He is an ambitious man who believes that Ultraman should forcibly guide human evolution, and wants to rule mankind with the power of Ultraman.
Before putting it on, he was naturally a villain.
But compared to the famous evil god who directly wants to destroy the entire human race, his level of evil is really nothing.
Relying on the help of TPC, Masaki Keigo successfully transformed into an evil giant again.
And in the middle, joined the team of Ultraman Tiga and Ultraman Guja.
Probably because he was repentant after being hit by Dagu’s friendship breaking face fist.
After this transformation, Masaki Keigo felt much less evil.
The (beae) purity of rays has been increased.
Ultraman’s power is a bit idealistic, Masaki Keigo’s change may be because, what he is thinking about now is also saving mankind.
after all……
(.? This book “‘by [‘!F,,li!:pp?!ed:”]:? Organize’; (More “”new.book contact!:13!4.!3.;1774, :78) The prerequisite for dominating human beings is that human beings must be present.
At this point, he and the evil god Gatanjae are also natural mortal enemies.
Regarding Masaki Keigo’s joining, Su Mo was noncommittal.
Anyway, it’s cannon fodder, and it’s useless to come.
After struggling for a while, Dagu welcomed this comrade-in-arms with pleasure.
In today’s, apocalyptic backdrop.
The more strength that can stand up, the more hope of winning.
In the face of doomsday, human beings must be united!
In fact, there are quite a few people who think the same as Da Gu.
Although there are many people who care about Masaki Keigo’s past, everything is meaningless in front of this filthy and twisted “Dark Ruler”.
After realizing that the three giants were fighting side by side at the same time.
People who originally had only small hopes in their hearts began to rejoice.
It’s not that they don’t know the strength gap between the giants of light.
But at the moment, they are willing to ignore that.
If it is said that Altman Tiga alone may not be able to defeat this world-destroying monster in front of him.
So, if the three Ultramen are added together, there is always a way to win, right?
Although there is no basis for this idea.
After all, the ultra-ancient civilization with countless light giants was also buried.
But at this moment, the news is enough to boost people’s morale.
Everyone excitedly looked at the battlefield on the screen, hoping to see the victory they longed for.
The place where the eyes of the world focus, in the Pacific Ocean, is lifted up to the Luluye ruins close to the sea level.
The evil god Gatanjae also noticed the three incoming giants of light.
Ultraman Guja, Ultraman Tiga, and the Evil Giant, the three Ultramans surround Gatanjah in the order of left, center, and right.
To deal with monsters, naturally there is no need to talk about martial arts, just shoulder to shoulder.
Dagu and Masaki Keigo looked at each other, one directly raised his fist and hit it, the other charged up the light skill on the spot, and directly bombarded Gatanjae’s body.
Guja Ultraman’s fist slammed into Gatanjae’s inverted head, causing a spark.
The evil giant’s light skills also bombarded the joints of Gatanjae’s carapace, trying to break through this weak point.
From the very beginning, the two used their maximum strength.
However, after the sparks dissipated, the ferocious Gatanjae stood there unscathed, and the tentacles in the sea waved like a madman, capturing the two of them.
Chapter 641 The Unsolvable Defense of the Eclipse Form
“how come?”
Seeing the big moves of the two Ultramans, they didn’t even break the skin of the monster in front of them. Everyone was shocked.
So far, people have seen many strange…beasts.
However, there has never been a monster with such a strong defense that it can directly resist Ultraman’s ultimate move without a hair.
The evil god Gatanjae stood in front of the two Ultramans, and they couldn’t break through their defenses.
In this case, how can we defeat this monster?
Didn’t have time to think about it.
The changes on the battlefield immediately made people’s hearts rise to their throats.
Gatange, who was attacked by two Ultraman, had already dived his bloated tentacles into the bottom of the sea.
Under the effect of the black mist interfering with perception, he directly attacked and grabbed the feet of two Ultramans.
And draw back quickly, causing both giants to lose their balance,
At the same time, the organs that looked like two pincers on Gatanjeh’s body clamped the legs of the two giants fiercely.
More tentacles broke through the water, taking this opportunity to directly entangle the bodies of the two giants.
In just one round of confrontation, Gatanjae restricted the actions of the two giants with only instinctive attacks.
Even Dagu, who is outstanding in strength, can hardly get rid of Gatanjae’s tentacles after struggling hard.
Not to mention, the pervasive black mist wrapped around the two giants of light, and it was constantly corroding the giants’ bodies.
The numerous tentacles are also constantly absorbing the energy of the giant of light.
And, winGatanjah, who was chasing him, had no intention of wasting his time.
The majestic dark energy gathered in his evil twisted head, obviously some big move was brewing.
Seeing that, it was about to sweep away the giant of light in front of him in a wave.
At this moment–
Altman Tiga started.
In fact, at the very beginning, Gatanjae’s tentacles attacked the three Ultraman at the same time.
However, only Ultraman Tiga had time to react and cut off these sneak attacks.
Then, I saw that both Ultraman were restricted.
Gatanjehe seems to be making a big move.
Naturally, Su Mo couldn’t sit idly by.
——Dira Hume Optical Flow!
The red scorching light condensed directly into a ball.
Ultraman Tiga directly threw this beam of high-energy rays at the tentacles gathering place under Gatanjae.
The crimson rays exploded instantly.
Although Gatanjae’s body was unharmed, it managed to cut off many tentacles.
Dagu and Masaki Keigo were also successfully rescued.
Just when people were overjoyed and ready to cheer for it.
Invisible fluctuations spread throughout the world.
The dark purple light directly penetrates everything.
The terrifying attack concocted by Gatanjah burst out in the form of purple-black light.
The place that was slightly affected by the light turned into stone in an instant.
This is the petrified majesty that can mercilessly deprive all life.
Although it seems that the petrification power possessed by Athena is of the same nature as Su Mo’s.
But this energy is so weird that it is full of filth, no matter how you look at it, it cannot be connected with the gods.
It just feels filthy and twisted.
The dark purple light quickly swept across with Gatanjeh’s movements.
Like scissors cutting drawing paper, it directly swept across the three giants of light in front of them.
Dagu and Masaki Keigo sensed the horror of this penetrating light.
The two immediately gathered their strength to the surface of their bodies, trying to use the giant’s defensive skills to resist the attack.
However, a chilling awareness soon spread across their chests.
Without bowing their heads, both of them realized what had happened.
The traces of icy petrification began to spread from the timers of the two giants of light.
The giant’s body full of sense of technology and strength was petrified inch by inch.
The off-white rock color, at the end, spread to the fingertips of the giant of light.
Under the unbelievable eyes of everyone.
The two incomparably powerful giants turned into cold stone statues, completely losing any signs of life activity.
The Giant of Light—— Defeated!
My main god is Kaguya
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