Therefore, there is no need to kill Mori God to verify this point.
However, after careful consideration.
“Since the other party left the coordinates on purpose, it would be too rude not to send warmth!”
Su Mo directly agreed to Jibril’s proposal.
It’s just 220, which is different from just wanting to verify the golden sword before.
This time he focused on Senshen for another reason.
“After defeating Senshen, it’s time to fulfill Jibril’s long-cherished wish.” He patted Jibril’s head and said.
“My long-cherished wish?”
Jibril first tilted her head in confusion.
Then, as if thinking of something, his expression immediately became agitated.
“What does the master mean, after the crusade against Senshin, we are going to attack Master Artoxiu?”
It is different from Xinke who has been disappointed with Senshen.
Even though Jibril chose to devote herself wholeheartedly to Su Mo, she still had great respect for Artosh, the main god who created her.
However, it is precisely because of great respect.
She will be very concerned about the expectations placed on herself.
Let Artosh taste the taste of defeat—Jibril was born with this kind of expectation.
Therefore, she understands Artosh better than any other Flügel.
He is also more eager than anyone else in the world to find a way to defeat Artosh.
And as Jibril’s master.
Su Mo is precisely the existence that Jibril entrusted with this wish.
Therefore, she was more excited than anyone else when she heard that Su Mo was ready to attack Artoxiu.
Chapter 604: The Beginning of the Heroic Spirits Project
Su Mo nodded, confirming Jibril’s conjecture.
“The preparations have already been done, and now it’s time to finish.”
He does remember.
Su Mo in Hakoniwa World is still in a dangerous situation.
After provoking Christianity, even if he was promoted to three digits later, he could not be said to be at peace.
Therefore, he must also speed up the progress and get the star cup as soon as possible.
Seeing that Su Mo had already made up his mind.
Jibril, who was still a little worried at first, wanted to make Su Mo more cautious, chose to believe him.
All along, Su Mo has never done anything unsure.
She believed that Su Mo would be able to fulfill her long-cherished wish this time, as well as Master Artoxiu’s long-cherished wish.
Give defeat to the undefeated God of War.
After making a decision, Su Mo planned to set off for the capital of the elves.
Just when he was about to order Riku in advance to manage the settlement well during this period of time.
However, he found that Riku was rushing up the mountain, as if he had come to ask to see him.
After noticing this, he raised his eyebrows, and the magic power in his body circulated a little.
The next moment, the space in front of Su Mo was distorted.
Riku, who was trekking halfway up the mountain, was directly moved in front of him.
“Liku, you look anxious, what happened?” Su Mo asked curiously.
“Report to Master Su Mo, the sentinels just searched for traces of the orc army in the northwest direction, and they seem to have come to seek revenge!”
Riku, who had already experienced multiple space transfers, was not surprised at all. After seeing Su Mo, he knelt down and reported urgent information.
As mentioned before, Su Mo did not let the Machina be the nanny of the human race.
Therefore, if you want to fight against threats and fight, you have to rely on the human race itself.
If it was before, when the human species was still a “monkey”, the orc species would only treat humans as food, and would not consider this kind of stored food as an enemy at all, let alone seek revenge.
However, after Su Mo bestowed the favor, the strength of the human race increased significantly.
The improvement of strength will inevitably conflict with the surrounding tribes.
to nowThe strength of human beings is naturally not enough to fight against races like goblins and elves, let alone such a high-ranking race as the Flügel.
However, in the friction with the beastmen and demons, although humans are at a disadvantage, they are not powerless.
With guerrilla warfare tactics, he didn’t suffer much.
Under the leadership of Riku, they even defeated the Beastmen’s squad several times.
Today, the movement of the human race to build cities cannot be covered up.
It is normal for the Beastmen who sensed the movement to send troops to investigate the situation.
However, it is different from the previous method of mobile warfare.
There are already human races belonging to their own cities, and they can no longer shift positions like before.
That is to say——
“This battle is inevitable’-.” Riku said with a heavy tone.
He had anticipated this when he first suggested building the city.
But I didn’t expect this day to come so soon.
Before the construction of the city is completed, a defense battle must be fought.
However, even so, he didn’t seem to back down in the slightest.
“As long as this battle can be won, or even hurt the opponent, it will be enough to make the orcs afraid, and we humans will be able to gain a firm foothold.”
Riku’s eyes shone with hope.
Although there will inevitably be a lot of sacrifices in this battle, it is also a very necessary struggle.
Although the previous human species gained strength, they also repelled the beastman and demon species several times.
But the human species is still in the weak position. In the eyes of the beastman species, it is estimated that they are animals with too much resistance and danger.
But this time.
After the official construction of the city.
No matter what the cost, as long as the battle can be won.
They will become a new race that the orcs have to admit.
The human race can also use the name of an intellectual race to compete with the world.
“This battle is the battle for the founding of our human race!”
Riku raised his head and looked at Su Mo with piercing eyes.
Su Mo nodded, understanding what he meant.
The country he was in before crossing also had such a battle that shocked the world, so he can understand the significance of the battle for the founding of the human race.
“Aren’t you generally responsible for things like fighting?” Su Mo asked playfully.
“Come here to report suddenly at this time, do you want me to take action? Or do you want to ask Ex-Machinas or Xiaoji to take action?”
If this is the case, Su Mo will definitely be disappointed.
He’s not stingy with his shots, but sometimes it makes more sense not to shoot than to shoot.
Fortunately, Riku is not such a weak person.
After hearing Su Mo’s words, he shook his head immediately.
“No! Master Su Mo, I’m not here to ask you to take action, but to ask you not to take action!”
“No matter how tragic the battle is, even if some of our leaders die, I hope you will never take action!”
Hearing this, Jibril flapped her wings with curiosity.
“Why can’t you make a move?”
She was very curious about Riku’s choice.
“Because, this is the battle for the founding of our race!”
Riku answered without thinking, obviously the result of careful consideration.
“If Jibril-sama or those Ex-Machinas are allowed to take action, the victory in this battle will no longer be a victory for pure Imanity.”
“No matter how much the human race pays, the outside world will definitely think that other races are the key to this war.”
“If this is the case, the stigma of the human species cannot be washed away. Even if we win, it is not a victory for our human species—if we want our human species to stand up completely, we must not do this!”
Riku’s thinking was very profound.
Sometimes, you can’t simply care about gains and losses, but long-term considerations.
For a long time, human beings have been treated as beasts. At this point in time, only fifteen races are recognized in the world.
My main god is Kaguya
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