It is precisely because of this that she can understand Gan Yu’s confusion now.
For the immortal who signed the contract with the Emperor Yanwang.
The meaning of the contract itself is very important to them.
This proportion even sometimes exceeds the contractor itself.
Especially for Gan Yu who regards the contract as the meaning of existence, the contract itself is sometimes even more important than the rock king.
Therefore, even if it was known before that Emperor Yanwang was killed.
Although Gan Yu was sad at that time, she did not collapse because of it.
Because the contract she signed is still there, and she still has unfinished missions, so she won’t be lost.
And now, when this contract is interrupted.
Even she didn’t know what to do.
After losing her contract, what kind of status should she be with Liyue?
Immortal? Or human?
She didn’t know what to do, she was aware ofAfter the contract was terminated, the whole person was like a walking dead.
Although he had been following Su Mo before.
But it’s just because I can’t find my way.
At this moment, after being awakened by Ying, Gan Yu fell into confusion again.
Seeing her like this, Su Mo was also secretly surprised.
Unexpectedly, old man Zhongli looked slow, and usually looked very calm, but once he made up his mind, he came faster than Thunder.
Even Su Mo didn’t expect that after Zhongli figured it out, he would directly take the medicine.
The contract with Gan Yu was terminated on the spot.
At that time, Su Mo did not guess what Zhongli did.
It was only when Zhong Li urged him to come over to appease Gan Yu that he discovered the great change in Gan Yu.
But it was too late to solve the opponent.
He realized that Ying had already dealt with the enemy, so he rushed over with Gan Yu in time.
At this time, Ying realized that something was wrong with Gan Yu.
Dadalia, who did not find the Heart of God, also noticed Su Mo at the door.
The memory of being slashed by Ying Sansao is still there, and he doesn’t think that he is qualified to fight Su Mo now that he is seriously injured.
Therefore, he made up his mind and crushed the talisman paper in his hand–No taboos!
“Let the malice from ancient times swallow everything here!”
The moment the talisman paper was crushed, the seal of Guyun Pavilion was immediately loosened.
The originally clear sky was dominated by a storm in an instant.
As far as the Golden House, you can smell the waves of the port.
“I don’t know if Liyue, who has lost the rock king, can fight against the former vortex demon god Oser!”
Do everything you can do.
Dadalia breathed a sigh of relief, and looked towards the door, wanting to see Su Mo panicked.
Unexpectedly, not only did Su Mo’s expression not change in front of him, but he seemed to have been waiting for him to do so.
“The vortex demon god is unsealed, and Liyue Seven Stars and the immortals can’t continue to negotiate.”
Su Mo turned around and looked at Ying.
“Right now, they are probably discussing how to deal with the demon god Oser.”
“Then I’ll go over and help now!”
Ying immediately made a decision.
Although it is very important to unravel Ganyu.
But now, it is obvious that Liyue should be given priority.
Su Mo nodded.
“You and Paimon go first, and I’ll take care of Gan Yu’s matter.”
There is no need to let go of the rare opportunity that Zhongli created.
In this regard, there is nothing wrong with herself, and she also knows that she is not a person who is very good at enlightening others.
So, after discussing with Su Mo, she rushed to the port in a hurry, ready to help fight against the demon god of the whirlpool.
In the golden house.
Only Su Mo, Gan Yu, a group of Qianyan Army in a coma, and… Dadalia who fell to the ground were left behind.
Seeing Su Mo approaching step by step, even Dadalia couldn’t help closing his eyes.
Having lost his strength, he didn’t expect the enemy to let him go, but he just felt a little sorry for his family.
Su Mo’s footsteps stopped in front of him. Then, he said something very inappropriate.
“For the sake of being diligent and diligent as a tool person, I will reward you to go to jail for a while!”
As soon as the voice fell, it was like being hit with a sap.
Dadalia’s eyes went dark, and he fainted directly on the ground.
Su Mo tied it up casually and threw it on the ground, leaving the Xieyan and God’s Eye on the other side.
Then, he looked back at Gan Yu.
After hearing the news that the vortex demon god Oser was unsealed, her originally dazed expression became a lot more anxious.
As a person who witnessed the suppression of the vortex demon god Oser by the rock king, she knew very well that the power of this demon god was beyond the reach of ordinary people.
Even if the immortals pay a great price, they may not be able to suppress it successfully.
Therefore, her first reaction was to go to the port to resist the demon god just like Ying.
However, just after thinking this way, she realized something else.
Her contract has been terminated.
Now she seems to have no qualifications to step forward to resist the demon god.
Whether it’s the immortals or the Liyue Seven Stars, they all signed a contract to protect Liyue.
Therefore, it was justifiable for them to block Oser’s actions.
Only Gan Yu is different.
Now she still doesn’t have the responsibility to protect Liyue, so she doesn’t have the qualification to go forward.
“Now, can I really go to fight with everyone?”
Gan Yu bowed her head and stood at the door 233 of the Golden House, like a child who didn’t know what to do.
Seeing her like this, even Su Mo who knew her character was a little speechless.
Gan Yu’s character is timid and sensitive to the point of shame.
Even though she has been in Liyue for thousands of years, she is still afraid of this and that, always worried that she will be excluded.
Judging by her behavior, it seems that she was bullied in childhood, so she is like a little girl with psychological trauma, with a weak and tangled personality.
No wonder Zhongli signed a contract with Gan Yu before. With the character of this child, if there is no contract to affirm himself, I am afraid that he will always be timid, and he may be ten times weaker than he is now.
“What did this child experience in childhood?”
Su Mo couldn’t help but think so in his heart.
If we talk about Gan Yu’s dark history, it’s just that when she was a child, her demon body became fat and she choked a giant beast to death.
Although it is a bit embarrassing, as long as this kind of thing is not mentioned repeatedly, it will not cause too much psychological trauma to the child.
Unless there are parents who are ignorant and keep making fun of this matter, it will hurt the child’s young mind and make him sensitive and suspicious.
–and many more!
Thinking of this, Su Mo finally realized who the culprit of Gan Yu’s character problem is!
Two pieces of poultry real king! No, True Monarch Liuyun Borrowing Wind!
This pot must be hers.
Chapter 634 The Coconut Sheep Re-employs the Trembling Demon God Auxerre
althoughNow I know whose pot it is. But Gan Yu’s immediate problem still needs to be solved.
Looking at the dazed Ye Yang, Su Mo reckoned that she would not be able to listen to any words of enlightenment.
Therefore, we can only speculate.
“Morax is not dead.”
Su Mo said this in a calm tone.
But it aroused great waves in Gan Yu’s heart.
“Mr. Su Mo?! What did you say?”
She doubted her ears a little.
Su Mo didn’t intend to repeat this sentence, but just analyzed it calmly.
“It shouldn’t be difficult to deduce this point.”
“If Morax is really dead, then the contracts on you will either expire at the same time, or all of them will be kept. It is impossible for one person to expire.”
In fact, Gan Yu can’t hide this point after thinking about it carefully.
My main god is Kaguya
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