As Riku expected.
HumanityFor the first time in history, the orcs were defeated on a frontal battlefield. This news brought a huge shock to the human race.
After the surprise, the people got carried away for a while, and stepped forward one after another to find the messenger for more detailed information.
The knight who sent the message ignored them.
Instead, he rushed towards Su Mo with a heavy face.
This information was to be passed on to the leader, Lord Su Mo, immediately.
And saw the heavy expression on his face.
The people who had been cheering at the beginning seemed to understand something.
Everyone stopped laughing and gathered around…
On the largest square in the city, everyone surrounded them.
Surrounded by the crowd, the messenger knelt on one knee and handed the news to Su Mo.
Su Mo received the victory report, but did not read it, but looked at the sad-faced messenger.
“According to Riku’s previous calculations, the battle situation shouldn’t be too tragic, right?”
The orderly returned with a heavy tone.
“According to the prior arrangements, under the leadership of Master Riku, our side has the terrain advantage, and it was indeed a big victory.”
“However, even Riku-sama didn’t expect that there are blood-bad individuals hidden in the beastman army this time!”
Hearing this news, the surrounding crowd gasped.
The blood-bad individual among the beastmen can be said to be the highest ranking beastman.
His physical fitness is on the verge of physical limits, and his combat power is even comparable to that of a beast.
Beastmen of this level are enough to fight against one person, even adventurers of LV6 level are definitely not their opponents.
Encountering such an individual, even annihilation of the entire army is possible.
But if that’s the case…why did he say good news before?
Could it be, even in the face of a blood-bad individual? They also won?
Thinking of this possibility, everyone looked at each other in blank dismay, not daring to speak out.
Because this is so out of line with common sense.
“After confirming this information, Master Riku immediately made a decision to let us continue to hunt down the orc army. Master Riku himself led the LV5 special team 0.4 with General Arei and General Iwan , attracting the Blood Bad individual to the Jedi.”
The messenger said with a sob.
“I don’t know exactly what happened after that. After we wiped out the beastman army, we tried to reinforce Riku-sama.
After the investigation, it was discovered that Lord Riku, Lord Arei, and Lord Ivan led their troops to lead the enemy’s blood-bad individuals into the abyss, and then designed to trigger a landslide, and both sides have died together! ”
The blood-bad individuals on the orc side were killed, and thousands of troops were also wiped out.
On the human race side, only a few hundred soldiers were lost.
This battle is of course a good news.
Simply comparing the number of casualties, it can even be said to be a big victory.
The premise is – all three generals are still alive.
If the three generals are all dead, although the human species has an advantage in comparison, but when it comes to losses, it is not so simple and measurable.
Chapter 613 400,000 Ex-Machina Steel Torrents Dispatch
After listening to the news from the messenger. The excitement on everyone’s faces stagnated, and everyone fell silent.
If you simply look at the results of the battle, this time it is indeed a big victory.
However, the deaths of Riku, Arei, and Iwan were also an extremely heavy price.
In the entire human race settlement.
What people fear the most is naturally Su Mo, the leader and god.
However, Su Mo’s position is so respected that even if he has no airs, people will involuntarily keep a sufficient distance.
So, compare.
Chroni, who is a priestess, and Riku, who is an executive, are the leaders who are closer to the people.
Especially Liku, because of his easy-to-use brain, Su Mo never let him rest.
From the very beginning, he was trained as a perfect tool man.
Because of this, he has the heaviest responsibility and is more respected than Chroni.
Riku’s death is bad news for all human species.
Not to mention, two generals, 14 Arei and Iwan, who had recently gained fame, also died in this war.
Suddenly people don’t know what to say.
Should we celebrate our victories, or should we remember our teammates?
When human beings are at a loss, they often seek support like gods.
This time was no exception, everyone looked at Su Mo one after another.
“According to the original plan, celebrate this great victory!”
Su Mo waved his hand and gave the order without blinking.
Although most people are still a little confused, thinking that it is not good to only focus on the big victory, but the prestige of the leader played a role at this time.
The confused people subconsciously followed Su Mo’s instructions.
Just before they set off to prepare, though.
Su Mo’s supplementary voice sounded.
“Before the celebration work is ready, gather at the square first, and remember the heroic spirits here!”
After hearing these words, the people seemed to have received the answer, and they raised their enthusiasm one after another.
They are the last human beings living in the apocalypse. Even though they are sad because of the death of Riku and others, they are not so weak that they don’t know what to do.
Celebrate when there is victory, remember when there is sacrifice.
It makes sense.
And when everyone prepared the flowers, fruits and vegetables stored in advance, as well as milk, wine and meat, and wanted to celebrate the victory of the founding of the country with rich food.
After hearing the news, Clowney threw herself on Su Mo with red eyes, but didn’t say much.
Human beings in this world have long been used to parting with their loved ones.
Riku could be regarded as a younger brother that Clowney had picked up at the beginning, but since he died in the battle of martyrdom, she would only be proud of this younger brother and would never regret it.
“don’t worry.”
Su Mo touched Clooney’s head.
“Riku is such a useful tool man, I have no intention of letting him go.”
Hearing what Su Mo said, Clooney was stunned.
Is this human?
But immediately, she thought of something, and suddenly opened her eyes in disbelief.
However, before she had time to ask.
Su Mo let go of his hand and walked to the high platform in the center of the square.
At this time, all the people who were ready to celebrate had gathered here, and they stood quietly without making any noise, as if they were expressing their grief.
After Su Mo stepped onto the high platform, everyone’s eyes subconsciously looked at him.
Everyone is waiting for the eulogy of the gods.
Come and give those generals and hundreds of heroes a commensurate honor.
However, unexpectedly.
Su Mo on the high platform didn’t speak. Everyone looked over suspiciously, and could only hear the soft sound of two huge flames burning below the high platform.
Su Mo gently raised his hand, and the sacred flame under the platform suddenly swelled to a height of several meters, attracting everyone’s attention.
Amidst the burning flames, Su Mo’s voice came belatedly.
“Whoever fights for others shall not perish but have eternal life.”
“Here, I create a new race called Heroic Spirits—accommodating all noble souls.”
The voice just fell.
At the moment when people couldn’t understand the meaning of Su Mo’s words, they didn’t react at all.
Under the high platform, the sacred flame moved!
Like a golden shadow forming in the flames.
The sacred flame burned with a golden color and immediately attracted the attention of all human races. Even Fan Lou, the suspicious god, looked over curiously.
Then, a golden figure stepped out from the sacred flame.
Gradually, a familiar posture appeared.
“Great! Riku is not dead!”
“No, no, he was resurrected by Lord Su Mo!”
The miracle of the resurrection of the dead appeared in front of everyone. At first, some people didn’t understand the situation, but they were quickly reminded by those who understood.
My main god is Kaguya
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