Paimon’s face made some embarrassing words.
Ying glanced at her confidently without arguing.
Soon, Su Mo found three glazed lilies that grew together.
Inhaling and clenching her hands into fists, Ying was a little nervous, but she hummed Barbara’s signature song smoothly.
“Da… da da da… da da da… da! da da!”
After singing, she looked at Liuli Lily in front of her without blinking her eyes, wondering to what extent her singing could make Liuli Lily bloom.
Under her fiery gaze.
“Move, move!”
Paimon exclaimed.
Yes, the glass lily moved! The petals trembled violently.
Is this the prelude to bloom?
Ying looked for her eyes, and felt that the movement was a bit loud.
Then see.
“Bang!” “Bang!” “Bang” three times.
Three ice-attribute Liaohua flowers came out directly from the ground, and looked at Ying in front of them aggressively.
“Huh? What’s the matter?”
Paimon didn’t react for a while.
“Could it be that the song sung by the traveler made them angry? And they were so angry that they turned into monsters at 0.4?!”
Hearing this, Ying was dumbfounded for a moment.
Could it be that his singing voice is really so ugly that even Liuli Lily can’t stand it, and he would rather become a monster to teach himself a lesson?
For a moment, she doubted life.
At this moment, Su Mo’s voice sounded.
“Pimeng is an idiot, so please don’t be stupid with me, these three are just cheating flowers!”
Monsters who deceive flowers and like to mimic plants often appear in Mond, and Ying has seen them many times.
So, after hearing what Su Mo said, she immediately reacted.
However, she didn’t wait for her to draw her sword.
The three Liahua flowers fell to the ground in disarray. Su Mo and Paimeng were already familiar with the road, and began to collect the Liahua nectar.
Chapter 628 The situation in the golden house finally broke out
Looking at the situation in front of her, how could Ying not know that she was playing the piano to the cow just now. Singing to Liaohua, they don’t necessarily have this function if they want to bloom.
After all, Liaohua is good at mimicry and camouflage. If there are no blooming glass lilies around, they will naturally have no way to imitate.
——Unless it is a cheating flower that has been transformed by alchemy.
——Hua Bei Duo, I’m talking about you!
Realizing this, Ying cast a suspicious look at Su Mo.
“Couldn’t it be, Su Mo, you saw this, so you asked me to come and sing on purpose!”
Su Mo cast his gaze into the distance, apparently not intending to answer directly.
“Su! Mo!”
Just when he was full of vitality and was about to ask questions.
“Look, coconut sheep!”
Su Mo interrupted Ying’s spellcasting and pointed behind her.
“Do you think I’m a fool? There are no coconut sheep in this world!”
Hearing what he said, Ying said speechlessly.
She was also raped by Qiqi before, so she knew that coconut sheep did not exist, and coconut milk was the fruit of the coconut tree.
But even if she knew this was the case, she followed Su 14mo’s instructions and followed Su 14mo’s instructions very cooperatively.
Then, I saw a pair of big red horns and was almost startled.
“Really, there are coconut sheep?!”
After taking a half step back in surprise, she noticed that there was a person growing under the pair of corners in front of her.
The blue and white short skirt, black tight-fitting inner lining, and the blue single ponytail on the top of the head are all very familiar symbols.
“You are… yesterday’s Gan Yu?!”
There is no connection with the original world line, this time Ying met Gan Yu within two days, so naturally she would not mistakenly remember her name as Wang Xiaomei.
“Hold, I’m sorry, I recognized the wrong person.”
Ying immediately apologized politely.
“It’s ok.”
Gan Yu shook her head, although she was a little concerned about who the “Coconut Sheep” she mistook was.
But now is not the time to talk about this. Thinking of what happened yesterday, she immediately bowed her head and apologized.
“I’m sorry, I seem to have forgotten to tell you how to get to Qunyu Pavilion yesterday.”
Although Gan Yu works conscientiously, she has to deal with a huge workload alone.
But with a natural personality, she often gets confused. It was only after Su Mo and others came back yesterday that she remembered her mistakes, and it was too late to apologize.
I was planning to take the time to go to the door to make amends, but I didn’t expect todayIt just happened to happen, so naturally I couldn’t wait any longer.
“It doesn’t matter, Su Mo can fly anyway.”
Ying, who has always been open-minded, naturally didn’t take this little matter to heart.
Hearing this, Gan Yu breathed a sigh of relief, but not relieved.
After all, she was the one who made the mistake. Just a verbal apology seemed a little insincere.
But this time it was a chance encounter, and it was impossible for her to prepare in advance.
Just when she thought this way, she suddenly realized something.
“Just now I saw you singing to Liuli Lily, are you looking for this?”
She took out two perfectly bloomed glass lilies from behind her.
“If you need it, take this as my apology.”
“Thank you!”
Seeing the two finished products, his eyes lit up and he did not refuse.
She didn’t want to sing again later, and sang a few more cheating flowers.
After receiving the glazed lily, Zhongli also affirmed the rich aroma.
This made Su Mo wonder what the coconut sheep would look like when they sang.
However, before he could ask, Ying asked curiously.
“By the way, Gan Yu, why are you enjoying the flowers here alone?”
The group of them traveled so far because they were preparing to deliver Xian Dianyi.
But why does Gan Yu do the same?
Hearing her question, Gan Yu lowered his head in a low mood.
“Among the Seven Reigns of the World, only Liyue’s Rock King Dijun and Mengde’s Wind God Barbatos have never changed their terms. After the Dijun passed away, no one knows where Liyue will go, even me.”
“This time I came to Dihuazhou, just to relax.”
For Ying and the others, the killing of the Rock God might just be a sudden incident, but for the people of Liyue, it was enough to collapse their worldview.
Not to mention, it was Gan Yu who was a half-immortal.
Hearing her words, Ying quickly apologized, saying that she didn’t mean to mention this.
Zhongli on the other side really thought of what he talked to Su Mo yesterday, so he couldn’t help but glance at Su Mo, and then asked Gan Yu.
“It’s presumptuous to say, but I would like to ask, what is your opinion on the death of the emperor?”
Although the reasons given by Su Mo yesterday were sufficient.
However, entrusting Gan Yu to him not only depends on Su Mo’s own character.
It also depends on Gan Yu’s own wishes.
Based on his understanding during this period of time and the information he got from Ying and Paimeng, Zhongli was quite at ease about Su Mo’s character.
When you have no strength and are still weak, you can take responsibility bravely and don’t flatter and cowardly.
After gaining power, he was not dominated by instinct, so he was a good candidate no matter what.
Let Gan Yu follow him, and he will definitely grow a lot.
However, before that, we need to confirm again whether Gan Yu is still confused and at a loss as he observed before.
If under the impact of her own death, she didn’t grow enough.
It might not be a good thing for her to let her stay in Liyue.
People must have a sense of responsibility, but they must not be bound by the sense of responsibility for a lifetime.
On this point, whether it is Mandrill or the other immortals, they all see clearly.
My main god is Kaguya
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