A very happy voice came from the opposite side of the gem.
“Master Cainas, I’m here to surprise you!”
Hearing this, Cainas was taken aback.
“Surprise? What surprise?”
“Could it be that the god who attacked me on February 20 was killed by the God of War? ”
After much deliberation, the only surprise he could think of was this one.
Although I don’t think it’s such a coincidence, but… what if?
Even gods have luck.
So, after thinking of this possibility, he immediately projected his consciousness over excitedly.
He saw the smiling Flügel in front of him – Jibril, and that figure like a nightmare.
Su Mo!
“what happened?!”
It’s too late to ask Xinke Nierbalian about his current situation.
The moment he saw Su Mo, Senshen immediately cut off his consciousness and prepared to run away.
It doesn’t matter to him whether Xin Ke Nilvalen betrayed or was threatened.
The important thing is that he is now in danger.
In the face of the crisis of life, what kind of betrayal, what kind of elf is completely unimportant.
The only thing he cares about now is to run away quickly, to a place where the other party can’t find him, or where he has no way to attack.
However, just as Cainas used the space spell many times, he shifted his position several times.
When he thought he had initially escaped the opponent’s pursuit.
Behind him, suddenly remembered a smiling voice.
“I finally received a surprise, and ran away without even looking at it. Isn’t it too impolite?”
Looking back, the girl Flügel was teasing and staring at him with fanatical eyes.
Kaina’s neck felt cold for a moment.
Because there is 100% killing intent in this frenzied eyes.
What frightened him even more was the man next to the Flügel.
“It’s really not good to run away when you see us, as if we are some bad people.”
Su Mo nodded seriously, and echoed Jibril’s statement.
“Hmm! Master Su Mo is right!”
Jibril nodded and leaned against Su Mo, looking like a loyal dog.
Seeing the performance of the two, Kainas cursed inwardly.
You are not bad people who are bad people?
A month ago, he stayed in his own forest, eating fruit and singing, doing nothing.
He was suddenly summoned by the elders, and then rounded up by the other party.
If you think about it carefully, the situation at that time was exactly the same as it is now.
All of a sudden, they were found by the two of them.
Then, it fell into a life crisis.
This time, when he heard the two people’s inappropriate words, Kainas originally wanted to yell at them and expose their true colors.
But the opponent was too strong, he felt that he might not be able to beat him.
So he had no choice but to hold his hand, pretending to be skeptical and asking.
“I believe that you two are not bad people, but I still want to ask, what is the surprise in your mouth?”
While saying that, he racked his brains desperately, thinking of a way to escape.
Space movement is useless, probably because of the talent of the Flügel, if this is the case, they may be able to escape with the help of camouflage.
Just when his mind was changing rapidly.
“That’s right, Master Su Mo! What’s the surprise?”
Jibril made a fist with her right hand and hammered the palm of her left hand.
Then he asked Su Mo pretending to be ignorant.
“Surprise, of course, is a gift.” Su Mo replied leisurely.
He noticed that Cainas was trying to find a way to escape, but he wasn’t worried.
NowHis strength is no longer on the same level as before, even if it is the same strength, there is a world of difference in his ability to use it.
At this time, Cainas has also found a breakthrough point…
Whether it was front, rear, left, right, four directions, or above the sky, Jibril, who was a Flügel, could easily catch them.
Only the depths of the earth are difficult for the Flügel to reach.
As the god of the forest, he has the ability to sneak into the deep layers of the earth.
Therefore, while accumulating divine power, Kainas dealt with it casually.
“If it’s just a gift, you can give it anything you want.”
“It’s great to be so open-minded!”
Su Mo smiled at this answer.
At the same time, in the palm of his hand, there was a golden sword blade that gradually grew out of nothing.
On the translucent gold blade, a bright brilliance shines.
Under the shining light, Su Mo spoke his last lines.
“If that’s the case, how about sending you to despair?”
As soon as the words fell, the forest god Cainas, who had been on guard for a long time, burst out with divine power, and plunged into the depths of the earth.
Although the power of the God of Plants is not enough for him to dive too deep into the bottom layer.
But now is the time of crisis, and I can’t take care of so much.
Even if he used divine power to forcibly open the way, he had to get as close to the depths of the earth’s crust as possible.
Although with his ability, it is still impossible to go deep into the earth’s core.
But he didn’t believe it.
If you go deep into the asthenosphere where the magma originated, can the opponent directly penetrate the crust, and then go to the asthenosphere to find 0.4 to find yourself?
I have to say that Cainas has a clever idea.
This god who only wants to save his life does have a unique idea when it comes to saving his life.
I’m afraid even Artoxiu can’t think of it, he can still have this trick.
It’s no wonder that in the original book, he was forced to go to Tetu’s era.
Su Mo is not Artoxiu.
Whether it is space or the earth, he has already taken it into consideration.
When Cainas drilled into the ground and found that no one was following him, he even laughed wildly.
“Hahaha! Didn’t expect that, this is my escape route!”
But in less than a few seconds.
He directly hit a transparent, golden wall.
Chapter 608: I’m Happy
——If you walk on the plain and see a wall, you can’t see the end from left to right, and you will never reach the border. The name of this wall, then, is death.
Today, what Cainas is facing is exactly like this, a golden wall that can’t see the edge at all,
Not only can’t see the edge.
This golden wall is actually still shrinking!
In a situation where Cainas was completely unable to resist, the transparent golden wall perfectly ignored the earth and rocks.
Like a fishing net specially designed to catch fish, he was picked up directly.
And in a very short time, brought him back to the earth.
At this moment, what should have been a lush forest was directly covered by a sea of ​​gold.
Hundreds of thousands of golden sword blades stand on the ground.
Formed a huge, golden sword world.
It looks very similar to Xingyue’s secret magic – inherent enchantment.
However, this is also the original usage of the golden sword.
Su Mo just made a slight modification.
Surrounded by the whole world, no matter how Kainas could escape, there was finally no room for resistance.
Nor did he have any illusions about being able to escape.
“Do you think you’ve got me?!”
My main god is Kaguya
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