This is back from the dead!
The revived Riku also looked confused at first.
However, since he was born as a heroic spirit, a lot of knowledge was naturally instilled in his mind.
At this time, he quickly understood his situation, and understood that it was Su Mo who gave him a new life.
Just when Liku was about to kneel on the ground to express his gratitude to Su Mo.
“Give way!”
Behind him, Arei, also emerging from the flames, pushed him away.
At the same time, a figure emerged from the sacred flame on the other side.
One by one, the soldiers who fought to the death for the human species were transformed into heroic spirits and born from the flames.
Moreover, it is not only the dead who died in this battle for the founding of the nation.
People soon discovered that before that, the warriors who died to protect mankind also appeared from the flames.
Although the light on these Heroic Spirits was relatively dim, it was not as dazzling as Riku.
But slowly, hundreds of people gathered.
Soon, under Riku’s command, the Heroic Spirit’s army automatically formed a square formation.
Their loved ones were sobbing around, tears filled with joy.
There was a sound of “shua”.
All the heroic spirits born from the flames knelt down to Su Mo, and all of them looked very devoutly, thanking Su Mo for the new life he had given him.
The sharpest Riku discovered it even more.
His basic physical fitness is not only much stronger.
Even the adventurer level directly crossed the LV5 barrier and reached LV6.
Moreover, if he did not miscalculate, both Arei and Iwan, like him, had gained enough experience and great achievements in this battle to be promoted to a new level.
The other heroic spirits have more or less similar improvements.
This made him extremely excited.
With the strength of the Heroic Spirit Army and the prospect of continuing to grow stronger.
Today’s human species can already be said to be really not afraid of the whole race of orcs.
If this potential can be fully utilized.
They are even qualified to build a civilization equal to that of the elves.
“The human species can really become great!”
After realizing this, he cast a fanatical look at Su Mo.
“As expected of Lord Su Mo! As expected of our savior of mankind!”.
Chapter 614 The original god came from the entrustment of walnut
With the current strength of the human species, there is still a certain gap compared with the orc species.
Not to mention the basic combat power, in terms of high-end combat power, there is more than one blood-bad individual of the orc race.
For this kind of power comparable to that of a beast, even an adventurer at the LV6 level can only protect himself at most.
However, even so, Riku’s judgment was not wrong.
This is because the existence of Heroic Spirits is too outrageous.
This way of existence that transcends the level of life and death is simply unreasonable.
Even if a soldier is killed in battle, he can still gain stronger strength as a heroic spirit and continue to exert his fighting power.
If this continues, it will take time.
The Heroic Spirit Legion will be powerful to an unparalleled level.
Although I don’t know how it compares to the Flügel.
But as long as it accumulates, Riku feels that the Legion of Heroic Spirits will inevitably snowball and become stronger and stronger, and it should be no problem to be comparable to the elves.
There are actually two misunderstandings in Riku’s thinking.
First, it is not that simple to become a Heroic Spirit.
Although the conditions set by Su Mo were not harsh, they were not honors that anyone could obtain.
In fact, there are hundreds of Heroic Spirits born today.
Most of them are heroic spirits recognized collectively because of the particularity of the Battle of the Founding of the Nation.
In the future, if there is no big event, if you want to become a heroic spirit, you mustOnly have unique talents or contributions.
Second, it lies in his misjudgment of the strength of the heroic spirit.
Heroic spirits are the crystallization of human fantasy.
Sometimes, even if it is wrong information, if it is recognized, it will get corresponding power.
Now, they have completed the feat of defeating the blood-bad individuals of the orcs as humans. Because of this incident, they have received the corresponding inheritance correction.
Not to mention the changes in the inherent skills possessed by Riku and Iwan.
The “beast transformation” skill possessed by Arei has been quietly upgraded to the level of “simulating blood damage” due to the reason of fighting with the blood-bad individuals.
Even among the orcs, it is an extremely rare ability, but at this moment it is directly mastered by a mere human.
The human species, whose ultimate traits are learning and imitation, will progress faster than anyone expected after they have truly acquired the seeds of power.
Even the magic formulas of the elves are not completely impossible for the heroic spirits to master.
It is estimated that these things will not be discovered by everyone until later.
And at this moment…
Because of the birth of the heroic spirit, people who were still sad for the sacrifice directly entered a new carnival.
The establishment of the city, the establishment of the human species, the victory of the war, the return of relatives and friends…
Under this series of stimuli, everyone drank and reveled, singing and dancing crazily.
Even Riku, who doesn’t drink much, couldn’t bear to persuade him, and got into a fight with everyone.
When the whole city is jubilant.
Su Mo also sat on the high platform, enjoying the banquet accompanied by Jibril and Chroni.
Sitting opposite him was the young goddess who had been tricked by him—the God of Suspicion, Fanlou.
After being tortured by Su Mo as a social animal, Fan Lou is obviously much more cheerful now.
As long as Su Mo doesn’t let her continue to do repetitive work every day, she will be very happy.
“”Doubtful”, why do you drink when you are happy’-? ”
The young goddess tilted her head and looked at the wine glass in front of her.
Hubi, who was beside her, immediately filled a glass of rice wine for her.
Fanlou, who was already curious about this, immediately drank it in one gulp.
The immature little face has not changed at all.
——For gods, spirits are no different from water, let alone rice wine with such a low alcohol content.
Seeing her ignorant look, Su Mo smiled and explained her confusion.
“Humans like wine, which is a habit passed down a long time ago.”
“According to speculation, this is an instinct left over from the wild period when humans were still in the collection stage.”
“The collection period mainly depends on wild fruits and other plants for survival, and the aroma of alcohol produced after the fruit is ripe and fermented often indicates delicious food and sufficient sugar.”
“It is precisely because of this that humans have a preference for the aroma of alcohol, and gradually fixed this instinct into their genes, gradually evolving into the current custom.”
“Of course, this is just the most likely conjecture, and other explanations cannot be ruled out.”
After hearing Su Mo’s words, Fan Lou was not as serious as before, but remembered this possibility.
“That’s how it is. Because alcohol was associated with delicious food at first, did humans later equate alcohol with happiness?”
It has to be said that this practice of human beings is not rigorous, and even leads to the vice of alcoholism.
But as a process of evolution, there is nothing to blame.
After all, people who are not sensitive to the taste of alcohol will have more difficulty obtaining ripe fruit, and their survival rate will decrease accordingly.
The side effects of alcoholism are nothing compared to survival.
“”Opinions accepted”, Fan Lou thinks this possibility is very high! ”
After making his own judgment, Fan Lou decided to keep this explanation in his mind, tentatively making it a highly reliable hypothesis.
After finishing storing, she looked at Su Mo with more satisfaction.
Although the other party is suspected of deceiving him, he has always been able to answer his questions patiently.
Now she felt that Su Mo was quite reliable.
Seeing Fanlou’s happy look, Su Mo couldn’t help teasing her.
After making a fuss for a while, he casually brought up the topic.
“.-By the way, Fanlou, from tomorrow, let the Ex-Machina fight against all races except the human race!”
To hear him say such horrible things in such a casual tone.
Clooney shook her hand and almost knocked over the wine glass.
Jibril on the side was very calm, presumably she knew Su Mo’s plan a long time ago.
The sail building across the table was equally calm.
“I agree, but why did you do it all of a sudden? ”
My main god is Kaguya
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