Let alone him, judging from the performance of the Dark Dominator, even Su Mo, chief of staff, may not be able to win.
He raised his head abruptly and looked straight at Su Mo in front of him.
“It’s not a question of whether I won or not, but a question of where I have to stand!”
“I’m Ultraman too, how can I let Chief of Staff Su Mo fight alone!”
Dagu’s voice was resolute, and Su Mo even heard the will to stick to it even if he died.
From the beginning to the present, what Dagu lacks the most is courage.
If it is said that when facing monsters, Su Mo often knows himself and the enemy, and then rationally uses his own advantages to destroy the enemy.
Well, for Dagu.
Every time he fights a monster, he doesn’t know if he can really win.
In a sense.
It is precisely because Da Gutai is too weak.
So every time he fights, he needs to work hard.
Therefore, even in the face of a terrifying monster like Gatanjehe that can crush the confidence of all mankind.
Dagu, who has already been tempered, can still maintain his fighting spirit.
At most, it’s just a death!
This level of awareness, he has already done it!
Hearing his words, Su Mo didn’t continue to persuade, it was an insult to Dagu’s determination.
He just smiled and nodded.
“Okay, let’s go together!”
“However, before going, I have to give you some additional information.”
After agreeing with Dagu’s awakening.
Su Mo posed a random pose, and Ultraman Tiga quickly found the corresponding light skills.
——Tiga Energy Transmission!
The energy of blue light, from the chest of Ultraman TigaIn the timer, burst out.
It turned into a rainbow-like bridge of light, which was input into the timer of Ultraman Guja.
In just a few seconds, Ultraman Guja’s timer changed directly from red to blue with energy overflowing, fully charging.
And Ultraman Tiga’s own timer is still shining with blue light, like an inexhaustible clear spring.
After charging is complete.
The two Altman looked at each other.
Tracked by the satellite camera, they raised both hands and flew towards the Luluye ruins together.
Everyone who saw this scene held their breath.
Waiting for this battle that will determine the fate of all mankind.
——Can the two Ultramans work together to defeat this terrible dark ruler?
With that in mind.
The footage leading to the public screen where all mankind survived was quickly switched to the satellite located above the Pacific Ocean.
Although the shadow black mist can block electronic communication and extinguish light and fire.
But at present, it has not spread to geostationary satellite orbit.
Therefore, there is still a way to transmit video signals.
And soon…
After switching to the angle of view near the ruins of Luluye, the camera went through the optical index, and immediately found the figure of the ruler of darkness.
However, rather than finding it, it is better to say that the figure of the other party is not hidden at all, nor can it be ignored.
Even in the vast Pacific Ocean, there is an overwhelming sense of presence.
And when the appearance of Gatange was spread all over the world through satellites, it reached everyone’s eyes.
Everyone was overwhelmed by Gatanjah’s weird and terrifying appearance.
Indescribable fear climbed up their backs in an instant.
Everyone’s nerves were shrouded in an ominous chill, as if stung by a scorpion.
On the pitch-black sea surface, countless tentacles twisted and twisted, as if they were absorbing something, and twisted into dirty flowers one after another in the air.
The swollen body, the creepy ugly shell, and the head that violated the normal physiological structure.
Eyes emitting an ominous scarlet light flickered in the indescribable black mist. Nauseous breath, even through the image may make people subconsciously nauseated.
This is the terrible filth that can make warriors tremble, wise men go mad, and pure priestesses scream.
Only in the deepest nightmares.
Only human beings can dream of such a terrible purgatory.
But now, purgatory has become a reality, becoming an inescapable obstacle.
The monster that can shock the human spirit and make human beings shudder just by looking at it occupies the focus of the world’s attention with its overwhelming presence.
Chapter 640 The Lost Hope of the Giant’s Defeat
In the case of a major mental shock. Even devout clergymen could not hold back their tears and prayed for salvation.
“Lord! If this is a nightmare, please let me wake up!”
“If this is the reality, I implore you to send the Messiah to redeem your pious lamb from the devil!”
As usual in mythology.
At the end of the day, a savior should be born to lead mankind to victory over the end of the day.
This kind of savior plot is by no means unique to Christianity.
In fact, whether it is Buddhism, Hinduism, or Zoroastrianism, there are similar inheritances.
Son of God in Christianity, Maitreya in Buddhism, Kargi in Hinduism, Soshyan in Zoroastrianism…
Although the names are different, the denominations are also divided.
But at this moment, even the brainy groups that met in the past have put aside their disputes and prayed for the arrival of the savior together.
But under everyone’s prayers, it didn’t take long.
Light—has come!
Ultraman Tiga descended from the sky as a savior.
The incomparable brilliance and tough body made these people who were traumatized by Gatanjiehe’s appearance relax one after another.
The figure full of knowledge and compassion shines with a bright light between Buddha and angel.
Under the radiance of this bright light, the religious people were all breathless.
The next moment.
233 Everyone had such an idea in their hearts.
——Altman Tiga, even the appointed savior!
Regardless of denominations or beliefs, at this moment, all religious people seem to have reached such a consensus.
But the real clergy are still a minority.
Most people, seeing the arrival of Ultraman Tiga, the first reaction is that the earth is saved!
Then, they noticed the two helpers following Ultraman Tiga.
“Hey, the one behind Ultraman Tiga is Ultraman Guga, but who is the other giant?”
“It looks familiar, wait! Isn’t this the same evil giant from last time!”
“Yes! It’s the Ultraman transformed by the villain named Keigo Masaki, who actually came to participate in the decisive battle?”
“After all, it’s a special moment. Even a bad guy can’t be worse than the evil god! It can be regarded as atonement!”
It is the evil giant who appeared not long ago that caused people’s discussions.
In the original world line, the Ultraman transformed by Keigo Masaki was called the Evil Tiga.
This is not because there is any relationship between this giant and Ultraman Tiga, it is simply because there is only one Ultraman Tiga in the original world line, so it is called so.
Today, because of the two Ultramen, Masaki Keigo’s giant is simply called the Evil Giant.
If the giant himself heard this name, he would definitely feel that this was an unwarranted disaster.
After all, the evil giant is essentially no different from other giants of light, only because of Masaki Keigo’s evil heart that has changed.
And in Su Mo’s world line, Masaki Keigo also didn’t make any splashes.
Su Mo didn’t make any moves.
With a bad temper, he was directly killed by Gu GaoTerman was crushed.
Scientists like him, even if they were arrested, would not be shot. They have been arrested by the TPC for research and experiments.
But this time, under the crisis of the extermination level.
After weighing, TPC decided to let Masaki Keigo take the blame and make meritorious service.
Facing an enemy like the evil god Gatanjae, as long as there are chips that can be used, they can only be pressed up with one brain.
As for such an opportunity, Masaki Keigo naturally did not refuse.
My main god is Kaguya
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