“Now I know that my judgment was wrong.”
“Although that child is still very young, she is very similar to you, Keqing. You are not the type who will be bought by Mo La, nor will you be bought by emotions… If you want people like you to help you, you can only persuade , cannot be bought.”
“What can convince you is often the facts, not eloquence.”
“So, in the face of your type of idiots, methods are useless. Whether you will lend a helping hand, this judgment has been formed before we ask for help.”
“Words are but useless encumbrance.”
Having said that, Ning Guang smiled slightly.
“It’s a pity that although I can’t do anything about you, I unexpectedly don’t like you.”I hate you idiots. ”
I don’t hate it, I mean I like it!
It was the first time I heard Ning Guang praise herself, and Ke Qing was a little uncomfortable for a while.
…seeking flowers 0…
She looked up at the sky, her hair braided into a pair of cat ears stood upright.
“Suddenly saying these strange words, Ningguang, you must be scared, right?” Ke Qing complained a little awkwardly.
Ningguang smiled slightly and did not argue with her.
“Of course I was a little scared.”
She looked up at the white clouds in the sky, she said she was afraid, but her tone was very calm.
“Whether we can keep the achievements of our reforms over the years depends on the results of negotiations with the immortals…Although I am alone and alone, I will never give in on this aspect!”
Ke Qing also nodded, clenched the long sword in her hand.
“Although I have the sword skills taught to me by Teacher Su Mo, it is still not enough to face so many immortals… I hope it will not turn into the worst situation.”

The vortex stirred the entire Liyue moment.
The two girls stood side by side in the afterglow of the setting sun, waiting for the turning point that could change Liyue’s fate.

In fact, if Ningguang really understood Su Mo and his party.
Maybe they will find that Su Mo and the others are not as indifferent as they expected.
In fact, one Mora’s trap was enough to trap Pymon.
Paimon will drag into her mother who is worried about her again, and by the way, lead out Su Mo who is worried about both of them.
So, if she asked a higher price before.
Maybe neither Su Mo nor Ying would refuse.
Even if they already have the income of an honorary knight, there is never enough of Mora.
It’s a pity that Ningguang didn’t know this.
However, the outcome of the negotiations is still not bad for her.
Su Mo is willing to help keep an eye on the fools so that they can release Keqing’s combat power, which is considered a good progress.
Otherwise, for the sake of Liyue’s safety, Ningguang can only go to negotiate alone.
After all, they all have a steelyard in their hearts.
Immortals just have different ideas. In any case, fools are the real enemy.
Of course, neither Ningguang nor Keqing may have thought of it now.
All the undercurrents that are surging in Liyue are all in the plan of the Rock King Monarch Morax. Four.
Chapter 627 The King of Rocks has made up his mind
Immortal and Liyue Qixing made an appointment to meet, and the time for “friendly consultation” was the evening of the next day.
That night, Ning Guang and Ke Qing, the two Li Yue Qixing’s combat power officers, stayed up all night.
I have been preparing various materials, hoping to use this to convince the immortals.
They are not willing to fight each other unless it is absolutely necessary.
And on this day, the fools lurking in Liyue also secretly waited for the opportunity.
The night was dark and turbulent, and it was eerily quiet.
next morning.
Zhong Li took Su Mo and his party to find the last piece of material that was missing in sending Xian Dianyi.
According to rumors in the market, knights confront the Holy Land – Dihuazhou.
“The last item we’re looking for today is a wild glass lily.”
Standing under the big tree, Zhong Li introduced the purpose of the trip to Su Mo and others.
“Glass Lily “Two Three Three”? ”
Hearing this, Paimon put his hands behind his back in some doubts, tilted his head and asked like a child.
“Why do you come here to look for it! Obviously there are many in the gardens of Yujingtai, and there are also many in the fields of Qingcezhuang.”
The glazed lilies in these two places are not difficult to find, especially in the world of Qingce Village, almost every field has one or two plants growing, and Grandma Ping also planted quite a few.
In fact, there is no need to run so far.
Hearing Paimon’s words, Zhong Li shook his head.
“The ones you mentioned are all artificially bred varieties, which are not suitable for use.”
“Glass lilies once grew in large numbers in Dihuazhou. They are a kind of joyful flowers that will bloom when they listen to people’s singing.”
“Later, due to the landslide caused by the war of the demon gods, Dihuazhou was submerged by floods and turned into a wetland. The glass lily was almost extinct, so it was artificially cultivated and protected, but few people knew that the wild glass lily was not fully developed. extinct.”
“This glass lily has a strong fragrance, and it is ground into powder and placed in the incense burner of immortal incense, which is the complete tradition of “sending immortals”. ”
Hearing Zhong Li talking eloquently.
Paimon became dizzy as usual.
Even Ying couldn’t help but sigh.
“Liyue’s tradition is really complicated!”
Hearing this, Zhongli smiled slightly.
“Traditional ceremonies actually care about the heart, but if you want to express your heart, you must strive for perfection in the details, otherwise it’s just lip service.”
Having said that, he looked at Su Mo and Ying.
“Speaking of which, we still need your help to collect glazed lilies this time.”
Hearing this, Ying was stunned.
Su Mo had expected it.
“After all, that’s why you pulled us here so early, right?”
“If you want to maximize the fragrance of the glass lily, the best way is to have someone sing to it.”
Zhongli nodded.
“That’s right, I’m not good at rhythm, so I can only ask you for help.”
Rock King Dijun never lies.
He said that he is not good at the way of rhythm, probably because he is really not good at it.
Su Mo couldn’t imagine what it would be like for Zhongli to sing.
So, after Zhong Li said that, everyone turned their attention to Su Mo.
After realizing this, Su Mo spread his hands.
“If it’s just about singing, I’m an existence at the level of God’s Domain, and I’m a bit stronger than Wendy in terms of strength… But this time I want to hear Ying’s singing.”
The power “Glory of All Arts” usurped from Apollo covers various aspects such as singing, art, and calligraphy.
Unlike a certain Roman emperor who claimed to be comparable to Apollo, Su Mo really controlled God’s Domainlevel of singing skills.
If he wanted, he could even make the entire Dihuazhou, and even the entire Liyue Liuli lily bloom.
Unfortunately, though.
The only exception would be the few glazed lilies that we will meet later.
Therefore, Su Mo didn’t intend to make a move, and directly threw the burden on Ying.
“The singing voice is stronger than Wendy’s. What kind of strange power has you awakened, Su Mo?”
Hearing Su Mo’s words, Paimon didn’t think he was bragging.
After all, Su Mo has never had the habit of bragging, and it is not impossible for him to have such a thing happen.
She still remembered how Su Mo awakened several powers the next day at first.
It is estimated that this time, he also recalled the skills of some singing masters!
Thinking of this, Paimon turned around curiously and looked at Ying.
“Traveler, how is your singing level?”
Ying thought about it, although she didn’t have any memory of singing, but she had heard Barbara sing, it didn’t seem difficult…
So she patted her chest.
“I’m super good at it!”
“Really? I don’t believe it…”
“However, with Su Mo here, even if the traveler doesn’t succeed, he can continue to let the glass lily bloom, so traveler, you can play freely!”
My main god is Kaguya
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