However, because she was too shocked, she hadn’t thought of this before.
After being pointed out by Su Mo, she immediately came back to her senses.
“Great! Lord Dijun is fine!”
She just let out a yell of joy.
Then, as if thinking of something, suddenly the whole person froze.
“Since Morax is fine, then the disappearance of your contract is purely due to the will of the Rock God.”
Su Mo pointed out what Gan Yu just thought of without hesitation.
Hearing this, Gan Yu couldn’t help lowering his head.
If it wasn’t for an accident, if Emperor Yanwang broke her contract, wouldn’t it mean that he was fired?
Could it be that she didn’t fulfill her duties somewhere?
Just when she was starting to think wildly.
Su Mo, who accurately predicted her thoughts, shook his head.
“Don’t think too much, Morax didn’t think you didn’t do well enough to fire you, but because you did well enough, you can already rest.”
Hearing this word, Ye Yang, who only slept for two hours a day, was a little confused.
“All work has its end. If it is said that Emperor Yan’s abdication is because he felt that he could let go of his responsibilities’-”
“Then, the disappearance of your contract should also be because you have done a good job, so you can rest!”
Su Mo used Zhong Li’s words to explain the other party’s thoughts.
“Did the emperor tell you this?”
Gan Yu soon noticed this.
“Well, although the original words are not like that, this is indeed his idea. The reason why he suddenly abdicated is also based on this intention.”
Su Mo nodded. Anyway, Zhong Li will spoil the story himself later on, so it’s not a big deal for him to say it in advance.
Hearing what he said, Gan Yu understood what he said, but couldn’t accept it.
“But…if this is what the emperor meant, what should I do now that I don’t have a contract?”
It seems that he went to the doctor in a hurry.
Gan Yu, who was completely at a loss, raised her head and looked at Su Mo as if asking for help.
I hope that this person who has intersected with Dijun, Liyue Seven Stars, and Immortals can give himself an answer.
She considers herself unacceptable to humans.
Because of her human heart, she couldn’t stand the time spent in seclusion, nor could she stay with the immortals.
Originally, there was a contract as a reason for her to stay in Liyue.
Now, even the bondage of the contract is gone.
She really didn’t know what to do with herself.
Hearing her words, Su Mo shook his head.
“Not having a contract is not the reason why you don’t know what to do. Ying doesn’t have a contract either, but she has never been lost.”
Hearing what Su Mo said, Gan Yu was taken aback.
Thinking of Ying’s dashing attitude just now, he couldn’t help feeling a little envious in his eyes.
“Traveler is amazing, I, I can’t be like Ying.”
She said a little nervously.
Putting aside the mask of half-immortal blood, Gan Yu is actually a girl with a little low self-esteem.
There was a contract as a psychological support before, so it was very reliable in the eyes of outsiders.
But once she loses her contract, her immature, little girl side will be exposed.
“If Ying hears this, she will be very happy.” Su Mo shook his head and said very frankly.
“Actually, you don’t need to put so much pressure on you. The reason why Moraxe did this is because he thinks you should take the next step in your growth.”
“Even without the help of a contract, you still have your own thoughts, and you can do whatever you want to do.”
Speaking of this level, Su Mo felt that Gan Yu should be able to understand something.
Hearing what Su Mo said, Gan Yu blinked.
“Did you think of anything?” Su Mo asked.
“I, I like to live by contract…”
Gan Yu looked at Su Mo cautiously and said in a low voice.
“Then what are your hobbies? What are your hobbies?” Su Mo continued to ask while holding his forehead.
“Do hobbies and work count?”
Gan Yu said with bright eyes.
Su Mo was speechless.
So after talking for a long time, you still want to be a social animal according to the contract?
This child is invulnerable to fire and water!
Thinking of this, an inhuman howl came from the distant port, and the power of the demon god changed the color of the world.
I feel that if I continue to tear it down, it will be difficult to get results.
The battlefield on the side of the demon god also needs to be taken care of by himself.
So, Su Mo decided to cut the mess quickly.
He pressed Gan Yu’s shoulder and asked directly.
“That is to say, although the contract with Emperor Yanwang is over, you still think that following the contract’s lifestyle is more suitable for you, right?”
It was the first time to be so close to a man, and Gan Yu was a little uncomfortable for a while.
But after hearing Su Mo’s words, she nodded slowly.
The power of the contract, almost accompanied herpregnancy.
For her, this kind of living habit cannot be corrected with a few words.
“If you need a contract to find your direction in life, then make a contract with me!”
Su Mo said very decisively.
Under Gan Yu’s blank expression.
Su Mo launched directly, usurping the power of the contract mastered by Perseus’s Mithra godhead.
The invisible force directly restrained Gan Yu’s mind.
Sensing that this is extremely familiar, but has a completely different power of contract, Gan Yu was stunned.
Why, Su Mo can grasp the power of the contract?
She can be sure that this power is not the same as that of the Emperor Yanwang. That is to say, there can be a second demon god who has the power of the contract on the Tivat continent.
However, before she had time to think, the contract given by Su Mo reached her mind.
“I give you strength and help you find your place, and in exchange, you give back loyalty.”
“This is the whole content of the contract. If you have to agree on something to survive, then sign this contract!”.
Chapter 635 The Frozen Demon God Shuanghuaya Rolls Down the Mountain Zhenjun
Su Mo’s idea was simple. Judging by Gan Yu’s appearance, she couldn’t get rid of her dependence on the contract for a while.
In this case, it is better to fight fire with fire and replace the old contract with a new one.
In this way, Gan Yu will not be completely at a loss as before.
And because the content of the Su-Mo contract is very broad.
She doesn’t have to let the contract completely fill her thinking like before, and become Tian Tian 027’s social animal.
Take time to rethink your thoughts.
——027 refers to going to bed at midnight and getting up at two in the morning, working seven days a week, all year round.
It was corrected little by little.
Neither Su Mo nor Gan Yu was a bad thing.
And Gan Yu’s side.
After feeling Su Mo’s completely different power of contract, although she failed to get in touch with the essence of Su Mo’s power, she also got a glimpse of the tip of the iceberg.
That also has the power of the contract above Morax, which is majestic and frightening.
And what shocked her even more.
Such a powerful contract power seems to belong to a relatively weak category in Su Mo’s body.
The strength of this man in front of him is far above the Seven Gods!
After realizing this, she immediately realized how rich 233 was in this contract, this gift, given by Su Mo.
Do you want to accept it?
For a moment, Gan Yu had this question in his mind.
My main god is Kaguya
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