In terms of action, she will only stand on Su Mo’s side.
But in her heart, she must still feel the torment of killing her former clan.
She originally wanted to keep this contradiction deep in her heart, and she didn’t want Su Mo to worry about her.
But now, after seeing Su Mo’s move to subdue the elves, her little head immediately opened up.
Wait until the God of War Artoxiu is defeated, and then repeat this scene.
Wouldn’t it be possible to directly receive those Flügel under his command?
In this case.
Not only can it avoid the massacre of the same race, but it can also give Su Mo a powerful subordinate.
…seeking flowers 0…
And more importantly, Jibril will inevitably become the new leader of the Flügel at that time.
“Hehehe, in this case, people can bully that idiot Azrael for a while!”
Thinking of this, Jibril’s expression looked a little abnormal.
Seeing her like this, Su Mo patted her on the head.
“What are you thinking! We should go back!”
“G, is the master leaving now?”
Hearing Su Mo’s words, before Jibril responded, Xinke Niervalen said with some reluctance.
It seems that because Su Mo has completely resolved her worries, her dependence on Su Mo has increased a lot.
In addition, for the past month, Su Mo has been on the side of the human species, so he hasn’t come to see her very much.
… 0;So she thought Su Mo would stay for a while.
Su Mo nodded.
“The human species is also in a critical period at the moment, and we need to go back and take care of it.”
Although he knew what Xin Ke meant, he still didn’t plan to stay here for a long time.
“You recently remembered to order the elves to shrink strategically. I’m already planning to close the net. After I get the star cup, how long will I be able to stay together in the future?”
After roughly arranging the future affairs, Su Mo comforted the elf queen in front of him.
Sure enough, after hearing him say that he was going to close the net, Xinke Niervalen immediately showed an excited expression.
She is not the kind of little woman who likes to be sticky and make love with children.
Although she was indeed somewhat reluctant, she cared more about Su Mo’s plan than this emotion.
“Strategic contraction?”
What is this going to do?
Could it be that there is some amazing army that wants to sweep this forest?
Could it be the Flügel Legion?
She looked at Jibril at the side suspiciously, thinking that it should be impossible.
Although it hurts my self-esteem to say so. However, they elves are not qualified to be targeted collectively by the Flügel.
Regarding Xinke’s question, Su Mo put off the question and didn’t answer directly.
After saying goodbye, he brought Jibril back to the city of the human species. Four.
Chapter 612: Heroic Spirits Who Receive Noble Souls
During the battle between Su Mo and Senshen. It was also the period when the Human race army led by Riku fought against the Beastman race army.
With the help of the Ex-Machinas, the first city of mankind – Elchea, was officially built.
The first capital city of mankind, the city wall is towering, and the city construction itself is also magnificent, a bit more majestic and heroic than the capital of the elves.
And at the gate of Elchea.
All human species gathered on both sides of the avenue, looking forward to the outside world.
They are waiting for the arrival of their own army.
For Su Mo, the battle for the founding of the human race may be just a trial.
But for the people of the human race, it was nothing like a torment.
“Can the army really win? The enemy is a beastman!”
“Shouldn’t the city be built in the first place, or it wouldn’t be in such danger…”
“Although there is Lord Su Mo’s blessing, can our “220” human race really win against other races? ”
Under the leadership of Su Mo, the strength of the human species has made great progress.
However, the common sense that has been passed down for millions of years is still deeply rooted.
Before Su Mo, the human race relied on this common sense to survive.
But after the human race became stronger, this common sense also became the source of restraining their minds and making them feel inferior.
Under Su Mo’s command, many human races have actually had small-scale encounters with orcs and demons.
And win more and lose less.
This fact actually aroused a lot of self-confidence of the human species.
Many people also began to think that the human race would never lose to other races.
After the start of this battle for the founding of the nation, in which all troops were invested.
The emotion of fear once again breeds in people’s hearts.
The more beautiful the city, the more atmospheric the house.
The more uneasy they felt.
Are their human races really qualified to be on an equal footing with other races?
Can they really have such a beautiful city?
Such thoughts will inevitably pop up in my mind suddenly.
However, even everyone will inevitably have this idea in their hearts.
But no one uttered such dejected words.
They are all the best to survive the apocalypse.
They are all people who have experienced unimaginable difficulties.
These doomsday survivors understand a truth very well.
That is, no matter how afraid you are, you must show a strong posture.
The enemy will not let you go because you begged for mercy.
But you will choose to give up because you don’t look easy to mess with.
Living to death, before the arrival of Su Mo, was the code of human existence in this world.
And at this moment, the strongest army among them is at war with the enemy.
How could they say frustrating words at this time, chilling their hearts?
In this situation.
The humans who stayed behind looked into the distance without saying a word, but their eyes were full of fire.
Seeing this scene, Su Mo nodded with a smile.
“This is the trial!”
It is like gold ore containing impurities being thrown into the fire to be calcined.
At this moment, there are more distracting thoughts in people’s minds.
Wait until the news of victory comes.
The greater the impact on them.
It is well known that when impurities are calcined, pure gold is obtained.
The same goes for the people in front of you.
After the distracting thoughts in the heart are forced out, and then hit by the hammer of victory, the mental state of the entire human race will also rise to a level, reaching the level of toughness like steel.
On this point, both Liku and Su Mo’s views are very accurate.
But now, everyone’s psychological threshold has reached its peak.
“All is ready except for the opportunity……”
Su Mo said softly, raised his head after a few seconds, and looked towards the city gate.
The people who had been keeping quiet and looking forward to it suddenly made a loud noise.
“Good news!”
The sound of horseshoes sounded from far to near, and the messengers who reported in advance waved their flags to tell their compatriots the good news.
Accompanied by his roaring with all his strength.
It’s like forging a material with a hammer.
The expressions on everyone’s faces changed.
There is surprise, there is sluggishness, there is fanaticism, and there is pride.
My main god is Kaguya
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