The painful Gatanjeh fought back.
However, he, who is the strongest trump card, is obviously not a big obstacle to Su Mo.
Ultraman Tiga holds a sword in both hands.
Increase your strength with your arms and continue to chop down.
Trying to cut it in two, and cut off Gatanjiehe’s head at the same time……fall.
With the golden sword’s special attack on the godhead, it shouldn’t be difficult to do this.
After the wound continued to extend down for several meters, the long sword could no longer cut down.
The golden sword imbued with the spirit of speech has been invincible before.
The power aimed at the godhead was originally unstoppable.
However, the godhead of the evil god seems to be fundamentally different from the traditional gods.
Even most of them can be easily cut by Bahram’s sword.
But there are still quite a lot of unknown parts in his godhead.
These unknown parts are like fine spider webs.
I didn’t feel much at first, but I accumulated a lot, but it was enough to stick to any magic weapon.
Right now, the golden sword was blocked by the unknown part of the godhead, the evil god.
Therefore, when the long sword was still some distance away from Gatanjiehe’s head, it was completely trapped and could not advance an inch.
“It seems that Bahram’s sword is not enough to defeat the evil god!”
It is useless to realize that continuing to work harder.
Su Mo carefully felt the obstacles encountered, and then took back the golden sword regretfully.
At least now, he confirmed one thing.
That is, when facing chaotic evil gods like restraining gods, the golden sword can only play a diversionary role, and cannot form a fatal blow.
In the godhead of the evil god, the unknown part cannot be cut off without understanding.
Therefore, if you want to deal with it, you can only use another method.
The “right light” technique that I thought of before is one of them.
As for the second…
Ultraman Tiga turned his head and looked at the space carrier Artdis where the victory team is now.
The layout of Jujianhui should also start to have an effect, right?

The time is adjusted to a few minutes ago.
To be precise, it was the moment when the two giants of light, Dagu and Masaki Keigo, rushed to the street.
Inside the Atdis.
Seeing the depressed expressions of the people, the commanders couldn’t help being infected in their hearts.
“The two giants failed so quickly, what’s the point of our efforts?”
Someone beat the table with their heads in their hands, obviously unacceptable to this result.
Obviously for the future of mankind, even the power of an ambitious man like Keigo Masaki was used.
But the final result is meaningless.
Faced with this kind of feedback, anyone who understands the gap between the giant’s strength and the current TPC military combat strength can’t help but despair.
Even if all the weapons in the world are assembled, they may not be able to defeat a giant.
But such a giant was instantly killed by the monster in front of him.
Doesn’t this mean that human beings’ resistance is meaningless?
Now they finally understand.
Why is technology more advanced than today, and there are so many ultra-ancient civilizations guarded by giants of light, and finally had to go into destruction.
That’s not because the super ancient civilization didn’t work hard.
It’s really because the enemies they have to face are too out of specification.
In this atmosphere, the morale inside the Artdis is actually no better than the atmosphere in the Human Survival Base.
And when everyone’s morale was low.
Like a child in a human survival base.
Someone knocked on the table, attracting everyone’s attention, and then said in a clanging voice.
“Why despair, don’t we still have Ultraman Tiga?”
Everyone turned their gazes over and saw that the speaker was Ju Jianhui.
People smiled wryly.
Even though they were fans of Ultraman Tiga before, they all felt that Ju Jianhui’s words were too naive at the moment.
“Even Ultraman Tiga has enemies he can’t defeat!”
The commander shook his head and pointed to the screen.
“Look, even Ultraman Tiga in the strongest state can’t do any damage to the enemy at all.”
The content being played synchronously on the screen is Ultraman Tiga in the solar eclipse form, using the enhanced Zapelio light to test the image of Gatanjae.
…seeking flowers 0…
For all to see, the scene where this trick is totally ineffective.
The breath of despair suddenly became stronger.
“Captain Ju Jianhui, I’m sorry, but there is no hope for human beings!”
The commander sat down on the chair dejectedly, and expressed his current conclusion.
There was a dead silence all around.
Obviously, no one disputed his reasoning.
Except for one person.
The loud sound of slamming on the table surprised everyone.
Ji Jianhui, who made such a sudden move, looked around everyone with firm eyes, and asked with a firm tone.
… 0;
“There is no hope for human beings? Sorry, please forgive me for not accepting such unfounded words!”
Having said that, she pointed to Ultraman Tiga who was still fighting on the screen.
With an inescapable aggressive manner, he faced everyone in the command room.
“When Ultraman Tiga has not given up and is still choosing to fight, as human beings protected by him, I don’t think we are qualified to give up!”
“Although the two giants of light have died! But they are fighting for hope!”
“If these two giants knew that the human beings they were desperately protecting were such a group of poor people who chose to give up when encountering difficulties, I am afraid they would not have chosen to fight from the very beginning!”
The sharp words made the faces of many people in the command room burn up.
Ju Jianhui was full of energy and continued to speak without stopping.
“It is precisely because we have made such a great sacrifice that we must stick to it!”
“Masters, are you planning to watch Ultraman Tiga fight alone?”
“Are you going to tell all the kids that we are doomed to lose?”
“Are you planning to choose the unfinished business under the protection of Ultraman Tiga?Is the battle surrendered? ”
Having said that, she paused.
Then, looking at everyone with sharp eyes, he said word by word.
“Gentlemen, as a member of the Earth Defense Organization, don’t you feel ashamed of yourself for retreating now?!” Four.
Chapter 647 Fighting for the future of mankind
Jun Jianhui’s words were like sharp knives, stabbing the hearts of everyone on the Artdis. Although not all of them are active on the front line like the Victory Team.
But they are also warriors fighting for peace on Earth.
They have always valued honor and pride in their hearts, how could they really be willing to just give up and wait for death?
That’s not their style at all.
If it is a fatal blow, it can change the situation or create an opportunity.
The people present will never lack heroes who sacrifice their lives for righteousness.
The crisis we are facing right now is simply too great.
Their figures are too small.
So much so that they want to fight hard, but they don’t know how to fight.
Kuafu Chasing Sun, at least has his unparalleled foot strength and giant-like strength as a guarantee.
Even if it is an illusory illusion, at least it will give people the courage to fight.
“Two-five-zero” But, if the difficulty is Jingwei reclamation.
My main god is Kaguya
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