In the original world line, Wind Elemental’s Ying defeated Twarin mainly with Wendy’s assistance, and her own strength could not even prevent the two debt handlers-raids.
But in Liyue, Ying, who has mastered both wind and rock elemental powers, can at least be on par with Dadalia, or even slightly better.
In Dao’s wife, Ying, who has also mastered the elemental power of thunder, is still not a god’s opponent, but she can already defeat the lady steadily, and even after defeating the lady, she still has the strength to spend a while with the god of thunder.
Now, Ying has mastered the two elements of wind and rock proficiently.
Its own strength is no less than Dadalia.
Not to mention, he was also protected by Su Mo.
Now her strength, although it has not yet reached the level of Zhongli, or the true God of Thunder.
But compared to the executive officer, it is still a lot higher.
During this time, (this book!; Organized by ?【;:F?l,ip,’ped】(! More “more new book contact?.13.,43”?17!.7’47?8.:) When Liyue was exploring.
Although she didn’t receive any dangerous missions.
But also encountered many dangerous enemies.
Whether it’s the Rock Helmet King Qiuqiu, the Flame Tree, or the Baby Rock Dragon Lizard, even the holder of the Eye of God will find it difficult to deal with opponents.
Under Ying’s hands, there are very few people who have passed a sword.
Although she didn’t realize any secret skills, she was quite famous among the adventurers she rescued.
One Sword Superman – a similar title gradually spread among the group of adventurers and Qianyan Army.
Seeing that her rare sword didn’t make any merit, Ying became a little interested.
After all, the existence of monsters and Qiuqiu people either have certain intellectual defects, or are too stupid and bold, and most of the time they stand still and wait for her to output.
Like Dadalia, there are not many who can assess the situation and know when to avoid attacks.
Of course, there is a problem that Ying is not aware of.
With her attack speed, ordinary monsters have no time to dodge.
But the monster didn’t have time to speak before it died, so Ying never noticed it.
At this moment, seeing that Dadalia’s weapon was destroyed, she raised her long sword, ready to strike again.
At this time, the deflated Dadalia finally understood that the little girl in front of him was not an opponent he could underestimate.
Apart from bows and arrows, it is indeed an insult to use bows and arrows to fight against such an enemy who is obviously proficient in various martial arts.
“I didn’t expect you to be so strong… From this point of view, Su Mo may only be able to resist us, Queen Winter.”
Dadalia finally understood the situation and stood up from the ground.
Then, he threw the longbow in his hand.
The God’s Eye activates, and directly uses water to construct a weapon.
——It’s still a longbow.
But this time it wasn’t because he was pushing him, but because he just wanted to use a move to delay the time.
“Try this!”
Concentrate all the water element power in the whole body on this arrow.
At this time, Xiao Gong’s lines are actually more appropriate.
——The golden (whale) fish is here!
I saw, in the golden house, a huge whale that was 10 to 20 meters long and made entirely of water elements jumped into the air, and rushed fiercely in the direction of Ying.
This is Dadalia’s trick under normal circumstances.
A whale that weighs hundreds of tons does not need any fancy skills, just its weight is enough to destroy everything.
If it is in an open field, it can run away.
But here is the golden house, the enemy has nowhere to escape!
Faced with such a terrible attack, there is no way to escape and no way to stop it.
Paimon was so frightened that he hid directly behind Ying.
Unexpectedly, Ying took the initiative to take a step forward.
Then, swing the sword!
It’s just a sword.
The majestic sword energy is completely different from the aura of the first sword.
If the first sword, that kind of sharp sword aura, used the power of the wind element, so it had a particularly strong penetrating character.
Then this sword contains the incomparably thick rock element power.
Sword Qi collided with hundreds of tons of whalesIn an instant, wind pressure filled the entire space.
The incomparable sword energy only stayed for less than a second, and completely defeated the whale in front of him, and destroyed the ceiling of the golden house along the way.
With the second cut, the whale was dropped in seconds.
Right now.
A voice full of fighting spirit and madness sounded.
Accompanied by a somewhat strange accent, Dadalia, who was wearing a mask and surrounded by the power of thunder, stood in front of Ying.
“Water and thunder, use two elemental forces at the same time?”
Looking at Dadalia in front of her, Ying frowned slightly.
…seeking flowers 0…
Soon, she remembered what Su Mo had popularized.
“This is… the evil eye of fools?!”
“That’s right!”
In Dadalia’s voice, the madness could no longer be restrained.
“This power, I call it the Demon King’s Armed Forces, is a form of power developed by fools.”
“Actually, I really don’t want to use this form to fight you. After all, this form is so powerful that I feel a bit invincible.”
“However, since you can also use two elements at the same time, it is not considered cheating for me to do so.”
This is a lie.
Happy to see hunting.
He has no personality, and he will never be afraid of using the devil’s weapon.
As long as he is crazy, he can do anything.
And at this moment…
Obviously, he, who was psychologically shadowed by the two knives, no longer cared too much.

If he loses here, not only will he become weak, but it will also interfere with the implementation of the plan.
Therefore, he must use the strongest state to meet the enemy.
And as a person who is fanatical about fighting, the opponent he desires should not only be powerful, but also have the fighting spirit not to lose to him.
Therefore, he explained his current strength, paused, and waited for Ying’s reply.
Hope to start a bloody contest.
However, after listening to his words.
Ying’s expression was still cold.
Don’t talk about passion, they simply turned a deaf ear to his words.
–what happened? Can’t this guy see how powerful his demon king’s arm is?
――Could it be that only men understand the charm of transformation?
Dadalia just had a little doubt in his heart.
Hearing that, Ying spoke.
“That’s all, are you done?”
The girl with short blond hair tilted her head and asked a question.
Then, he didn’t seem to want to wait for his answer at all, and directly displayed the last sword.
“call out!”
The sword came too fast, and Dadalia was too confident in the defense of his demon king’s armed forces, so he didn’t hide.
The sword energy sank directly on his armor.
There was a sound of something cracking.
In the next second, the purple-black armament of the Demon King shattered.
Dadalia spit out a mouthful of blood, and his body was blasted to the rear by a huge force like a torn sack.
Three swords are over.
Son Dadalia——I can’t do it again. Four.
Chapter 632
After defeating Dadalia. Ying, who was deeply influenced by Su Mo, was going to make up for it.
My main god is Kaguya
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