specious information to deceive Cainas’ 14 trust in order to obtain the position of Senshen.
But even she didn’t think of it.
Senshen is so stupid.
There are so many people in the entire elves, no matter who the coordinates of the elves are given to, the other party will use their lives to defend the safety of the gods.
Only she, who has given up on Senshen, would never do this.
Ke Senshen just gave himself the coordinates.
This is probably, God will kill him!
Thinking of this, Xin Ke quietly put away this emerald green gem.
“Please rest assured, Lord Cainas, no one can take this gem from me except my master!”
Such loyal words naturally reassured Kainas.
After everything is arranged.
Kainas left an oracle, telling all elves to cooperate with Qing Huaguan’s rule and not to disobey.
After that, it disappeared directly.
It seemed that he was worried that if he stayed for too long, the coordinates would be found by the person who attacked him last time.
After Mori left.
Xinke Nierbalian stood on the main seat, looking down at the courtiers under his feet with contemptuous eyes.
“Spread the oracle of Lord Cainas to every family.”
“By the way, get rid of the families of those old nobles!”
With her pink lips slightly parted, she immediately gave the order to take revenge and go back.
The elves’ courtiers knelt down one after another, showing excited expressions.
With the endorsement of the gods, Xinke Nilvalen’s position is unshakable.
As for retaliation against other elder families, it is not the same thing in the eyes of the vengeful elves.
After the order was given, the elves scattered in all directions.
Only Her Royal Highness was left holding the emerald green gem, with a smile in her eyes.
“If you offer this gem, Master Su Mo will definitely be happy!”
“With this credit, no matter how they say it, they can be raised from the status of a slave to a normal subordinate…”
“Hmph! In that case, that brainless idiot will never be able to taunt me again!”
thinkHere, she couldn’t help but feel happy.
Because of a wrong decision at the beginning, although he still joined Su Mo’s command in the end, his status was inferior to Jibril’s.
Now, thanks to the coordinates of the gods, her status can be raised to a level comparable to that of Jibril.
In this case, relying on his body advantage, he would not lose to that single-minded idiot no matter what.
Think so.
In the early morning of the next day, she sent a message to Jibril and gave all the information.

The line of sight turns back to the vicinity of Elchea, the first city that humans are building.
After laughing wildly.
Jibril took advantage of the situation to stay by Su Mo’s side, and told all about the gem containing the coordinates of Senshen.
Although I know that Xinke? Nilbalian must have done meritorious service this time.
The pure-hearted Jibril didn’t think too much about it, and she didn’t think that it would be okay for a mere weed to do meritorious service.
Now she is simply interested in hunting gods.
You know, although the Flügel had legends about killing gods.
But at that time, she, the extra individual, had not yet been born.
The glory of killing gods does not belong to her.
Now that she can participate in it again, she is naturally extremely excited.
“How about it, master, do you want to surprise Senshin?” Jibril asked with a smile.
I also know that this surprise must not be a good word.
Hearing this proposal, Su Mo pondered for a few seconds.
His current strength and vision are completely different from before.
The main reason for wanting to kill Senshin before was to verify whether his golden sword had any effect on the simple concept of gods in this world.
But now, after sharing the experience of Hakoniwa World.
He was already 100% sure.
Bahram’s golden sword is effective against all godheads.
My main god is Kaguya
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