She was bullied by Su Mo just this morning, and she knew her position very well.
She is Su Mo’s property, so she can’t resist Su Mo’s order, just follow suit.
However, she was still very interested in the reason why Su Mo did this.
Isn’t the Ex-Machinas analyzing the macroscopic application of the unified field theory? Why the sudden pull to declare war?
Su Mo’s answer was equally straightforward.
“I want to get the Star Cup and end this war. It is the most efficient way to directly let the Ex-Machinas take action.”
In the original book, there are only more than 10,000 Ex-Machina species, which are enough to withstand the divine blow and send the God of War (the one who has) Ertexiu back to the mythology.
Today, under Su Mo’s plan, there are a total of 400,000 ex-Machinas.
It can be said that the army composed of this torrent of steel is already considered unstoppable in this world.
To obtain the star cup, one needs to show extreme strength.
And with the current strength of the Ex-Machinas, they can easily eliminate all unqualified opponents just by overwhelming the entire planet..
Su Mo only needs to show the ultimate strength in the last can, and let the star cup appear.
The reason given by Su Mo is straightforward, without concealing it.
If other gods hear about it, they will definitely feel resentment in their hearts. Except for Artosh, the god of war, there is no god who doesn’t want to get the star cup. Su Mo is blatantly grabbing benefits.
But Fanlou is different, she is not interested in the Star Cup, only in Su Mo.
Now that Su Mo has stated her reasons, she has no reason not to support them.
“Understood”, Fan Tower will help you, this is the contract application. ”
The young goddess answered solemnly.
Chapter 615
The birth of the heroic spirits, the human race was confirmed as a new race by the beast race, and the replacement of the Sen Shen. The overwhelming changes all happened on the same day.
After people have not yet fully adapted to the new changes, they fell asleep with excitement.
the next day……
A torrent of steel swept across the entire world.
At the same time, the 400,000 Ex-Machinas who analyzed the spells of the elves, the power of the Flügel, and the cards of the dragon elves, no longer huddled outside the human city, poured out on this day.
Just a day’s work.
This invincible steel army has already swept across the entire planet.
Just like the “God’s Whip” Attila in the history of other planets, all the races on the planet were plunged into horror.
All are aware.
On this planet that is on the verge of limit due to the war, the final decisive battle is about to start.
The torrent of the times is about to reach its peak!

Su Mo in the world of Game Life has made up his mind to end the war of the gods.
When he ordered the Ex-Machinas who had been dormant for a long time to whip the world.
another world.
On the continent named Tevat, Su Mo was fishing.
It is not accurate to say that it is fishing.
Seriously, he was drinking tea.
It was still Tian Tiezui’s storytelling shop, he 220 and Zhongli sat facing each other, and the two of them drank the tea quietly, surrounded by the fragrance of tea.
However, this peace was soon broken.
“I always feel that after Su Mo got to know Zhong Li, he became more and more lazy!” Paimeng said with a serious face while floating in the air with his arms folded.
After Yan Wang Dijun died unexpectedly.
Entrusted by Ningguang, Ying and Paimeng went to Liyue Mountain to visit the immortals and send messages to them.
During this period, although Su Mo was with them at critical moments.
When I was on the road, I often left for something.
Curious about this, Ying and Paimeng tracked down Su Mo, only to find that he was just drinking tea with Zhong Li.
I saw Zhongli, not some other sneaky cat.
Ying felt much relieved.
Paimon was always dissatisfied, she always suspected that Su Mo was secretly eating something delicious.
“Anyway, the immortals have been notified, so it’s okay to take a break!”
Ying, who was sitting next to Su Mo, naturally spoke towards Su Mo.
“Moreover, now that we have the income of honorary knights, we don’t have to rush to make money as before (beae)!”
Speaking of which, she was indeed very happy.
The treatment of the honorary knights of the West Wind Knights is really good. Although it is not enough to make people rich, it is not difficult to live a luxurious life.
With a teleportation anchor, she would run back to the Zephyr Knights every week to receive her salary.
Therefore, in addition to notifying the immortals, and taking some commissions along the way, come to (this “? Book by!? [Flip? p, ed!!]!. ‘系;134!?317;?747;,8;) After Liyue, Ying didn’t go to the Adventurer’s Association too much.
“makes sense.”
Hearing this, Paimon nodded happily.
Ying and Su Mo originally had a mansion in Mond City, and they usually didn’t have much money to spend, and most of their living expenses were spent on food.
As for food, neither Ying nor Su Mo treated Paimeng harshly.
Therefore, since he was able to receive the honorary knight’s salary, Paimon’s small life is also going well.
Moreover, because she won’t gain weight, Paimeng usually eats more than Su Mo and Ying combined.
As for Paimeng’s accusation, Su Mo completely ignored it without raising his eyes.
“If you have time to say that I’m lazy, why don’t you wipe your mouth first.”
Paimon touched his mouth subconsciously, and his face blushed.
After hearing this, Ying raised her head, and she saw the dessert crumbs on the corner of Paimon’s mouth.
Looking again, Paimon had already eaten all the refreshments on the table by himself.
She couldn’t help being a little annoyed and funny, Gang Paimeng wiped her mouth.
Zhong Li on the other side also spoke accordingly.
“In general reason, laziness is not contagious.”
“Besides, drinking tea is also an elegant taste, we are not being lazy.”
He took Paimon’s allegations very seriously.
During this period of time, Paimeng, who had become familiar with Zhongli, didn’t think too much about it, and complained directly.
“Could it be Zhongli that you still want to say that the two of you drinking tea all day are talking about business?”
Hearing this, Su Mo smiled slightly.
They were really talking about business.
Meet friends with tea.
Zhongli naturally wanted to know more about Su Mo who suddenly appeared under his control, at least to make sure that he would not hinder his plan or be detrimental to Li Yue.
And Su Mo, who knows Zhongli’s layout, also plans to step in to speed up Ying’s growth.
Although the goals of the two hit it off, but mutual trust between the two parties requires a certain basic understanding.
This is also the purpose of fishing with Zhongli these days.
However, it is not suitable to tell Ying about this matter for the time being.
Not to hide it from her.
Instead, wait until the time is over before telling her.
Otherwise, completely upNo more exercise.
So he didn’t open his mouth, he wanted to see how Zhongli was doing.
On Zhongli’s side, seeing that Su Mo had no intention of speaking for him, he shook his head helplessly.
Fortunately, apart from the unspoken plans this time, he really had something to tell Su Mo.
“There is indeed a business. Someone asked me to convey a message to Mr. Su Mo, and asked Mr. Su Mo to do me a favor.”
Hearing this, Su Mo was really surprised.
“Someone is looking for me?”
“Besides Liyue Qixing, will anyone notice me, an ordinary adventurer?”
This is a bit strange.
Although in Mond, Su Mo and Ying’s reputation spread widely.
But in Liyue, they are still an unknown type.
It’s not because Liyue doesn’t care about Mond’s news.
And simply because Su Mo and others traveled too fast, although the news of Mond reached Liyue, it had not officially reached Liyue Port.
So no one knows the news that Mond’s honorary knight retired to defeat the dragon.
“From the perspective of universal reason, whether it is your Excellency or a traveler, it is definitely not an ordinary adventurer.”
My main god is Kaguya
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