“Hmph! To tell you the truth, in Liyue City, we have no rivals in the industry for the signboard of the Hall of Rebirth!”
Saying so, Walnut patted his chest proudly.
“I see, I just need a little reminder.”
Su Mo suddenly realized.
Hu Tao lived in Liyue since she was a child, so it is impossible not to consider Liyue Qixing’s personality.
It’s also impossible not to know that Ke Qing and Ning Guang would never accept it if they wanted to use their power for personal gain.
But if all she wants to do is to remind Liyue Qixing of her omissions, then it will be fine.
Perhaps it was because of the fear of obstruction by external forces.
Ningguang has been searching for the murderer recently and preparing for possible attacks.
So it didn’t occur to me at all that the reason for the fairy to leave was to send off the immortal ceremony.
What Hu Tao wanted was for someone to remind the current Liyue Seven Stars and point out that they had forgotten this ancient etiquette.
This alone does not involve any interests.
As for which one the Liyue Seven Stars would choose to host the ritual of sending the immortals, it was up to each one according to their own abilities.
In this regard, Hu Tao has absolute self-confidence, and believes that Xiangshengtang will definitely be able to obtain the order by virtue of his ability.
“It seems that Hall Master Hutao is very confident!”
Seeing her confident look, Su Mo couldn’t help smiling.
Although it was a character he liked before time travel, it didn’t mean that Su Mo would give him too much extra favor.
Especially when the other party just wants to talk business.
Before, Su Mo’s dialogue was obviously very distanced, but after learning that Hu Tao didn’t really want Su Mo to be a lobbyist, his attitude was obviously much softer.
Hu Tao keenly caught the change in Su Mo’s tone, and couldn’t help but tilt her head proudly.
“Of course, if it were normal, our Xiangsheng Hall might have an advantage, but it’s not the only choice for Liyue Seven Stars.”
“But now, it’s different!” Speaking of which, she glanced at Zhongli who was drinking tea, and said.
“Mr. Zhongli, the Guest Qing hired by the Hall of Rebirth, can be said to be ?
“Although it is said that Mr. Zhongli has many different opinions from those researchers in terms of many details of the deeds of Emperor Yanwang, but in terms of etiquette in ancient books, no one can surpass Mr. Zhongli!”
“As long as he is there, the plan we submit to Xiangsheng Hall will definitely stand out from the crowd and outshine everyone else!”
“As long as the Liyue Seven Stars are not crazy, they will never make a wrong choice.”
Hu Tao’s voice was very confident.
Liyue culture pays attention to death as life, and funerals are something that cannot be sloppy. She herself is knowledgeable enough in this area.
Therefore, in her opinion, Zhongli, who crushed her knowledge, must be able to give a plan to crush other colleagues.
Speaking of this, she waved her big hand and concluded very proudly.
“It can be said that Mr. Zhongli is the person who knows best how to organize a funeral for Emperor Yan in Quan Tiwat!”
Hearing this, Su Mo almost spit out water.
Ying and Paimon showed a shocked expression that they didn’t understand.
After swallowing the tea, Su Mo glanced at Zhongli, his face remained unchanged.
Immediately, he felt a little emotional, as expected of Morax, the rock god, he had no heart at all, and he didn’t waver at all.
After suppressing the desire to complain, he looked at Walnut beside him.
After understanding the radiant self-confidence of these 233 girls, he finally figured out her purpose.
“I mentioned before that you don’t care about the compensation for Paimon. There are two possibilities. The first is because you can earn more… Now it seems that this possibility has been denied.”
Seeing the empty cup in front of Hu Tao, Su Mo picked up the teapot.
“Actually, you don’t need someone to say good things about Xiangshengtang in front of Liyue Qixing.”
“There is no need for me to take the initiative to bring up the matter of sending Xiandianyi.”
“Because, as long as you spread this news everywhere, at this critical moment, similar information will inevitably reach Ning Guang.”
“She will definitely think of this, and she will definitely give the opportunity to you who are the most prepared.”
The curling tea was filled with mist and fragrance, and Su Mo’s words were accompanied by the sound of water.
