Humans are just talking monkeys.
Even if it is now (realized), after being favored by Su Mo, such thoughts of inferiority cannot be completely eradicated.
In order to completely abandon this inferiority complex and gain racial self-confidence, the human race must rely on its own strength to win a big victory!
Although the previous battles were also effective, the scale was too small.
Only this time is the most suitable battle to wash away the shame.
As long as they win this time, no matter whether it is inside or outside the human race, they will definitely no longer regard the human race as a beast.
In order to achieve this, the help of others must not be enlisted.
“Even Master Su Mo.” Riku said boldly.
“We are here to prove to Master Su Mo that the race you chose at the beginning is definitely not a waste that only depends on your favor!”
“We have never forgotten the spirit of self-improvement that you taught us!”
After finishing speaking, Riku showed the reverent eyes of a fanatic, knelt down on the ground, and waited for Su Mo’s decision. state.
Chapter 605: The Opening of Killing the Gods
The reason why Liku begged Su Mo not to make a move. It is not to exclude Su Mo from the human race.
On the contrary, he put Su Mo above the position of God.
Since he is a god, he should naturally stand on an equal footing with a god.
The struggle between ethnic groups, especially the station of rectifying the name of the human race, can be left to them.
He didn’t want Su Mo to feel that after receiving so many favors, the human race was still a dou that couldn’t be supported.
To Riku’s determination.
Su Mo naturally had no reason to stop.
“The battle for the founding of the human race…”
He thought for a while, nodded with a smileroad.
“Now that you’ve made up your mind, go ahead and do it!”
Su Mo had naturally considered what Riku was concerned about.
Simply gaining strength is not enough to train the courage of the human species.
Although, the power of the human species is still not worth mentioning to Su Mo, and it doesn’t even affect him at all to obtain the star cup.
However, Su Mo did not intend to coddle the human species into scum like the Tianlong people.
Therefore, appropriate pressure and exercise are necessary.
Real gold is not afraid of red fire.
The army of the orcs now happens to be an opportunity.
Hearing that Su Mo agreed to his request, Riku felt much calmer.
After such a sonorous answer, he suddenly kowtowed to Su Mo three times.
Then, he said in a firm voice.
“Master Su Mo, please wait for our Triumph 220!”
This battle is a frontal battle that the human species has never experienced. No matter how ingenious he is, he never thinks that there will be no casualties this time.
As the three most powerful members of the human species, Riku naturally had the obligation to lead the way.
So this time, he didn’t know if he could come back alive.
The human race is led by Su Mo, so he doesn’t worry about what will happen to him if he dies.
Although I feel a little regretful that I may not see the day when the human race will flourish.
But he definitely doesn’t regret it.
Because he knows that his contribution is meaningful and can be turned into the cornerstone of the prosperity of the human species.
And to hear Riku’s firm words.
Su Mo nodded, then shook his head again.
“Although I also want to nod and agree to you, it may not necessarily be that you will come back before me.”
“Huh? Master Su Mo wants to travel far?”
Hearing this, Riku’s heart tightened.
It was precisely because of Su Mo sitting in charge that he was able to direct a tragic battle without distraction.
But what if Su Mo suddenly went outside to travel and died in battle.
The courage that humans have worked up so hard may be broken.
Although, even without him, (beae) Chroni can unite the entire human race.
But it will never be able to reach the level where Su Mo is here.
So subconsciously, he was a little worried.
“Well, the (, book, organized by ..[?F!,li.p”?pe!d”], (;: more new “.Book Contact 1!?3’431.”77 !4?7;8) It is indeed necessary to go out.”
Su Mo said casually, seemingly unaware of Riku’s nervousness.
Originally, Riku wanted to say something else, but after hearing the next sentence, he simply put the matter behind him.
“Since you have found an equal opponent, I can’t be lazy on my side.” Su Mo said with a light smile.
“Although they cannot be said to be equal in terms of strength, there is not much difference in status at present… I plan to go and solve a god-species in the past.”
He said this lightly, but Riku couldn’t take it lightly.
“What?! Master Su Mo, are you planning to attack the gods now?!”
He was actually not surprised by Su Mo’s move.
Su Mo had told him a long time ago that he wanted to end this war.
Therefore, it is only a matter of time before the gods are confronted.
He was surprised only because of the timing.
It is not a good thing for the human species to have two adventures at the same time.
As if seeing his concerns, Su Mo shook his head.
“Don’t worry, it’s just a delay for a mere god, it’s not an adventure.”
Hearing this, Riku was relieved a lot.
Having worked under Su Mo for many years, he knew that Su Mo was definitely not arrogant.
Since he dared to do this, he must have a 100% chance of winning.
“Compared to my side, you’d better worry about yourself.”
Su Mo looked at Riku in front of him.
With his current eyesight, he can clearly see the burning flames on Riku’s body.
Regarding the battle for the founding of the human race, it was not Su Mo who valued it the most, but Liku.
Su Mo, who has unparalleled strength, knows that even if he fails this battle, he still has thousands of ways to make the human race stand up again.
But for Riku, who is only a mere human species, the victory of this battle is the moment that human species is closest to the light in millions of years.
Therefore, he will not give up no matter what.
At this moment, Riku, like the saints in history, is ready to sacrifice at any time.
Although it couldn’t be seen from the outside, Su Mo could tell that he was very angry now.
Riku in this state must be able to maximize his strength.
But it is also because of this.
His condition is also the most dangerous.
If mortals are regarded as firewood, the more they burn, the faster they will be away from death.
According to Riku’s current awareness, it is estimated that he is ready to kill himself and become a benevolent.
Simply put, he is very likely to die in this battle.
After seeing this, Su Mo didn’t try to remind him or stop him.
He just said with a smile.
“Let go and do it!”
Hearing Su Mo’s encouragement, Riku suddenly felt a confidant in his heart.
Just as she was about to say something with tears in her eyes, Su Mo’s next sentence immediately shattered her success.
“Even if you die as a virgin, it will never affect your contribution to the human species. Come on! Riku!”
Riku, who was still full of pride, almost vomited blood.
“Lord Su Mo, don’t mention this on purpose!!”
Seeing Riku staggering, as if he had suffered an internal injury, he staggered down the stairs.
Jibril looked at him with pity, then turned his head back, and asked Su Mo curiously.
“Master Su Mo really doesn’t plan to do something?”
“If this goes on, that personMust die! ”
Up to now, Jibril has no prejudice against the human species.
Of course, there is still not much interest.
My main god is Kaguya
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