–lie! enemy!
The evil god of darkness made a piercing sound, and immediately got angry on the spot.
The huge tentacles stirred up the sea water, and the evil god, who had no intention of continuing to communicate with Su Mo, began to accumulate energy in his body again, trying to destroy the enemies in front of him directly.
Judging by Gatange’s appearance, it is estimated that it is impossible to continue communicating.
Su Mo showed a regretful expression and shook his head.
“As expected of a restraining god, I can’t speak properly at all.”
However, he didn’t have the slightest fear of Gatanjae’s offensive in front of him.
“If the god of blindness and ignorance, the messenger, the big light bulb, or your father God Cthulhu is there, it may be troublesome, but if it’s just you… almost…”
Putting on a relaxed posture, Su Mo seemed to have thought of something.
With a thought, in Ultraman Tiga’s palm, the golden brilliance gradually condensed into a shining sword blade tens of meters long.
“The evil god…should be a kind of god, right?”
He said softly in his heart.
Chapter 645: Ignite the Smoke of the Counterattack
This is the golden shining sword of Veleslana, the Zoroastrian god of war. Because in Hakoniwa World, I received Bahram’s spiritual status entrusted by Indra.
Su Mo’s power about Veleslana is stronger than other gods’ powers.
Whether it is facing the three-digit demon king Asura, or the three-digit angel Uriel.
The golden sword that can split the godhead has never missed or lost.
And now, for the first time.
Su Mo aimed the golden blade at the evil god of the Cthulhu pantheon.
If you want to classify.
The gods of the various mythological systems of Hakoniwa basically belong to the category of order.
They are the strongest species that dominates eras and concepts.
But the evil gods of the Cthulhu pantheon are different. Their legends are relatively chaotic, and the feature of the pantheon itself is indescribable madness.
Although there is also the name of God.
But whether this kind of evil god really has a solid godhead core is still in doubt.
Therefore, it is hard to say whether the sword of Bahram can have an effect on the evil god in front of him.
At least, Su Mo wasn’t sure about this before.
But it doesn’t matter if you don’t know.
There is nothing like a try.
In the case of whim 250 .
Ultraman Tiga wields a forty-meter-long golden blade.
The nearby black sea area, and even the pitch-black shadow mist, were all ignited by this golden light.
“Gata Nothoa, you are one of the old rulers in the Cthulhu pantheon, the eldest son of Cthulhu, the lord of R’lyeh, and the center of belief in the original continent of Mu.”
Su Mo’s words resounded through the spiritual realm.
The silent language spreads all over the land, and the only ones who can understand it may be Gatanjiehe and the pity hidden in the time machine.
Hearing Su Mo’s words, Gatangie’s reaction was great.
Obviously, he didn’t expect that the giant of light in front of him knew so much about himself.
Inherited from Cthulhu’s perception ability, K inexplicably felt the danger from the shining golden sword.
“boom! ”
Thousands of tentacles burst out of the water immediately, trying to catch the giant of light in front of them.
However, these tentacles have not had time to touch Ultraman Tiga.
Just like a hot knife cutting butter, it was cut at will by this shining golden long sword.
Even before, when Su Mo used the ultimate move of the solar eclipse form, the efficiency of clearing these tentacles was (beae) far from being comparable to the golden sword in front of him.
Not to mention touching Ultraman Tiga.
Even if it is within a hundred meters, it is completely impossible.
Because, the sea area within 100 meters surrounding Ultraman Tiga has been shrouded by the shining golden sword field.
And this situation just proves one point.
That is–
“The golden sword is effective!”
――This sword is eloquent and powerful, a sword of wisdom that brings victory.
The golden sword that can turn words into god-killing blades can formulate special attacks against gods through intelligence.
Since the golden sword in front of him could easily cut off the tentacles, it proved that its own special attack against gods was working smoothly.
In other words, the sword of Bahram has an effect on evil gods!
Realizing this, Su Mo immediately added fuel to the golden sword.
“You are a forbidden child born in the darkness and chaos and endless night, Cthulhu is your father god, and Id Ya is your mother god.”
Although Gatanjiehe’s status in the god system is not very high, his father god is very famous.
The Cthulhu pantheon itself is named after his father god.
After adding the Gatanjar source.
The brilliance of the golden sword is obviously sharper.
(This: ‘The book is edited by【!;Fl”i”pped?】! Organize (more, ‘new book’? Contact 1,3″4.,31?.77478) Su Mo swung his long sword, wanting to try Try the strength of the golden sword now.
The forty-meter-long golden sword slashed at Gatanjeh’s body, but it only sparked sparks.
The golden sword drew a shallow scar on Gatanjae’s carapace.
This was the first time Su Mo had really hurt the evil god in front of him so far.
Although, supplemented by shadowy fog.
This ray of scars healed extremely quickly, and the high-strength immortality gave Gatanjae the same strong recovery power, allowing Luk’s body to quickly return to its original state.
But the very fact that harm was done proves in itself the effectiveness of the method.
Su Mo was not discouraged, and continued to sing in one go.
“You are the evil god who was born in the ancient Soth binary star system, and later came to live in Yuggoth on the edge of the solar system—that is, Pluto, and was later brought to the earth by the natives of Yuggoth.”
“A huge fortress was built on Mount Yadis Go, a volcano in the continent of Mu, as your temple for you to live in, so you were also called the “Volcano King”, and worship of you arose. ”
If we say that the legends of the major gods are basically engraved on the chronology of the planet after humans left Africa within 100,000 years.
Then, the myths and legends about the restraining evil gods were arranged in the prehistoric era because of the development of science at that time.
That was an era when human beings had not yet been born, and the division of the crustal plates was completely different from today.
The savage records far surpassed the age of the gods, making the myths of the Ke system full of mystery.
And, compared to the larger myths that are mostly confined to Earth.
In the Chinese mythology, the evil gods live more in this vast starry sky.
Gatanjae is such a monster.
He descended from an alien and gradually became the mainstream belief in the continent of Mu.
“During this period, you had a belief conflict with the goddess of darkness and richness, the priest of the black goat Shabras. After defeating the other party’s conspiracy, you became the supreme god of the continent of Mu.”
“Ten thousand years later, Zanthu, the priest of Isogda, tried to liberate the god he worshiped, but it led to the destruction of the continent of Mu.”
“The continent of Mu sank under the ocean, and you were trapped at the bottom of Yadis Go Mountain, waiting for the day of liberation in the long epoch.”
This is also the reason why Gatanjah will recover from the ocean.
And every time it wakes up, the ruler of darkness will devour the world.
After devouring all traces of civilization, it fell into a deep sleep again.
I don’t know how many times Gatanjae actually woke up, and whether he destroyed other civilizations before destroying the super ancient civilization.
But this is not important.
“You are the ruler of darkness, the devourer of civilization. You wake up in the darkness and sleep in the darkness. The firewood of civilization is the food you devour!”
Su Mo pointed out the essence of Gatanjae.
The golden sword fell from top to bottom.
The sound of the nautilus-shaped carapace being pierced sounded, and the sword of Bahram directly slashed through the carapace of Gatanjah, and cut deeply into the body of Luk.
The pain-eating evil god screamed in pain, and its tentacles danced wildly like twitching.
The indestructible evil god in front of him was finally injured to his body.
Chapter 646: Su Mo is Di Jia
A golden sword that is invincible against gods. The performance of facing the evil god for the first time is also very good.
Weaved a golden sword with enough words and spirits, directly ignoring Gatanjae’s unsolvable defense.
With a single sword, it pierced Gatanjae’s shell and penetrated deeply into the evil god’s body.
My main god is Kaguya
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