The reason why she asked specifically was because she felt that it was not Su Mo’s style to stand by and watch.
Hearing Jibril’s question, Su Mo shook his head.
“Since we made an appointment not to intervene, I will naturally not intervene, even if Riku and the others die because of this.”
After listening to this passage, Jibril did not comment. According to her understanding of Su Mo, her master is not such a pedantic type.
Sure enough, after Su Mo finished speaking, he quickly added.
“However, it just so happens that I feel that the strength of a pure human race is not enough to protect our own country. The inherent disadvantage of the race is too great.”
“So, it’s time to put the Heroic Spirit project as a guardian on the agenda.”
Isn’t it normal for Heroic Spirits to protect humanity? .
Chapter 606 How about sending you to despair
Using the third method, create guardians called Heroic Spirits in this world. Su Mo had already had this idea.
Although today’s human race has received the favor bestowed by Su Mo, it also has the cheats bestowed by Pandora.
It has a unique advantage in terms of raising the level of adventurers.
However, even so, there are definitely only a handful of adventurers who can reach LV8 and LV9 levels.
Although it hasn’t shown up yet.
But with the aptitude of the vast majority of people, even with the plug-in “One-hearted reverence”, most people can only stop at LV5 and LV6 at most.
Even Liku, Yiwan, and Arei, the three who have been the fastest in upgrading from the beginning, have been stuck at this level for half a month.
So you can imagine.
Afterwards, the human species may be able to have some strong individuals, but in terms of overall strength, they can still only be on the same level as the beastman and demon species.
Not to mention, even if it is a beastman, there will be [Blood Bad] individuals in it, who can improve their body functions to the physical limit, and their strength is comparable to that of a god-beast.
If this is the case, it may be regarded as an improvement in status compared to before.
But in Su Mo’s view, it was far from enough.
Su Mo didn’t think that the human species could be promoted to the level of top players such as the Flügel and Giant in one fell swoop.
Although he can indeed do this, doing so is simply giving priority to his strength, and has nothing to do with the human race itself.
What he wants is to be able to raise the limits of the human species.
It can also prevent them from relying too much on the gods, so that they become parasites.
The involvement of Heroes fits this perfectly.
Even adventurers of the same level.
In the state of being a heroic spirit, the strength that can be exerted, and the strength that can be exerted when being a human being are definitely not a ladder.
And with the help of Heroicization.
The human species can preserve heroes who have made great contributions to mankind.
This temptation of eternal life can in turn stimulate the honor of the human species.
With this design, there is no need to worry about them getting corrupted.
And the overall strength of the human race.
Also because of the existence of heroic spirits.
From the lowest level of the beastman and demon species to the middle level of the elves and goblins.
It’s just the right position.
How it develops in the future depends entirely on the efforts of the human species itself.
Su Mo had been thinking about this plan for a long time, but he didn’t make it official.
And this time, Riku’s battle just happened to be an opportunity to announce a new plan.
in future history books.
Today will definitely be recorded thickly and colorfully!
This day is the day when the first city in human history, Elchea, was successfully established.
This day is the battle for the founding of the human species, and finally abandons the scornful name of beast, and allows others to recognize intelligence.
This day is the day when the leader of the human race kills the gods.
at the same time.
It is also the day when heroes who protect the continuation of the human species – Heroic Spirits are born.

The history books feel that the days are magnificent.
For spectators living in this era, it often feels lackluster.
However, the emotions of the witnesses of the historical events at this moment are far more complicated than people imagined.
In the palace of the elves.
The contemporary queen – Xin Ke? Neil Valen I.
Sitting high on the throne, there was no one under her feet.
Today the ministers are at home listening to the oracle left by Cainas yesterday.
Xinke Nierbalian, the emperor known as the “Queen of the Corolla”, maybe they don’t need to go to court today.
The courtiers all thought it was Her Majesty’s thoughtfulness.
But no one knew that the reason why she did this was to clean the hall and welcome the distinguished guests.
No, it cannot be said to be a distinguished guest. This word is somewhat fallacious.
Rather, it should be said——
“Master, you are finally here!”
Seeing Jibril and Su Mo shifting from the empty space, Xinke Niervalen showed a look of joy.
…seeking flowers 0…
After clarifying the situation with Jibril.
At that time, she gave a proposal to rank Senshen.
And since Su Mo appeared here, that means——
“Has Master Su Mo accepted my proposal?” The beautiful girl dressed as the elf queen asked expectantly.
Su Mo nodded.
“Although you don’t need to clear out all the miscellaneous fish gods if you want to obtain the star cup, but since they are obstacles, you still need to clear them out.”
In fact, Cainas did not offend Su Mo.
The reason why you want to kill Senshen is not because of personal favorblame.
The initial conflict was simply because they wanted to experiment with the golden sword and wanted to subdue Xin Ke Nilvalen.
… 0;
From Su Mo’s point of view, Xinke Nierbalian, a genius at the level of God’s Domain, is worth much more than a mere coward.
But now, there is no need to test the power of the golden sword.
Originally, Su Mo was about to forget about this coward.
But since Cainas sneaked back again.
It can only be said that he was unlucky.
Su Mo didn’t want this guy to affect his subordinate’s art research.
Moreover, before arriving here, he temporarily thought of another thing.
“I happen to have a new idea here, and I need to verify it. It seems that I am lucky.” Su Mo looked at Jibril beside him, and said with a light smile.
Jibril blinked her eyes and looked at her master ignorantly, not understanding what Su Mo suddenly thought of.
Su Mo didn’t intend to explain either.
Under his signal, Her Majesty the Queen of the Elves communicated directly with the emerald gemstone in her hand with magic power.
Cainas was contacted directly.
“Huh? Didn’t you just come back yesterday? Why did you contact me so soon?”
Kainas on the other side of the gem looked bewildered.
Could it be that the elves have any urgent information?
——When the parties involved were still ignorant, the chapter of killing gods in the history books has already kicked off. Four.
Chapter 607: The Fall of the Gods and the Essence of the Gods
For Cainas, this contact was naturally unexpected. The matters after the elves have been arranged yesterday, and everything that needs to be said has been prepared.
He has been prepared for more than ten years without being contacted, and has been hiding outside secretly.
But I didn’t expect that it was just the next day.
Xin Ke contacted himself again.
For the immortal gods, a day is too short, no different from the blink of an eye for a mortal.
What can happen in such a short time?
Just asked out of doubt.
My main god is Kaguya
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