Hearing the conversation between Su Mo and Paimon, his expression remained unchanged, as if Zhong Li, who didn’t know what Su Mo was talking about, was a little bit stupefied.
“Wendy? Who is this man you speak of?”
He asked calmly, but Su Mo could see that the teacup in his palm was slightly rippling, obviously not as calm as he showed.
“Wendy is ba… woo G!”
The outspoken Paimon almost revealed this secret, but fortunately, his eyes were quick and his hands were quick, so he blocked her mouth.
“It’s nothing, just a bard who likes to beg for drinks everywhere!” Ying wiped off her sweat and said so.
Although she did not say Wendy’s real identity.
But hearing this feature, Zhong Li had already guessed who the other party was, and suddenly felt uneasy.
If Su Mo really recorded this scene.
Then sell the word to that drunkard.
Wouldn’t the entire Tivat continent know about it?
Barbatos is the god of wind and idyllic besides not doing business, and he has no secrets in his mouth!
He who ridiculed the Queen of Solstice Winter and sang it as a poem, it is impossible for him to let Zhongli go.
Thinking of this, even the Rock King Dijun, who was as stable as a rock, was affected at this moment.
He picked up a cup of tea to hide the shock in his heart.
Then he looked at Su Mo with a hidden gaze.
“.-Speaking of which, the camera you are talking about seems to be a newly invented machine. Can you lend me a look?”If Su Mo agrees.
I’m afraid we won’t be able to see this thing again before the ritual of delivering the immortals is completed.
However, Su Mo did not refuse.
“This is the machine that Ying got from the merchant at Fontaine. There is probably only one in Liyue today. Of course, if Zhongli wants to use it, I can borrow it from you after the gift ceremony is over.”
Borrow, but not entirely.
Su Mo is as immobile as a mountain, so Zhongli should be the one to panic.
“Then thank you very much. But if you want to watch it in advance, how can you agree?”
Knowing that Su Mo didn’t intend to let go, Zhong Li said this.
It is equivalent to letting you open the condition, as long as it is reasonable, he will agree.
Zhong Li was originally a rational type, and he would never agree to extort too much money if he wanted to solve this matter.
However, Su Mo, who just took advantage of the fire to rob a wave, didn’t think about any requirements at first.
So, when Zhong Li said that, he was taken aback for a moment, not knowing what conditions to ask.
At this moment.
Suddenly, Zhong Li raised his eyes, and there was a glimmer of light in the golden eyes.
Su Mo also noticed something.
The two looked up to the eaves.
With a slight sound, above the eaves, a girl wearing a short blue and white cheongsam, with a blue single ponytail and red horns on her head, fell down from the sky like white snow in the sun.
And looked at the few people drinking tea in the tea house below.
“Mr. Su Mo, I am the secretary of Yuehai Pavilion, and Gan Yu, the secretary of Liyue Seven Stars. Master Ningguang sent me to invite you to discuss important matters in Qunyu Pavilion.”
The wild ice unicorn—Gan Yu, appeared! .
Chapter 620 Unaware of the Emperor’s Loyalty and Rain
Gan Yu’s invitation was actually not sudden. After the emperor was assassinated, Ying, Su Mo and others had informed the immortals of the news.
But now, it’s about time for the immortals to discuss what to do, and it’s time to come and look for the Liyue Seven Stars.
In this case, the Liyue Seven Stars will definitely guard against the arrival of the immortals.
Although the notification was something that Ningguang requested, she asked Ying to explain it separately at the time to alleviate the conflict.
However, Dijun had an accident in Liyue Qixing’s territory after all.
The previous rhetoric alone was not enough to make the immortals trust Liyue Seven Stars so much.
Therefore, there will inevitably be conflicts between the two parties.
Liyue’s three-eyed and five-manifested celestial beings basically possessed a power far superior to ordinary God’s Eye holders.
Even if Liyue Qixing didn’t want to conflict with the other party.
It is also inevitable to want to obtain enough power to maintain a balance of power. Power is the basis for negotiations.
That being the case.
Ningguang and the others would never ignore Ying and Su Mo who were there to defeat the Wind Demon Dragon and save the legend of Mond.
They will definitely come to help out.
Su Mo, who had expected this a long time ago, was not surprised by this invitation.
233 He just didn’t know who Liyue Qixing would invite him to.
It is estimated that it will be either Ganyu or Keqing.
After all, Keqing can play the emotional card here.
Since it was Gan Yu who came here, it was probably because Ke Qing refused to play the emotional card and didn’t want to use his status as a master and apprentice to influence Su Mo’s judgment!
In this regard, it is quite her style.
Besides, what Su Mo didn’t expect was the timing of Gan Yu’s appearance.
It just happened when he didn’t expect to blackmail Zhongli for a reward.
Isn’t such a coincidental timing forcing him to make a mistake?
So, without the slightest hesitation, Su Mo pointed to the coconut sheep on the roof.
“As for the reward, how about using that child?”
Gan Yu was stunned, wondering why the person in front of him not only didn’t answer him, but also seemed to treat him as a bargaining chip or something.
Zhong Li immediately shook his head.
Gan Yu is his subordinate, it is impossible for him to exchange the freedom of his subordinates for a mere photo.
Even if it might be laughed at by Barbatos, it’s not worth it.
However, he hadn’t had time to speak yet.
Su Mo stopped her in advance.
“Don’t rush to refuse, do you still remember the opportunity when you told me last time that you wanted to resign and go to the Pastoral Hall to retire?”
Hearing Su Mo’s words, Ying and Paimeng looked at each other, then blinked.
“Mr. Zhongli is so young—”
“You want to retire?!”
Both were very surprised.
Walnut on the other side looked normal. However, the look in Zhongli’s eyes was also a little dazed.
“It’s no wonder that so many antique dealers and gem dealers offer such high prices to invite you to work with them, but you refuse to agree, and instead you are willing to come to our Pastoral Hall as a guest.”
“It turned out that we took a fancy to the benefits and benefits of our Xiangsheng Hall, as well as the conditions of leisure work!”
If Zhongli wants to retire, it makes sense.
Although the prices offered by other commercial firms are high, but in terms of the level of leisure, no one can compare to Xiangshengtang.
At this time, Liyue has been at peace for a long time, and the business is already very stable.
Ke Qing doesn’t have to work, mainly because he needs to teach other deacons every month, explaining the etiquette and customs of various places, so that Xiangshengtang can maintain a high standard of differentiated services.
It can be said that you only need to go to work a few times a month, and at other times you can use the name of inspection to be a street sneaker.
Not to mention, even now, Zhongli is paid to drink tea in the teahouse here.
Tea money can even (beae) be reimbursed.
Zhongli’s side naturally won’t be disturbed by the other three.
He knew that what Su Mo said about resigning was not really resigning.
It refers to the fact that he stepped down from the position of Emperor Yanwang.
It was mentioned when the two chatted last time.
“I saw a businessman say to his subordinates, you have done a good job, and you have fulfilled your accusations very well—”
“At that time, I was thinking, have I fulfilled my duty?…After figuring it out, I resigned. ”
Zhong Li repeated the previous conversation, and then looked at Su Mo with some doubts.
Although the main reason was the contract with the Queen of Winter, this idea was also one of the important opportunities for him to abdicate.
But, what does this have to do with Gan Yu?
See his doubts.
Su Mo shook his head and asked.
“Since you have chosen to resign, have you ever thought about what your former subordinates think?”
“They have also been working for thousands of years, have they performed their duties well?”
Hearing this, Zhong Li fell silent immediately.
My main god is Kaguya
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