She has obviously been in Liyue for thousands of years, but judging by her appearance, she doesn’t seem to be used to dealing with people.
If we say that although the Liyue Seven Stars have a noble status, they are still a member of the Liyue people.
Then the traces of the immortal on Gan Yu’s body are too heavy.
“Let her, who is not used to communicating with ordinary people, take charge of the affairs of communicating with people… Is this really right?”
Mr. Zhongli fell into deep thought.
Chapter 622: Paying the bill and paying the bill – Dada Duck
Under Su Mo’s reminder, Zhong Li also noticed the incongruity in Gan Yu’s body. If it is said that Mandrill is the firm type who knows that he has embarked on the path of Shura, but continues on without any regrets.
Then on Gan Yu’s side, Mandrill is far less able to adapt to the current environment.
In terms of work intensity, Zhong Li thinks that Gan Yu’s work is no easier than his own.
And since he himself has chosen to retire to fish.
Shouldn’t Gan Yu have time to tidy herself up?
If things go on like this, she may never find her home.
“What good solution do you have?” After realizing this, Zhongli asked Su Mo in front of him.
Now he already knew Su Mo to a certain extent.
Therefore, he was not “two, three, three” angry when Su Mo said that he would take Gan Yu as a reward.
He knew that it was impossible for Su Mo to treat Gan Yu as an object.
And since the other party saw Gan Yu’s problem before him, there should be a solution, right?
From this point, it can be seen that the trust between the two parties already has a certain foundation.
And hearing Zhongli’s question, Su Mo did not hesitate.
“The contradiction in Gan Yu’s body is that she is a half-immortal beast, and she has both Qilin and human blood in her body.”
He spoke eloquently.
The endowment of God’s Eye probably also has personality factors.
Generally speaking, characters who hold the ice god’s eye often have conflicting and entangled personalities.
This point is the same whether it is Diona, Qiqi, Shenli Linghua, or Gan Yu in front of him.
And the origin of Gan Yu’s contradictions comes from her blood.
“Because of her human blood, she yearns for the warmth of the world, and cannot stay in her own cave for thousands of years like other immortals. This is probably why she was sent to Liyue Port by you…by Emperor Yanwang the reason!”
Su Mo pointed out Zhongli’s original plan.
In fact, although it is said that Zhongli has no heart.
But he still takes good care of his own people.
At the beginning, he was aware of Gan Yu’s longing for the human world, so he let her work on Liyue’s side.
This is indeed a manifestation of consideration for subordinates.
“It’s just that Morax obviously overlooked one point. Gan Yu not only has human blood, but also has Qilin blood.”
“Although for me, the orc attribute is not bad. However, for the vast majority of ordinary people, even the blood of an auspicious beast like Qilin is not enough.It belongs to the heterogeneous category that is too prominent in appearance. ”
“Repelling aliens in order to maintain one’s own normality has always been the instinctive reaction of human beings to maintain continuous.”
“And precisely because of this reaction, no matter how much Gan Yu desires, it is impossible for her to truly integrate into human society—she is too special, and this specialness cannot be concealed.”
If the unicorn horn can still be fooled by saying that it is a headgear, Gan Yu’s long lifespan itself is likely to arouse people’s fear.
“Of course, it’s not Gan Yu’s fault, because Gan Yu was born this way and did not harm others.”
“However, this is also not the fault of human beings. Being too close to a different kind is also a very dangerous thing for human beings themselves.”
At this point, Su Mo spread his hands and analyzed Gan Yu’s plight clearly.
For an abnormal person like Su Mo, a strong man with power.
Gan Yu’s horns are not scary.
On the contrary, it has other magical effects.
But for ordinary people, fear of aliens is a matter of course, and it can’t even be controlled by humans themselves.
This is the instinct to stay away from danger, to give them a warning, so that they can’t help being in awe, and stay away from Ganyu.
Both parties are well aware of this kind of alienation.
It is precisely because of the estrangement that has passed through the long years.
Gan Yu will form what it is now.
Mingming wanted to respond well to Hutao’s greeting, and wanted to establish a good relationship with Hutao.
But after thinking of the loneliness that has been alienated by people for thousands of years.
She immediately recalled the fact that she would not be accepted by humans.
Therefore, she avoided contact with Hu Tao, and anyone else outside the scope of work.
As a fairy who has witnessed the changes of Liyue Port for thousands of years.
What Gan Yu felt in Liyue Port was not only the excitement, but also the loneliness of standing in the sea of ​​people.
And this sense of loneliness is naturally formed.
Whether it is Gan Yu or humans, it is difficult to break it…
“Well, so Gan Yu has such a past!”
After listening to Su Mo’s narration, Hu Tao’s eyes widened, obviously showing great interest in the secretary of Yuehai Pavilion.
Zhong Li on the other side nodded slightly after listening.
“indeed so.”
Based on his understanding of Gan Yu, Su Mo was indeed on point.
“Since it is a natural and inseparable barrier, how can you solve this problem?”
He looked at Su Mo curiously.
At least Zhong Li himself, and can’t think of any good measures for the time being.
Generally speaking, Liyue’s power is nothing more than the difference between humans and immortals.
Today’s Gan Yu is incompatible with human beings, but it is not her wish to return to the mountains and forests of immortals.
In this case, how to resolve this contradiction?
Hearing Zhongli’s question, Su Mo said it with confidence.
“The way to hide a leaf is to put it in the woods.”
“The easiest way to hide a heterogeneity is to put it in a heterogeneous group.”
Hearing what he said, Zhong Li was startled.
“All of the aliens…”
After thinking for a while, he looked at Su Mo and the others with dazed eyes.
“Travellers traveling across the star sea, people from different worlds in Liyue, and flying pets… There is no group more heterogeneous than you in the entire Tivat.”
0.4 “Exactly.”
Su Mo didn’t hide his thoughts at all.
“A mere half-immortal beast is not an outlier in our adventurer team. We are willing to recruit even emergency food, let alone a coconut sheep!”
“Coconut sheep?”
Hearing this word, Zhong Li was a little puzzled.
Paimon on the side had already jumped up.
“Hey! Who is the flying pet! And Su Mo, Paimeng is not emergency food!” Su Mo naturally ignored Paimon’s reaction skillfully, and said softly to Zhongli.
“So, Yue…cough cough! Mr. Zhongli, entrusting Gan Yu to me is definitely the best choice!”
Not only can it cure the heart disease of coconut sheep, but it is even possible to buy one and get one free, with a little coconut sheep as a gift.
Isn’t this blood money? ! .
Chapter 623
Su Mo’s idea is actually very simple. As a fairy, it is impossible for Gan Yu to truly integrate into the circle of ordinary people.
Even if she uses some tricks to make her save the lives of those around her, it will only have a temporary effect, and it will not last for a long time.
Just like Zhongli.
Even if he gave up his position as Emperor Yanwang and pretended to be an ordinary person, his friend must be related to Liyue.
It is impossible to really mix into the ranks of ordinary people.
This is also a matter of course.
The abnormality of abnormal people is nature.
If you cover up your abnormalities in order to blend in with ordinary people, it is a kind of depression and inferiority.
Just like the belief held by the ghosts who want to integrate into the rice wife.
Cannot join the human race in a flattering gesture.
Everyone has their place and comfort zone.
As a half-immortal beast, Gan Yu’s embarrassment is that she can neither transcend the world like ordinary immortals, nor can she drift with the tide like ordinary people.
In Liyue, there was no circle that really suited her.
My main god is Kaguya
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