It is definitely not Gatanjae’s opponent.
Thinking of this, Su Mo probably knew what kind of battles those petrified giant statues in the depths of the Luluye ruins had experienced.
After confirming this, Su Mo immediately knew why he didn’t feel anything.
Corrosive energy?
Absorb the light?
Weaken the opponent?
There was no fluctuation in his heart, and he even wanted to laugh.
To put it bluntly, isn’t this just stealing the enemy’s blue bar to defeat the enemy?
For ordinary light giants, this tactic may be very effective, and the effect of the shadow and black mist is deadly enough.
However, for Su Mo who has mastered three perpetual motion machines.
——Did you secretly absorb my energy just now?
Sorry, he really didn’t feel it until he checked carefully.
For the perpetual motion machine, the most indispensable thing is energy.
For Su Mo, who has no concept of blue bars at all and has unlimited energy all year round.
No matter how corrosive the shadow black mist was, he didn’t feel it at all.
From the very beginning, the killing move released by Gatanjiehe was like a mud cow entering the sea to Su Mo, and it had no effect at all.
This is probably the so-called Tianke! .
Chapter 644 Piercing the Sword of the Evil God Bahram
The core of Gatanjae’s tactical system lies in the inescapable and unstoppable black fog of shadows.
Once caught in a tug-of-war, under the effect of the energy eroded by the shadow and black mist, the balance of victory will inevitably be biased in favor of K.
It’s just that he may not have thought that there would be an enemy outside the specification like Su Mo.
Even if he didn’t escape, it would have no effect on Su Mo if he let the shadow and black mist erode and swallow his energy.
So, for Gatanjaerai, it would have been an excellent procrastination strategy.
It’s now completely useless.
Looking at the black mist in front of him, Su Mo thought about it, and suddenly remembered the innate ability that Ultraman Tiga already had.
The first few modes that Tiga Ultraman possessed were originally obtained by absorbing other dark giants.
Initially, Su Mo developed the coronal mode, which also relied on the ability to transform it.
Since this is the case, is it possible to absorb the black mist?
Su Mo didn’t think he could defeat Gatanjiehe by absorbing the black mist of shadows.
It’s just because this is a relatively rare fog ability.
It reminded him of the white mist in the misty space, so he just wanted to try it.
Do whatever comes to mind.
Su Mo directly activated the ability to absorb, and directly inhaled the black mist of the shadow that was eroding him into Ultraman Tiga’s body.
As the black mist is absorbed.
Some white lines on Ultraman Tiga’s chest were quickly dyed black.
However, it didn’t turn into the black-gray state of Dark Tiga’s whole body, just a few more black lines.
After absorbing the shadow black mist.
Su Mo felt that he had an extra ability.
During melee combat, if you come into contact with an enemy, you can directly absorb the energy or physical strength of the enemy and provide it for your own use.
The energy provided is of little value to Su Mo who has a perpetual motion machine.
However, this ability to directly weaken the enemy is quite helpful for melee combat.
Although Tiga Altman’s physical fitness is also very strong.
But for a long time, if you want to really cause high damage, you mainly rely on light skills.
With this ability, the effect of melee combat can be enhanced a lot.
In the face of that kind of danger, monsters that are very easy to explode, don’t have to be restrained.
Even in the face of powerful monsters, it can be weakened little by little.
It is relatively easy to use.
Of course, this ability cannot be expected to be effective against Gatanjahe.
After all, he is the ruler of darkness, and it is just a dream to use darkness itself to hurt るK.
Therefore, Su Mo didn’t intend to use Gatanjae as a target to experiment with new skills.
However, just when he was about to exit this state.
The evil god Gatanjae also seemed to have discovered the fact that the giant of light in front of him had absorbed his own power.
Like a baby screaming, a voice that can cause people to go insane rang out.
Gatanjah waved his tentacles frantically, as if saying something in his own language.
Su Mo also has a lot of research on the language of monsters.
Although the language spoken by Gatanjeh is different from that of ordinary monsters, with the help of the “Thousand Languages”, he quickly understood the other party’s meaning.
—— “Who are you… a giant in this world, it is absolutely impossible to have such power?!”
This is wonder, doubt, and vigilance.
After understanding the meaning of Gatange.
Su Mo’s first thought was not the content of the other party’s words.
Instead, he said with some astonishment.
“Gatanjah, you can talk?”
Because of the stereotypes in TV dramas, and among the three elements of general monsters, non-communication is one of the means to enhance the monster’s nature.
So he subconsciously believed that Gatanjeh could not speak, and even if he could do it, he would not take the initiative to communicate.
But at this moment, the other party undoubtedly overturned this impression, and actually communicated directly and proactively.
This surprised him very much.
After hearing Su Mo’s words, there was another voice that could make people insane.
“Gatanjah? My name is Gatanothoa… for the greatThe son of �, carrying %¥ on his back, sleeps in the city of R’lyeh…”
The ravings of the evil god have no human logic.
So even if gifted, it is difficult to understand comprehensively.
Even Su Mo missed many taboo keywords and couldn’t hear clearly.
However, that information is irrelevant now.
After hearing the other party reveal his real name, Su Mo already knew its identity.
“Gata Notoya, isn’t this the eldest son of Cthulhu in the Cthulhu mythology?”
A long time ago, Su Mo knew that the prototype of Gatanjae was the old ruler in the myth of Cthulhu, but that was only the prototype of the design.
What he didn’t expect was that the Gatangie in front of him was not just a simple monster.
Rather, it has something to do with the Cthulhu pantheon.
If so, the water here is very deep.
Ghatanothoa, although he is the Old One, is also the eldest son of Cthulhu.
But in the Cthulhu mythology, he is not yet ranked in terms of status.
Such an unranked god can actually occupy a three-digit position.
The gods behind the Cthulhu pantheon, how terrible should those outer gods be?
Fortunately, these gods do not seem to be all in the Tiga world.
Judging from the original book, it seems that Gatanjae is the only god in this world, so there is no need to worry about a bigger crisis for the time being.
Thinking of this, he felt a little relieved, and then he was able to think about Gatanjiehe——no, it should be said that it was Gatanotoya’s words.
――It is absolutely impossible for a giant in this world to have such power.
The subtext of this sentence is that �k knows the existence of other worlds.
This is not surprising, and there are many parallel worlds of Ultraman.
The problem is that what Su Mo showed just now is indeed the power of Ultraman Tiga!
“.-What do you mean by that? Could it be that what I’m using is not the absorption ability possessed by Dijia?” Su Mo directly asked the evil god in front of him.
Speaking of which, in the original world line, Ultraman Tiga did not absorb the power of the shadow black mist.
I don’t know if it’s because this power is too dangerous, or because Dagu at the time didn’t remember that he had this ability, or because Dagu’s brain hole is not as big as Su Mo’s.
If it is said that Ultraman Tiga itself really does not have such power.
So special, maybe it was Su Mo’s physique.
With this question in mind, Su Mo looked at the evil god in front of him.
Then, the answer I got was——
My main god is Kaguya
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