If there is a full-scale conflict, the Liyue Seven Stars are really no match.
Under such a disadvantage, Ning Guang naturally wanted to find someone who could help her.
And Su Mo and Ying are the best helpers.
One is because both of them are pure travelers, and there is no interest involved behind them, asking them to help will not harm Liyue in the future.
The second is because of the strength of the two of them, it shouldn’t be difficult for someone who can defeat the Wind Demon Dragon to deal with the Immortal.
The third is because of the relationship between Su Mo and Ke Qing. If there is such a connection, the other party should be on his side.
Hearing Ning Guang’s words, Su Mo and Ying glanced at each other.
The two shook their heads at the same time.
“Sorry, please excuse my refusal.”
Su Mo decisively rejected Ningguang’s request.
Under the suspicious gaze of the other party, Su Mo did not speak, but motioned Ying to tell his reasons.
After taking a deep breath, Ying looked at Ningguang with firm eyes.
“Ningguang, I really like the current Liyue.”
Open your mouth, it’s really not very relevant.
Ning Guang nodded, his eyes still puzzled.
“But since this is the case, shouldn’t you support us?”
If the immortal suppressed Liyue Port, Liyue would definitely change.
Therefore, Ying’s statement should be to help them.
Faced with this question.
Ying seriously shook her head.
“Liyue is not the Liyue of the Liyue Seven Stars, nor is it the Liyue of the Immortal.”
“I have seen, under the rule of the Liyue Seven Stars, the merchants in Liyue Port are making a lot of money.”
“I have also seen, under the tradition of immortals, the smiling old man in Qingce Village.”
“As a traveler, I am willing to protect Liyue from foreign enemies, but I will not participate in Liyue’s internal disputes.”
“So sorry, I can’t participate in this conflict.”
After saying this in one go, Ying’s cheeks were slightly flushed, and she looked a little nervous.
Even Ning Guang, who was eloquent, froze on the spot after hearing these words.
“Well said.”
Su Mo smiled and praised.
This must have made Ying immediately smile.
Don’t look at Ying’s usual soft and weak appearance, in fact her character is very strong.
Otherwise, he would not be able to maintain his kindness and bravery after experiencing so many events in the original world line.
At this moment, Ning Guang finally came back to his senses.
Showed a helpless smile.
“Ying’s words almost made me feel ashamed.”
“If this is the will of the two, it is my request that offends.”
“I really shouldn’t have involved the two of you in the conflict between the Liyue Seven Stars and the Immortal. I am very sorry for this.”
As the leader of Liyue Seven Stars, she directly bowed her head to apologize, which was a scene that no one else had ever seen before.
After apologizing, Ning Guang also recovered from Ying’s sincere words and said.
“Since it isIn this way, I do not mention those requirements. ”
“However, I still hope that the two of them can help Liyue.”
“We, Liyue Seven Stars, can resolve the conflict with the immortals ourselves, but if we do this, we won’t have the energy to monitor the fools.”
“So I hope that the two of you can help Liyue to keep an eye on the fools at this critical moment. At least, we must figure out their purpose and plan.”
When he said this, Ning Guang’s expression became serious.
Apparently, for the emperor’s murder, the people she suspected the most were the fools.
“If it’s just surveillance…no problem.”
Hearing this request, Ying immediately agreed.
She doesn’t need to participate in Liyue’s internal battles, she only needs to defend against foreign enemies, which is her desired task.
Not to mention, she has always been worried about Wendy’s attack, and she is old enemies with the Fools, and she has long wanted to take the opportunity to mess with them.
Now that I have this opportunity, and I can still help Liyue, I am naturally very happy.
Chapter 626 Ying Wo Can Sing Super
After discussing this matter, although Ningguang failed to achieve the original goal, she was very satisfied. Under her enthusiastic guidance, Su Mo took a good look around Qunyu Pavilion.
On the way, thinking of Hu Tao’s entrustment, he casually mentioned something.
“Send Xiandianyi… This is indeed my negligence.”
Hearing this, Ningguang remembered that there was still no preparation for the ceremony.
It’s not her fault, the emperor was killed, Liyue undercurrent (: This book! By 【;F,li?’ppe,!d】.: Organize; 317.747’8?) surging.
During this period of time, she was thinking about fools and immortals, so how could she think of the immortal ceremony that had not been held for many years.
But now that she mentioned it, she found that this was indeed a necessary ceremony.
After the emperor passed away, Li Yue’s heart was panicked… Panic.
It is true that a ceremony is needed to announce the departure of the emperor, and to soothe people’s hearts while mourning.
So, after being reminded, she immediately brightened her eyes, and asked Baiwen to arrange matters related to sending the fairy ceremony.
Su Mo didn’t say much.
With Zhongli around, it is almost impossible for anyone to snatch the job of delivering Xiandianyi from him.
Of course, this is not absolute.
After all, in Liyue’s thousands of years of history, the legend of the emperor has long been distorted by time.
“Is it you who understands the rock king or I who understands the rock king?” This kind of thing has happened more than a few times.
It is not impossible for the real product to be eliminated by the fake product.
Of course, this is something Zhongli needs to consider.
Su Mo didn’t care.
After visiting Qunyu Pavilion, Su Mo and Ying left after roughly discussing the future.
After the two petted each other and left.
Standing on the high platform, staring at the backs of the two Feng Zhiyi, he sighed slightly, not knowing what he was thinking.
A moment later, a girl with purple double ponytails and black pantyhose came out from behind the Qunyu Pavilion.
The Yuheng star among the Liyue seven stars – Keqing.
“Sure enough, Ningguang, I told you that they are not people you can win over with profit!”
Ke Qing taunted Ning Guang, looking at the backs of the two leaving, her lips were slightly raised, and she seemed to be in a good mood.
“I didn’t intend to use Mora to bribe them either.”
Ning Guang shook his head.
“Some people can be bought with Mora, and some people can be bought with emotion.”
“And they are obviously not people who can be bought by Mora.”
Hearing Ning Guang’s words, Ke Qing shook her head.
“So, you plan to bribe them with emotion? But haven’t you still failed?”
Only then did Ningguang turn her head to look at Keqing.
“There was a chance to succeed, if you were here just now.”
It’s obvious what she means.
Ningguang originally planned to use the relationship between Keqing and Su Mo to induce Su Mo to make a choice.
Unfortunately, Keqing rejected her proposal.
“Teacher Su Mo is a very good teacher and a very powerful person.”
Looking at Su Mo’s disappearing back, there was a trusting smile on the corner of her mouth.
“Even if you kidnap me and force Teacher Su Mo to help you, it’s impossible.”
“He will only force his organization to shatter, and then rescue me. He will never compromise, so your idea cannot succeed in the first place.”
Having said that, she glanced at Ning Guang with high spirits.
“Of course, this has nothing to do with why I rejected your proposal. The reason why I refused is simply because I don’t want to!”
Since it’s something she doesn’t want to do, and it’s also an incorrect thing, Keqing will naturally not do it.
She has always been this type of crisp, sharp and decisive.
Hearing what she said, Ning Guang didn’t refute her.
Instead, he nodded in approval.
“I did have that idea before, but after contacting him, although I didn’t see Mr. Su Mo clearly, I did see the girl named Ying clearly.”
My main god is Kaguya
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