He really hadn’t thought about it in this direction.
Not only him, Gan Yu and Mandrill also worked hard for many years.
When will their responsibilities end?
Thinking of this, he already understood what Su Mo wanted to say.
——Should these subordinates be allowed to choose their own lives?
Mandrill (this;, book by [!, F!l!;ippe.d’] “sorting out” (More:: more new books:! Contact 13;!4;.31774:78) There is no need to think too much here.
With his character, even if he is free, he will still abide by the contract and protect Liyue.
This is the path he chose.
But Gan Yu’s side is different.
Although Gan Yu has also worked for thousands of years, she is different from Mandrill who is willing to accept her mission.
Zhongli can see that Gan Yu has always felt alienated from Li Yue’s world… She is not really happy.
If she had to choose again――
“Wait, let me think about it first.”
Zhongli’s attitude softened somewhat.
Naturally, Su Mo was not in a hurry, the coconut sheep was here, and he couldn’t run away.
Let Zhongli continue to meditate.
He turned his gaze to the girl on the eaves.
Because it was an invitation, it was natural that Su Mo’s answer would be required before he could return to his life.
Therefore, when Su Mo and Zhongli were talking, Gan Yu waited patiently by the side, with a gentle expression and no impatience.
Seeing her gentle expression, Su Mo pointed to Zhong Li in front of him curiously, and asked.
“Speaking of which, do you really not know this person?”.
Chapter 621 Prohibition of Illegal Trading of Coconut Sheep
According to Zhongli’s strategy, since he wants to abandon his previous identity and wander around in the world. Naturally, he would not choose those vests that all the immortals knew.
Demon gods can change their shapes.
Back then, there was even a legend that Morax was incarnated as a woman.
Therefore, it is indeed not difficult for him, the Demon God of Rock, to create an image of Zhongli that none of the immortals know.
It’s not uncommon for Gan Yu not to recognize him at first glance.
However, as an ice unicorn who is still fighting with the Emperor of the Rock.
After Su Mo deliberately talked with Zhong Li, but still couldn’t see anything, it was a bit outrageous.
After all, Zhongli’s temperament is still very special.
At least, Su Mo believed.
If it is Wendy of Mond, even if it is incarnate as a woman, change the form.
As long as he talked to Twalin, even if he couldn’t confirm it, Twalin would definitely have doubts in his heart.
There are really not many drunkards like Wendy who are floating all day long and have no business at all.
In the same way, there are very few people who are as calm and rock-solid as Zhongli.
Therefore, Su Mo was naturally a little concerned about the fact that Gan Yu didn’t recognize Zhongli at all.
In fact, there is a misunderstanding in Su Mo’s thinking.
That is, Gan Yu may indeed have fought with the Emperor Yanwang for thousands of years, but given her seniority, she has not had much contact with the Emperor Yanwang.
Gan Yu is a child raised by Zhenjun Liuyun Borrowing Wind.
The relationship between the many immortals and the emperor is roughly the same generation, but they are also the subordinates of the rock king.
As the next generation raised by the immortals, even though Gan Yu is thousands of years old now, her position in everyone’s hearts is still no different from that of a little girl.
Perhaps, in Zhongli’s heart, Gan Yu and Hu Tao are the same, they belong to children who haven’t grown up yet.
Since it is a child, even in the battle.
Gan Yu generally belongs to the position of obeying orders, and can’t be as casual as other immortals, and have friendship with Yan Wang Dijun.
And Zhongli’s temperament is indeed not the type to talk to people.
This also leads to.
Although Gan Yu respects the emperor very much, he is very loyal to the contract. But in fact, she really didn’t have much communication with Morax.
Therefore, it is understandable to meet and not know each other.
That’s why.
In the original plot, Zhongli has been avoiding meeting other immortals, but he doesn’t care about the reason why Gan Yu sees it.
He knew that this junior would definitely not recognize him.
In fact, it is true.
Hearing Su Mo’s intentional question, Zhong Li felt nothing but wanted to laugh.
On Gan Yu’s side, he also lived up to Zhongli’s expectations.
After hearing Su Mo’s words, he looked at Zhong Li in a daze.
Worrying about her poor memory, she looked at it from head to toe before shaking her head resolutely.
“I’ve never seen this gentleman before, and I don’t know him.”
“Are you sure?” Su Mo asked with a smile.
Gan Yu nodded seriously.
Then he asked suspiciously.
“Excuse me, who is this gentleman, should I know him?”
Before Su Mo could answer, Hu Tao answered with a smile.
“This is our Keqing from the Pastoral Hall——Zhongli, how are you, Gan Yu!”
As for Gan Yu, the secretary, Hu Tao, who is the head of the Pastoral Hall, has naturally heard of it for a long time.
Don’t look at making policiesAll the power is in the hands of Liyue Qixing.
In fact, the power to promote the policy and implement it, that is, the power of the affairs officer, is all in the hands of Gan Yu.
In Liyue’s power structure, Liyue Qixing, who belongs to the political affairs officer, and Yuehai Pavilion, led by the affairs officer Gan Yu, supervise each other, and Emperor Yanwang is in charge of the overall situation.
Although he doesn’t usually show it, if Gan Yu really wants to punish Liyue Seven Stars, he only needs to be passive and sabotage for a while, which is enough to stop the implementation of Liyue Seven Stars’ decrees.
There is indeed a reason for her to work overtime until all night.
Hearing Hu Tao’s warm greeting, Gan Yu couldn’t help but look over.
After seeing the lively walnuts, her eyes lit up, and a trace of hesitation flashed across her face.
However, after hesitating, he still didn’t reply her enthusiastically.
Instead, he nodded very reservedly, his tone was slightly formatted, and he responded in a very alienated manner.
“Hello, Hallmaster Walnut.”
After she finished speaking, as if to avoid something, she immediately cast her eyes on Su Mo.
…seeking flowers 0…
“Excuse me, Mr. Su Mo, what do you think about Lord Ningguang’s invitation?”
“No problem, I’ll be there later.”
Su Mo didn’t hold back, and agreed directly.
Gan Yu who got the reply was obviously relieved a lot.
After the polite farewell, he fled away as if flying.
Although the swaying blue and white dress is still very elegant and elegant, it always makes people feel like they are running away.
Looking at the back of Gan Yu leaving.
Su Mo and Zhong Li looked at each other.
“See what’s wrong with the kid?” he asked.
Zhong Li remained silent, and only spoke after a while.
“Gan Yu, it seems that she has some resistance to communicating with others about business accidents.”

In the past, Zhongli might not have discovered this problem.
Because he himself belongs to this type, can do things, and never pushes too much.
To some extent, the immortals, as well as Mandrill and Gan Yu, were all influenced by him, and they all belonged to the faction of hard work.
However, recently, when he had completely let go of his identity as a rock god and wandered around in the city of Lingshou, he gradually realized that for mortals, power and contracts are not absolute, and the bonds between people are also extremely important things.
On this point, Liyue Seven Stars did a good job.
Even the holder of the God’s Eye does not rely on strength, but wisdom to govern Liyue.
And in comparison.
Although Gan Yu’s mission was accomplished very well, it was not inferior to the sum of the Liyue and Seven Stars of all dynasties.
However, there seems to be a lot missing in the bond with people.
My main god is Kaguya
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