“Oh, so this is Mr. Zhongli’s evaluation of me!”
He took a playful look at the Keqing who he had hired from Xiangshengtang.
Walnut counted his chin with his white fingers, and said thoughtfully.
“Speaking of which, the recent reimbursement bills of Xiangshengtang seem to have increased sharply, shouldn’t they be strictly reviewed!”
She seemed to be talking about things that had nothing to do with the present.
But after Zhong Li heard it, his expression changed.
He has always used the reimbursement form of Xiangshengtang as a universal card for paying bills.
Although most of the daily necessities are recorded in Dadalia, the account of the North Country Bank.
However, there are many things that are not easy to talk about in the reimbursement form at the Resurrection Hall.
Hu Tao’s words just hit his weakness.
After clearing his throat, Zhong Li, who understood the situation, immediately changed his words.
“The master of the Walnut hall is eccentric, and quite clever, lively and cheerful, and has his own principles. He can be called an outstanding man of the moment.”
“I think Mr. Su Mo, a well-informed traveler, may have a lot in common with Hall Master Hutao. It’s rare to meet together. How many people will sit down and have a cup of tea together?”
Looking at Zhongli’s appearance, his complexion remained unchanged.
But it feels like an old father who was caught by his daughter’s weakness and had to compromise, so he wanted to take the opportunity to marry his daughter off.
He immediately turned Hu Tao’s attention to Su Mo.
Hu Tao, who is quite reasonable, naturally saw Zhongli’s plan.
But she didn’t intend to really care about Zhongli’s reimbursement behavior, and she was really interested in Su Mo, so she immediately came over.
“Since Mr. Zhongli has said so, you two don’t mind if I sit here?” She replied with a smile.
Ying and Su Mo naturally had no objection, and Paimeng, who had received the promise of ten big meals, completely forgot about being frightened, and regarded Walnut as a friend of a rich local tyrant.
A table of four people, plus Paimon flying in the air, is considered full.
Looking at the lively red plum girl beside her.
Su Mo felt a sense of familiarity, and said calmly.
“Although Hallmaster Hutao frightened Paimon just now, ten times of Xinyuexuan was too much of a price. In fact, the lion opened his mouth three times.”
Su Mo did not intend to cover up Paimon’s greed in the slightest, butThen he spoke out.
“It’s obviously a disproportionate compensation, but Hall Master Hutao agreed without hesitation. There are only two possibilities in this situation.”
“The first possibility is also the biggest possibility in the general sense.”
“It’s the matter of entrusting help that Zhongli mentioned before. If you can earn a hundred or even a thousand remuneration from Xinyuexuan from this entrustment, you will naturally not care about the price of ten.”
If it is for the greater good, it is very likely to do such a thing.
No matter how eccentric, Hu Tao, the master of the Hall of Past Rebirth, is still a businessman and will not do business at a loss.
Hearing Su Mo’s conjecture, Ying and Paimon at the side cast curious glances.
“As expected of the honorary knight who defeated the Wind Demon Dragon, he is really sharp!”
Hu Tao didn’t mean to hide it either. After seeing Su Mo revealing her purpose, she immediately laughed happily and said it very frankly.
“Actually, the reason why I asked Mr. Zhongli to find you is indeed related to a business.”
Hearing this, Paimon was a little confused.
“But, Hu Tao, aren’t you the hall master of the Hall of Rebirth? Is there any business you can discuss with Su Mo?”
These days, she also learned about the business of the Hall of Rebirth from Zhongli, and knew that it was a guild organization that held funerals for the dead.
It sounds a bit unlucky to be approached by such an organization to do business.
Hearing Paimon’s question, Hu Tao answered patiently.
“The purpose of our Pastoral Hall is to send the dead back to the underworld comfortably, and also to satisfy the living. This is a business that requires a very delicate balance.”
“Such a hard job is still a job that many people want to avoid. The income will naturally be high, especially for preparing funerals for those high-status dead, and you can even get Mora who can reserve the venue in Xinyuexuan!”
Hearing this, Pai blindfolded his eyes, obviously attracted by the lavish line of booking a venue.
Walnut is unaffected Speaking of…
“Our Xiangshengtang has a golden signboard in Liyue, so there is not a shortage of ordinary customers, but those customers with noble identities need to come to sell in person.”
Hearing what she said, Ying gradually understood what was going on.
“A noble person?”
Paimon was still thinking in a daze.
Ying gave the answer straight away.
“In Liyue, is there anyone who is more noble than the Emperor Yan?”
