Don’t get me wrong, she didn’t want to know Dadalia’s life directly. Although she had a grudge with the Fools, she was not ready to kill.
Moreover, I don’t know if it is out of pity for the strong to the weak, or simply because it is unnecessary.
Although Dadalia defeated many Qianyan armies, he did not take their lives.
Reciprocity, Ying naturally won’t go too far.
She just intends to bind the opponent with a chain that even the holder of the God’s Eye can’t break, and then throw it to the Qianyan Army.
However, what she didn’t expect was.
Dadalia did not lose consciousness.
Of course, he was indeed defeated, and indeed lost his ability to fight.
However, he did not faint.
The moment the third sword arrived, he had already realized that he was bound to lose. “Two hundred thirty-three.”
Therefore, at that time, he didn’t try to resist, but tried his best to defend, leaving the last bit of strength.
The reason why he was blown away was also his own choice.
Because, the place where he was blown away was exactly in the center of the chest of the rock king’s dragon body.
“I didn’t expect that, traveler, this is my escape route!”
Laughing wildly, he directly wrapped the last bit of water elemental force in his hand, and directly inserted into Dijun’s chest.
Only then did Ying, who was powerful but inexperienced, realize his purpose.
“Heart of God!”
Although I don’t know why.
But the fools did collect Wendy’s God’s Heart in Mond. If they think so, it’s quite normal for them to focus on the Rock King Dijun’s God’s Heart.
However, just when she wanted to take a quick step forward and take back the Heart of God from Dadalia.
“Huh? G?”
Dadalia, who had been laughing wildly, gradually became confused and even suspicious of life.
His hands kept digging and digging inside the corpse of Emperor Yanwang.
After digging for a long time, I found nothing.
“What’s going on? Where’s the heart of God? How big is my heart?”
The dazed Dadalia couldn’t help but look at Ying in the distance.
However, Ying’s expression seemed even more surprised than him.
“The heart of God… isn’t in the body of the rock god Moraxel?”
If this is the case, why did the Liyue Seven Stars guard this place heavily?
Is it just to be used as bait?
The real heart of God has been taken out long ago?
For a while, she was also a little confused.
According to the usual habits, if there is something that can’t be figured out, there is no need to panic.
Because there is always someone who can answer her doubts.
“Let’s go back and ask Su Mo!”
existPaimon floating behind her accurately expressed Ying’s thoughts.
After defeating the executive officer Dadalia, the task that Su Mo wants to do by himself should be considered as completed.
Thinking of this, Ying nodded.
“Then let’s go back now—”
However, before he could finish speaking, he was interrupted.
“No, I’m already here.”
Accompanied by such a voice, Su Mo walked in from the main entrance of the golden house.
To Ying’s surprise, besides him, Gan Yu, who had left early in the morning, also walked with Su Mo.
Looking at Ying’s puzzled eyes, Su Mo smiled slightly.
“This is a battlefield specially prepared for you. Although you are strong enough now, and your sword skills are also very outstanding, it is still a bit immature to say that the battlefield mechanism changes.”
“How about it, did you learn anything from the battle with Dada Duck?”
Hearing what he said, Ying nodded a little ashamedly.
“Well, I did learn a lot.”
“Fighting is only a means, and the purpose of fighting is the most important thing. It was because I neglected this that I allowed him to get close to Morax’s body.”
After reflecting on the battle, she drew inferences from one instance.
“Before I knew that the golden house would be the key point, but I exposed flaws because of excessive attention. This is also my mistake.”
“Su Mo, you once said that the more you care about something, the less you can show it in front of the enemy, or you will only let the enemy grasp your weakness.”
“So, before you see the situation clearly, you must learn to remain calm, and then defeat the enemy with thunder.”
Su Mo, who was the instigator, was a little surprised when he heard Ying talking so eloquently.
“As expected of someone who just came to the Tivat continent and can stir up the situation… Your learning ability is much better than ordinary people.”
Ying’s learning ability is really terrifying.
This point, in fact, has long been reflected.
Not everyone, after being exposed to elemental power, can immediately master it to the expert level.
Of course, this may be because Ying just regained the power she had lost…
But when it comes to learning speed, there are indeed not many people in Tivat who can surpass her.
Hearing Su Mo’s praise, Ying looked a little embarrassed.
However, soon, her attention turned to another matter.
“By the way! Su Mo, how did you and Gan Yu meet?”
The blonde girl in the white dress blinked her eyes and asked with a very innocent expression.
It is clear that her expression is very clear and her tone is normal.
But for some reason, Su Mo always felt like he was catching rape.
This Yingmei has a big problem!
――However, the Japanese do not seem to be breaking the law, right?
“It’s just a coincidence.” Su Mo said in a very ordinary tone.
“I guess you should have finished fighting here. I was planning to come over to see you. I happened to see Coconut Sheep…I mean Gan Yu was wandering around with a disappointed face, so I called her up.”
Su Mo didn’t say anything, Ying hadn’t noticed yet.
After hearing what he said, Ying took a careful look at Gan Yu in front of her.
I found that indeed, although she was sad in the morning, she was quite normal, but at the moment she was completely absent-minded.
Not only did not say hello.
Even after hearing Su Mo introduce her, there was no reaction at all.
He was in a daze, as if he had been stunned.
What kind of blow was this?
“Gan Yu, what’s wrong with you?”
Ying’s fingers waved in front of Gan Yu.
The other party didn’t respond, just glanced at Ying in a daze, then nodded in a daze, and dropped another 0.4.
The whole world view is broken and it looks like it has suffered a huge blow.
“Gan Yu!”
Seeing her in this state, Ying couldn’t care less about being jealous.
He shook her shoulders with direct concern, trying to wake her up.
After seeing Gan Yu come back to her senses, she asked immediately.
“What the hell happened?”
Hearing this question, Gan Yu was silent for a while, and then whispered in a tone that almost died of breath.
“What’s broken?” Ying asked.
“Cut off—”
Gan Yu shook her head, and finally, under Ying’s concerned eyes, she finally spoke.
“My contract with Dijun…is cut off!”
Ying, who heard this, was stunned on the spot.
Chapter 633 Gan Yu’s New Job From Su Mo’s Contract
In Liyue, the one who is as famous as the Emperor Yanwang himself is the Emperor Yanwang’s contract. Morax is known as the god of rock and also the god of contract.
In the past, Liyue was also known as the era of the contract between the rock king and the immortals.
The matter of the contract, in Li Yueren’s heart, is almost as important as the Emperor Yan Wang himself.
Even Ying, who is a foreigner, is deeply touched by this point.
My main god is Kaguya
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