It took only ten seconds before and after!
They directly lost two giants of light!
When this scene was transmitted to all human beings in the world from the satellite images.
Everyone, all lost their voices.
Even Ju Jianhui, the most confident captain of the victory team, became shaken at this moment.
…seeking flowers 0…
People who originally had blind enthusiasm for the three giants on the same stage now only have cold despair in their eyes.
Losing the Giant of Light is the first time in history for everyone.
For a long time, although Altman Guga has often been deflated again and again, sometimes it has become a regular program, and has even been laughed at by everyone.
However, everyone subconsciously never thought that Ultraman Guja would be killed by a monster.
Death, that should be a word away from the giant of light.
How could they be killed if they were so strong? !
However, at this moment, this possibility, which had never been thought of before, became a reality.
The bodies of the two giants of light turned into lifeless stone statues and fell into the cold and dark deep sea.

The enthusiasm that surged in people’s hearts also seemed to be directly washed away by the boundless sea water, and became icy cold.
They finally realized.
Even their patron saint, the Giant of Light, is not invincible.
They also get hurt, they suffer, and they die.
But now, the Giant of Light who could protect them is gone.
And who can save mankind from the doomsday? !
At this moment, all human beings fell into icy despair as if they had fallen into an ice cave.
In this dead silent atmosphere.
Many children looked at adults ignorantly, and pointed to the screen with their young fingers.
“Why despair, don’t we still have Ultraman Tiga?”
Hearing these innocent words, people shook their heads and smiled wryly.
The two giants of light have failed, even if Ultraman Tiga is strong, what’s the use?
After all, even Ultraman Tiga might not be able to avoid the light of death.
Just when they wanted to say so.
From the corner of their eyes, they saw the already dark screen.
In the battlefield shrouded in shadow and black mist, there seems to be a ray of light shining!
No, that’s not just shimmer, it’s a sun-like glow!
The golden light gradually became blazing, and under the light of this light, the shadowy black mist dissipated like white snow.
And in the very center of the light.
A flame like the sun ignited this dark battlefield.
―― Ultraman Tiga? Corona form! Four.
Chapter 642 The Unsolvable Tactic of the Strongest Ultimate Move
The golden light is rising like the sun. In order to resist the penetrating light of Gatanjeh.
Even today’s Su Mo can’t take care of Dagu and Zhengmu Jingwu for a while.
Fortunately, petrification itself is not lethal, it only makes peopleFalling into a state of suspended animation, Su Mo is not worried about the two of them.
Dagu and Masaki Keigo’s willingness to come here is enough to prove their courage.
But if they really wanted to fight, the two of them would actually affect Su Mo’s performance.
Now it is much more convenient to leave the field temporarily like this.
The golden light drives away the darkness.
Altman Tiga directly transformed into a corona form.
However, this is just the beginning.
Soon, the moonlight above the sky was emitting a soft blue light.
Ultraman Tiga’s body also began to bloom its silver-blue light.
– “Two Three Three” – Ultraman Tiga? Luna form.
If the two become one.
It is his latest development, the strongest state.
――Altman Tiga? Eclipse form!
Eclipse phenomenon.
It is the sun, the moon, and the earth, and the three are on the same line, so that the spectacle can be observed.
Thus, the state named after this phenomenon combines the power of both the sun and the moon.
No matter in terms of strength, defense, or the power of light skills, or in speed and agility, it is far stronger than the composite form.
in this case.
Tiga Ultraman used Ultra Barrier.
Moreover, Athena’s petrification power shared from Su Mo, the world of godslayers, was activated.
Three prongs.
This is the only way to defend against Gatanjaer’s penetrating light.
Although the Ott barrier was finally broken a little bit.
But the power of petrification from Athena gave him the power to undo petrification.
Therefore, on Ultraman Tiga, the petrification that was swept away by the aftermath was quickly removed by him.
“What a strong light!”
After successfully avoiding this crisis, Su Mo looked at Gatanjiehe with a more serious look.
Although it has been known for a long time, the power of this dark ruler is absolutely extraordinary.
But he didn’t think of it.
Gatanjahe can cause far more powerful effects than Athena’s by using only the petrification skill.
With the defensive power of Ultraman Tiga, upgraded to the current strongest form, combined with the same petrification power, it is somewhat impossible to defend.
You know, Athena’s godhead after being strengthened by Hakoniwa’s center can be regarded as a top-tier level among four figures!
“Sure enough… Gatanjae’s strength is completely different from those ordinary starburst monsters before.”
In Su Mo’s mind, he had confirmed the location of the monster in front of him.
“As expected of the ruler of darkness, in terms of this monster nature alone, it even reached the three-digit level!”
He was not surprised by such a conclusion.
Ordinary warrior Ultraman, basically has the level of starburst, and Tijia is the best compared to these Ultraman.
A monster that even Ultraman Tiga can’t defeat must be far superior to its peers.
Not to mention Gatanjeh’s record.
Just look at the theatrical version, the derivative individual Dimojae formed by the gathering of residual resentment.
In terms of data, it is the rare infinite height and infinite weight.
This is definitely not the basic data that a four-digit monster can have.
Maybe you can’t see it just by looking at the body shape.
But Gatanjae is indeed a terrifying monster that dominates the endless darkness.
Now, in the face of such a terrifying monster.
It would be a lie to say that there is no psychological disturbance at all.
Su Mo of Hakoniwa World did have a triple-digit record in the second crusade.
However, the opponent race he faced was quite special, the spirit species.
With Su Mo’s current strength and all his experience.
In front of the gods and dragons, Su Mo got the most special attack bonus.
Facing the monster in front of him, these bonuses are probably useless.
So, overall.
For all Su Mo, Gatanjae is not necessarily the strongest among their enemies, but it must be the most difficult.
Therefore, facing the monster in front of him, Su Mo was extra cautious.
After resisting this penetrating light.
Su Mo immediately began to gather strength.
With the power of Tiga Altman itself.
As long as the shining form is not developed, no matter how you attack, it is impossible to break the defense of Gatanjae…
However, the eclipse form of Ultraman Tiga mastered by Su Mo is a step higher than the original version of Ultraman Tiga.
Therefore, he wanted to try his current self to see if the attack would work.
My main god is Kaguya
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