However, if you look at the entire Tivat, it will be different.
That is to say, it is free from ordinary people, but it will not be like a fairy.
Such an organization is called – adventurers.
Among the many adventurers, the one who can make the half-immortal bloodline look ordinary.
I’m afraid there is only Su Mo’s team.
They are the legendary team that defeated the Fengmolong, and the mere addition of Coconut Sheep is not a big deal.Even Zhongli couldn’t find any problems with Su Mo’s proposal.
However, since it was about Gan Yu’s own fate, Zhong Li did not intend to make a hasty decision.
“Your idea is very reasonable, but wait until I get in touch with the other party’s idea in person before making a decision!”
Anyway, Gan Yu’s generation of immortals belonged to the descendants of the “daughter” generation in Zhongli’s eyes, so he naturally had to think carefully about the future of the next generation.
“no problem.”
Su Mo nodded.
He didn’t intend to get it done with just a few words.
Zhongli is not someone who is easily fooled.
Anyway, this is the only place that can accommodate Gan Yu perfectly. As long as Zhong Li realizes this, it is only a matter of time before the Coconut Sheep gets his hands.
After the two talked.
Walnut looked at them curiously.
“Mysterious, Su Mo, did you and Zhongli really just meet?”
She didn’t understand much of the previous conversation between the two.
But Walnut is a very measured child.
I didn’t get to the bottom of it, but I was a little curious about the relationship between Su Mo and Zhongli.
As for Ying on the side, she has long been used to Su Mo’s mysterious behavior. Anyway, Su Mo will tell herself what happened in the end, so she doesn’t care much about it.
“We’ve only just met.”
Su Mo nodded.
“However, Zhongli and I are just because we can talk. If we really want to say that the relationship with Zhongli is progressing the fastest, it should be another person.”
“Another person?”
Walnut looked over curiously.
“You’re right to call it a wallet…”
Su Mo smiled slightly, then raised his eyebrows, looked at the shadow in the corner beside him, and shouted loudly.
“Say the wallet is here, Dada Duck, don’t hide!”
Hearing what Su Mo said, except for Zhongli, everyone else’s eyes followed Su Mo’s and looked towards the corner.
Although there was no one there, everyone didn’t think Su Mo would be aimless.
After learning that he had been found, a young man dressed in the style of the Winter Kingdom, which looked like a silver sharp blade, stepped out from the shadow of the corner.
“Ah, as expected, I was discovered! Really, I can’t hide it from Mr. Su Mo every time!”
Dadalia showed a hearty smile and walked towards the crowd.
“My son…”
Ying’s expression immediately darkened a lot.
“Executor of fools.”
Although at the beginning, the lady was punished by Su Mo.
However, Ying still remembers the fact that Wendy’s God’s Heart was taken away!
She is very good to her friends, although she doesn’t care about small things, but when it comes to big things, she is a person who holds grudges.
Because of this incident, she naturally didn’t have a good impression of the fools’ executive officers.
It’s not the first time I’ve seen Dadalia though.
But every time they meet, she doesn’t give her a good look, especially after the emperor has an accident and knows that the fools are planning to take advantage of the fire, she doesn’t like it very much.
“Oh! I always feel that Ying has misunderstood me very much!”
Seeing Ying’s face, Dadalia stopped helplessly and did not move forward.
He knew that Ying was someone Su Mo was covering.
If there is a conflict with her, Su Mo will definitely not ignore it.
If it was normal, he would be happy to create a fight, just to test Su Mo’s depth.
But now, it is the critical moment of the plans of the Fools.
Even though he usually doesn’t pay much attention to his colleagues, he is still very loyal to Queen Winter.
So he doesn’t want to provoke additional disputes at this time, at least until the matter here is over.
So, after rationally keeping a distance from Ying, he complained 233 and looked at Su Mo.
“And Mr. Su Mo, my name is Dadalia, not Dadaya!”
If it was in the original world line, with Dadalia’s character, he would naturally be interested in the traveler, after all, he was a strong man who had defeated the dragon.
But now, with Ying and Su Mo appearing at the same time.
Dadalia naturally quickly identified who was the real strong man.
Therefore, now he has no interest in travelers.
On the contrary, he is very interested in Su Mo, an out-of-spec strongman who can make his whole body on guard and trembling without a shot.
At this moment, most of his attention was also on Zhongli and Su Mo.
Hearing Dadalia’s complaint, Su Mo ignored the sentence as easily as he ignored Paimon, then shook his head and said.
“It’s a deep misunderstanding. As soon as Gan Yu came, you ran nearby to eavesdrop on the information, and you even hid aside to listen to our conversation.”
“Isn’t it strange that you are doing something bad with your style?”
He directly pointed out Dadalia’s actions.
In fact it is true.
He didn’t have the opportunity to use the traveler as a tool, so he could only go to the field to eavesdrop on the intelligence.
Using this to stir up wind and rain, he wanted to use this to spy on Liyue’s reality.
Chapter 624 Take a Last Look at Qunyu Pavilion
“Ahaha! Don’t say it so badly, I haven’t done anything bad yet!”
Dadalia’s laughter became a little awkward when he heard Su Mo reveal his behavior just now. He really came running over from the shadow of his follower Gan Yu.
Moreover, I did hear some interesting information.
For example, the information about Ningguang inviting Su Mo to Qunyu Pavilion.
Now that the Jade Pavilion is blocked, the fools are being monitored by the Liyue Seven Stars, although Dadalia knows that the immortal is about to arrive at Liyue Port.
But he didn’t know how Liyue Qixing would respond.
The reason is hidden aside.
He also wanted to wait for Su Mo to return from Qunyu Pavilion, and then insinuate information related to Ningguang.
After all, even if you have a hundred no taboos in your hand, you have to use it at the most critical time, when the Liyue Seven Stars are most preoccupied, in order to achieve the best results.
“I haven’t done anything bad yet,Is that what you are planning to do? ”
Even Paimon, who heard the implication, couldn’t help looking at Dadalia angrily.
Aiwujiwu, who was fed a lot of delicacies by Xiangling, has a good impression of Liyue.
Dadalia, who was questioned by Paimon, immediately looked up at her.
Paimon’s sharp eyes immediately startled him.
Paimeng immediately hid behind Su Mo, and poked Su Mo with a look of pretense.
“If you want to do bad things, Su Mo will never let you go!”
Seeing her cowardly look, Ying on the side was almost amused by her.
Fortunately, Su Mo had already gotten used to Paimon’s appearance, so he didn’t intend to continue to bully her at this time.
“Paimon is right.”
Hearing this, Paimon immediately became proud and put his hands on his hips.
At this time, Su Mo didn’t say the next sentence.
“Although he is an idiot, he is still my pet no matter what, and there is no reason for him to be bullied by outsiders’-.”
The triumphant Paimon fell into silence.
This made Ying a little curious, she poked her cute cheek and asked.
“Paimon, why are you silent?”
Paimeng crossed his arms, as if thinking about some complicated philosophy, and said to Ying.
“I’m thinking now, should I be moved, or should I give Su Mo a punch!”
After finishing speaking, she directly hit Su Mo’s back with her soft fist.
My main god is Kaguya
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