That pale sense of powerlessness is enough to swallow up all human pride and aspirations.
Sacrificing one’s life for righteousness, doing what one knows is impossible — those who can do such a feat can at least see hope clearly.
But now, darkness has long shrouded the entire world.
At this moment when it is meaningless to do anything to resist, people’s numbness is also a matter of course.
Even though their hearts were stung, after everyone looked around, they still maintained an unspeakable silence.
There was a dead silence in the meeting room of the Artdis.
In this dead silence.
The immediate boss of Victory Team, the founder of TPC, Director Sawai stood up slowly.
Looking around at his subordinates, he understood everyone’s feelings very well, but he also understood that Ju Jianhui’s accusation was also very correct.
So, after pondering for a while, he spoke.
“Captain Junjian Hui, I can understand your feelings.”
Having said that, his tone paused, and he became a little depressed in a rare way.
His temples turned pale overnight, and Director Sawai, who was over ten years old because of this crisis, looked at Megumi Junma in front of him with slightly sad eyes.
“However, with the power of our current human beings, what can we do even if we don’t give up?”
His eyes were as sad as a pool of stagnant water.
He single-handedly created the TPC Earth Peace United Organization, and against all opinions, determined a friendly countermeasure against giants.
If it is said that the monster itself is solved by the giant of light, then almost all the remaining problems caused by the monster are solved under his decision.
But today, even such a leader has no way of seeing the road ahead.
He also knew it was wrong to give up.
But besides giving up, what else can humans do today?
The monsters that instantly killed the two giants of light were not opponents they could touch at all.
Hear what Director Sawai said.
Everyone closed their eyes one after another, and everyone felt a sorrow like duckweed.
“However, as long as we don’t give up, there is still a chance—”
Seeing everyone’s reaction, Ju Jianhui was eager to say something.
However, halfway through the speech, he was directly interrupted by a loud voice.
“team leader!!”
Following the prestige, in the corner of the room, Dui Jing stood up at some point.
He, who has always been an optimist, now has a very gloomy expression.
As a good old man in the team, and one of the players who respected both Jian Hui and Su Mo the most, it was hard to imagine that he would interrupt Jian Hui suddenly.
But at this moment, he did stand up.
“team leader……”
His voice was a little choked, and he repeated this extremely respectful title again in a low voice.
Dijing looked at Ju Jianhui and everyone in front of him with an expression that was about to cry.
Shame or something, I can’t take care of it at all.
Now, his heart is full of sorrow.
“There is no chance, we have no chance.”
Dujing silently shook his head, and the hoarse voice resounded through the meeting room.
“Even the chief of staff is gone, what else can we do?”
Very sincerely, Dijing finished this sentence in an extremely sad tone.
After the voice fell to the ground, he also seemed to have no strength, and fell to his knees and fell to the ground.
The victorious team members who heard this.
And the people who often deal with the winning team.
There is also Director Sawai, and most of them bowed their heads deeply.
Everyone fell into silence.
Su Mo, chief of staff, has a very special position in TPC.
Originally, he was a genius specially recruited by Director Sawai. If he was willing, Director Sawai even wanted to make him his deputy at one point, that is, let him take over the leadership position of the entire TPC.
But Su Mo chose to refuse.
However, even if he chooses to refuse, he is only willing to stay in the winning team as the chief of staff.
Su Mo’s contribution to mankind is by no means comparable to that of ordinary people…
As I said before, Director Sawai’s greatest contribution is to solve the secondary disasters left by all the monsters.
However, in fact, everyone knew that 99% of the credit belonged to Su Mo.
It is under the dispatch of Chief of Staff Su Mo that human property and life can be protected to the greatest extent amidst so many monster disasters.
Except that every time you deal with monsters, you will lose a Victory FlyYan Hao outside.
For such a long time, the disasters caused by monsters have basically never been magnified, and the economic losses and life losses saved are simply incalculable.
It is precisely because of Su Mo’s correct decision that more and more people regard him as a trustworthy leader as time goes by.
Once a monster disaster occurs, the first reaction of everyone, including Director Sawai, is to ask his opinion.
If Su Mo is still here.
Even if it is a monster like Gatanjeh, it is enough to set off the end of the world.
Although everyone is also afraid, they will never despair to the point of giving up directly.
After the black mist of Gatanjae’s shadow swept across the world, there was no trace of Su Mo anymore.
The Far East base is in the ocean. If Su Mo cannot be found inside the Artdis, it can almost be assumed that he did not enter the aircraft carrier in the chaos, and it is almost impossible to be alive.
At the most terrifying time of the doomsday, the most trustworthy person has disappeared.
It is because of this double whammy.
The interior of the Atdis is so lifeless 0.4.
Even someone as optimistic as Digging couldn’t help but despair.
Feeling the desperate atmosphere, looking at the dead expressions on everyone’s faces.
Ju Jianhui finally understood where the breaking point was.
Thinking of Su Mo’s previous instructions, when there is really no other way, you can expose that point.
She took a deep breath.
Then, very calmly, and without a doubt, it was announced to everyone.
“Su Mo, he’s not dead!”
If it is said, this sentence will be considered as her refusal to accept the facts, so she argues forcefully.
Then the following sentence, like a nuclear bomb, exploded directly in the ears of everyone.
she says.
“Su Mo, it’s Di Jia!”
“Su Mo, it’s Ultraman Tiga!”
“Su Mo is the last giant who has fought so far!”.
Chapter 648: A Brilliant Person
The moment the voice landed. The entire Atdis was petrified.
Unlike the dead silence before, this is the calm before the storm.
In just a few breaths, at this moment, it seems to be a century.
Finally, someone finally reacted.
“Su Mo…is Di Jia?!”
Dujing let out a surprised cry, which directly detonated everyone’s hearts.
The entire spaceship suddenly fell into a boil.
“What’s going on? How could Ultraman Tiga be human… Wait! It seems to be true!”
“Yeah! Since the evil giant can be transformed into a human, isn’t it normal for Ultraman Tiga to be a human?”
“That is to say, it is Mr. Su Mo who has been protecting the earth and fighting against monsters!”
“As expected of the Chief of Staff, he is too strong!”
The shocking news almost destroyed people’s cognition.
However, there is a precedent for Masaki Keigo turning into a giant, and people accept this very quickly.
Watching everyone’s reaction.
Only then did Jujianhui tell the news he knew.
“Ultraman Tiga was transformed by Su Mo, and Ultraman Guja was transformed by Dagu.”
After hearing the news.
My main god is Kaguya
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