Then she was thrown away immediately.
Just kidding, how could I refuse!
Like a drowning person, grabbing the last straw.
For Gan Yu, who takes the contract as the meaning of her life, after losing the contract, her life is so empty that even she can hardly face it.
At this time, the contract Su Mo gave her can be said to be the rain that comes after a long drought.
In this way, perhaps many people cannot have intuitive empathy.
But if you regard this contract as a job.
Then, Gan Yu is equivalent to a laid-off employee who just lost a stable job in a state-owned enterprise and was fired.
Just when she was worrying about her livelihood and unable to do anything.
Su Mo directly offered her a job with good pay.
Not only the salary is generous, but also equity incentives.
It’s simply breathtaking.
A scholar dies for his confidant.
There is no reason not to agree to such treatment.
Not to mention, Liyue (beae) is in danger now, and with more power, she can protect Liyue better.
Thinking of this, Gan Yu nodded heavily.
“I do!”
“Here, the contract is established.”
Su Mo nodded, and the power of words turned into constraints.
The next moment, surging mantra poured into Gan Yu’s body, strengthening her strength.
Today, Su Mo’s use of protection is much stronger than before.
And because the godheads he holds are generally raised to at least four digits.
The protection he can give has also become much stronger.
As long as he wants, he can easily grant divine protection to his subordinates.
It can make a person who has no strength to restrain a chicken instantly rise to a five-digit level.
Of course, if the level of life is only raised to five figures, if the combat power can’t keep up, it’s useless.
However, for individuals like Ying and Gan Yu who are already capable of fighting, the increase in protection is huge.
Feeling the surging power in her body, after being shocked, Gan Yu opened her clear eyes and looked at Su Mo.
“Lord Su Mo! Are we going to deal with the Whirlpool Demon God now?”
Although the mentality has not been fully adjusted.
But since he accepted Su Mo’s contract, Gan Yu treated him as himself and became Su Mo’s subordinate again.
So the title was changed first.
Su Mo didn’t answer, but asked rhetorically.
“Do you want to protect Liyue?”
“Think!” Gan Yu replied decisively.
With this tone, she who has regained the contract is completely different from before.
Su Mo suddenly began to believe that Gan Yu really liked working.
This guy is a real social animal.
“Then go.”
Su Mo didn’t hesitate either.
He almost felt that Ying’s side had entered a critical period.
The two walked together.
When they arrived at Liyue Port, the battle was at a critical point.
Above Liyue Port, above the Jade Pavilion built by Ningguang, Immortal and Liyue Seven Stars are fighting against the enemy hand in hand.
At this time, hinderThe fools they fought have been wiped clean.
But the ending machine that the immortals placed high hopes on did not have much effect.
The suppressed demon god Oxer, even though he has been sealed for thousands of years, still remains fierce.
Like a dragon and a snake, the body straightened its posture in the sea, and the huge vortex caused a huge tsunami.
Coupled with the heavy rain and thunder, it was as terrifying as the end of the world.
Whether it is the immortals or the Liyue Seven Stars, they can all feel this terrible pressure.
——Did the emperor seal monsters of this level back then?
Realizing this, Ning Guang clenched her teeth.
Now that the emperor is gone, only they can carry this kind of opponent.
Thinking of this, she made up her mind.
“I’m ready to give up Qunyu Pavilion!”
The clear voice spread to the Qunyu Pavilion, and in the ears of everyone, Ningguang quickly explained his tactics.
With my many years of hard work, Qunyu Pavilion, here is a limited edition of “Sky Moves Vientiane”.
Hearing this decision, Ke Qing’s face was moved, only she knew best that Ning Guang chose to give up something.
For Liyue, she directly (this! ‘Book,! Organized by;’【’! Fli:p?pe!d]” (more new book links!. Department!;1’3”4317,74′!78 ) followed by giving up the second most important thing in his life.
But now is the battlefield, not the time to talk about this.
After thinking about it, everyone affirmed the power of Qunyu Pavilion.
However, when everyone lowered their heads, they suddenly realized.
The sea water below Qunyu Pavilion has been stirred up to the point that it is impossible to see anything clearly.
For some unknown reason, the vortex demon god Ausel, who was originally flamboyant, hid his entire body under the surface of the sea, and kept rolling the waves.
People can’t see where its body is at all.
Looking at the crazy swirling vortex, it doesn’t seem to be showing off its power, but it seems to be–what are you afraid of?
how can that be? Even when facing the Emperor of the Rock back then, the Demon God Ausel was never afraid! .
Chapter 636: The Dark Ruler of Luluye Ruins
Master Liuyun Borrowing Wind pondered for a few seconds, but he couldn’t figure out the reason. This can only be temporarily put aside.
“The Jade Pavilion is powerful enough, but if it doesn’t hit Oser’s body, it won’t be able to exert enough effect.”
Looking at the waves under her feet, she couldn’t tell the real from the real, and she felt a little headache.
“Therefore, Oser must be nailed in place.” Mandrill added indifferently.
“Fix such a big demon god? How is this possible!”
Paimon shook his head as he looked at the huge dragon and snake figures under his feet.
“I can try, but I can’t guarantee…”
Mandrill took a step forward, a mask appeared on his face.
Even among the many immortals, he is also the one with the most outstanding fighting power. If there is anyone present who can restrain the vortex demon god, he is probably the only one.
And with the air freedom method he has mastered, he is also the only one who has the possibility to escape from the nuclear explosion of Qunyu Pavilion.
But in any case, this is too risky.
Just when everyone had no other choice but to ask Mandrill to do it.
“Don’t worry, I’ll leave it to me to fix Oser!”
A slightly familiar voice spread throughout the Qunyu Pavilion.
“Su Mo! You are finally here!”
Ying showed a surprised expression, looked left and right but couldn’t see anyone.
“Don’t look for me, I’m still at the port.”
Su Mo’s voice sounded again along with the wind.
“The problem on Gan Yu’s side has been resolved, and we will leave the matter of fixing the demon god Oxel to us! You follow the signal and act!”
After speaking, Su Mo’s voice disappeared.
The immortals looked at each other, not knowing whether to believe it or not.
Ningguang, Keqing and Ying had already made their decision.
Under Ningguang’s operation, the height of Qunyu Pavilion continued to rise.
The immortals passed their powers to Ying one after another, and asked Ying to pour these powers into the core of Qunyu Pavilion to cause explosive damage.
Just the fall of the Jade Pavilion, the strength is definitely not enough.
At the same time, everyone was paying attention to the sea, waiting for the signal from Su Mo’s mouth.
A few seconds later, the signal really appeared.
The moment they saw this light, the immortals looked at each other in blank dismay.
Because, this cold, white light is exactly the pattern of the frost flower vector that they are very familiar with.
“This is… that child Gan Yu?”
My main god is Kaguya
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