“Huh? That’s right!”
Only then did Paimeng suddenly realize, and remembered what he had seen a few days ago, asking Xian Dianyi to look like the king and emperor of Shangyan falling like a god.
Even she understood Hu Tao’s plan at this time.
“So, Hu Tao, did you come to Su Mo because you wanted to preside over the funeral of Emperor Yan Wang?”
“That’s right!”
Walnut nodded seriously.
“Although, the official name of Yan Wangdijun’s funeral should be called Sending Immortals Ceremony.”
“But compared to this, I want to be the head of the Hall of Life in the past. In front of all the Liyue people, I will give Emperor Yan a grand funeral! To commemorate his departure!”
Saying so.
Hu Tao held her own small fist with an extremely serious look.
Afterwards, Cai added in a low voice with joy.
“Of course! By the way, earning a little reward is also the performance we deserve in Xiangshengtang!”
Zhong Li on the side was expressionless, and he didn’t know what emotion he was feeling when he was told in person that he was going to be given a grand funeral and took 0.4 as his performance.
――Great discount at the Hall of Resurrection, but the customer is actually myself?
Su Mo looked at this scene, shook his head amusedly, and asked Hu Tao.
“If it’s a matter of giving away Xiandianyi, can’t you just ask Liyue Qixing directly? Why did you come to me specifically?”
If it was someone else, it might be very difficult to meet Liyue Seven Stars.
But with the identity of the hall master in the past, there should be no way to meet Ning Guang, who has never concealed his identity.
Hearing what Su Mo said, Hu Tao immediately shook her head, looking dejected.
“Oh, don’t mention it! Because of the assassination of the emperor, Liyue Port is now under martial law, and all previous news channels have been blocked, so I can’t see Lord Ningguang at all.”.
Chapter 618: The Wild Ice Unicorn Appears
Today’s Liyue is still in a state of emergency. For safety reasons, except for essential supplies, other commercial operations have been temporarily suspended.
Therefore, the way to contact the Liyue Seven Stars in the Shengtang Hall has temporarily lost its effect.
Only then did Hu Tao find Su Mo.
When she was about to ask Su Mo for help, she naturally investigated Su Mo’s background.
The Hall of Resurrection is a business on the road. Although it is not a specialized intelligence agency, it has a wide range of sources of information.
These days, although it is far less detailed than the first-hand information that Ning Guang inquired from Qin, he has also obtained general information.
“As the teacher of Keqing, the Yuheng star of the Liyue Seven Stars, Mr. Su Mo met two Liyue Seven Stars after the emperor was assassinated.”
“Although I don’t know what he said, but at least it shows that Mr. Su Mo is a big man who can talk to Liyue Qixing…”
Having said that, Hu Tao winked playfully at Su Mo, her meaning was obvious.
“That is to say, do you want me to help mention this matter?”
Su Mo quickly understood what Hu Tao meant.
“It’s no wonder Hallmaster Hutao is so active. He holds a funeral for a wealthy businessman, and the money he gets can easily cover the Xinyue Pavilion. The funeral for Emperor Yanwang will benefit at least dozens of times.”
This would explain why she was so generous before.
“Not to mention whether I will help Hallmaster Hutao, even if I am willing, how does Hallmaster Hutao know that Liyue Qixing will still see me? How can he be sure that my words will be effective?”
Su Mo takes time offasked.
“Although I am a teacher of Keqing’s swordsmanship, Liyue Qixing is not someone who will affect her official affairs because of personal affairs, especially Keqing, she absolutely hates such things.”
“If I mention this on purpose, it might be counterproductive. Liyue Qixing is very likely to hand over this task to someone else! Wouldn’t it be worth the loss?”
Although I appreciate the walnuts, I also know that they are the ones who hold the gift ceremony in the end.
But if it was just out of interest, Su Mo would not help.
It’s the same even if it was introduced by Zhongli.
Su Mo didn’t want to use power for personal gain, or borrow the power of his own students for personal gain.
After hearing what he said.
Zhong Li chuckled, a faint curve appeared at the corner of his mouth, with an expression of “I expected this earlier”.
On the other side, Hu Tao’s gorgeous red plum pupils also became brighter.
“Mr. Su Mo, don’t worry about this. In fact, you only need to mention to Liyue Seven Stars about sending the immortal ritual ceremony!”
“As long as Liyue Qixing remembers that after the emperor passes away, he needs to host the ceremony of sending immortals, Liyue Qixing will definitely choose us to go to the Hall of Rebirth!”
My main god is Kaguya
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