“From the beginning to the end, you don’t need the help of others at all, you have already made enough preparations, and the gift of the fairy ceremony is already in your pocket.Naturally, there is no need to deliberately please Paimeng for the benefit of sending Xiandianyi. ”
Having said that, Paimon has been confused.
At this time, the tea that Su Mo poured happened to be 60% of the cup.
——The tea is half full and the wine is full.
Su Mo then pushed the teacup to Hu Tao and served tea to this guest.
At the same time, he said with a slight smile in his tone.
“So, you didn’t come to me to discuss business, you came to us to make friends.”
“Since we are friends, it is natural to have a cup of tea.”.
Chapter 619 I want sweet rain as a reward
As Su Mo said. In fact, it was just an excuse to ask him for help to undertake the gift ceremony.
Hu Tao just heard from Zhong Li that he had made friends, so he came to Su Mo and the others to get acquainted.
As the head of the Pastoral Hall, since Hu Tao can tolerate Zhongli’s behavior of recording and reimbursement for everything, he will naturally not be a stingy person who values ​​money.
After seeing this, Su Mo recognized the other party.
As the hall master, Hu Tao naturally understood this subtext.
She, who is often called eccentric, will naturally not be unable to understand the subtext like the idiot Paimon.
It’s just that she is the type who can understand the subtext, but sometimes deliberately ignores it, so many people find it strange.
At this moment, I felt Su Mo’s approval.
Hu Tao also smiled and hit the snake with the stick.
After picking up the teacup in front of her, she spoke openly.
“Since Mr. Su Mo regards me as a friend, I’ll offer you a toast with tea instead of wine.”
“It’s just that after drinking, you don’t have to be so restrained, just call me Walnut, and I’ll remove the word “Mr.” How about it? ”
Hu Tao originally came to make friends sincerely, and Su Mo and others are not the type who want to cling to the master of the Pastoral Hall to get money.
After probing, the two confirmed that each other’s temperament is worthy of deep friendship.
Naturally, he will not be hypocritical at this moment.
“no problem.”
Ying also raised her teacup, and everyone touched it.
Only Paimon hadn’t figured out the situation yet, after frantically finding his own cup, he drank the tea in one gulp.
He scratched his head after drinking.
“So, why did you offer tea all of a sudden?”
Seeing her confused look, everyone couldn’t help but laugh.
Ying tapped her head with chopsticks and asked.
“If you don’t know, why would Paimon drink it?”
Hearing this question, Paimon puffed up his chest confidently.
“Isn’t there an old saying in Liyue, it’s called toasting, don’t eat and eat fine wine?”-?”
“I heard that Mr. Shu said that this sentence means that if someone proposes a toast to you and you refuse, there will be enmity, and even serious duels will arise.”
“Although tea is not wine now, it is always right to be careful.”
Paimon’s philosophy of survival seems to be very good.
In short, admit it first, and leave the troublesome things to Ying and Su Mo.
After listening, everyone couldn’t help but smile.
“Although you don’t really need my help, Hu Tao, but since I mentioned this point, I will tell Keqing and the others when I have a chance.”
After laughing, Su Mo looked at Zhongli and decided to help him.
“Then thank you!”
Hu Tao was not pretentious, and simply thanked her.
“Actually, I don’t mainly want to help Hu Tao. The most important thing is to see Mr. Zhongli decorating the mourning hall for Emperor Yan.”
Having said that, a wicked smile appeared on the corner of Su Mo’s mouth.
“I always feel that this will be a very cherished scene. If it is captured with a photo camera, Wendy will definitely be willing to spend a lot of money to buy it!”
Hearing what he said, Paimon rubbed his head.
“Huh? Why is Wendy willing to spend a lot of money to buy it? Doesn’t that singer have no money?”
Paimon knew very well about Wendy’s poverty.
This is a poor Fengshen who can’t even afford alcohol.
“It’s true that Wendy has no money.” Su Mo nodded.
“But this is the only thing, even if he sells Twarin, he is willing to spend money to buy it!”
There are not many opportunities to see Morax’s jokes.
Can’t you buy it by breaking the bank? !
My main god is Kaguya
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