Many people suddenly realized.
Team member Yerui said thoughtfully.
“It’s no wonder that Dagu has been asking Senior Su Mo to give him special fighting training for the past few months. It turns out that it is to deal with monsters!”
The Xincheng team members also patted their thighs heavily, finally understanding what happened.
“No wonder Ultraman Guja didn’t show up until the Victory Feiyan was shot down every time I went on a mission with Dagu!”
Apparently, he has found the answer to the mystery of the frequent crashes of the Victory Swallow.
The others looked at each other in astonishment.
They finally know why the winning team can successfully complete the task every time.
It turned out that the two giants were members of the winning team.
Director Sawai also quickly remembered who Dagu was.
“So that’s the case. In this case, the relationship between Ultraman Guja and Ultraman Tiga is understandable.”
Originally thought that the two Giants of Light were related before.
Unexpectedly, it was the relationship between the shapeshifter at work.
Various details are very easy to verify.
Therefore, Director Sawai immediately confirmed that what Hui Jian said was true.
Thinking of this, there was a gleam of light in his eyes.
If Su Mo, who has always been strategizing and has a way to deal with everything, is alive, then it is very likely that there is still hope for human beings.
Thinking of this, he immediately looked at Ju Jianhui and asked eagerly.
“Since Su Mo is Dijia, did he leave any countermeasures?!”
If Su Mo had a plan to stay, no matter what the plan was, he would definitely try it.
At this point, the others had the same thought as him, and immediately turned their gazes over.
At the place where everyone’s eyes were focused, Ju Jianhui breathed a sigh of relief seeing everyone’s expectant eyes.
In my heart, I was shocked again by Su Mo’s foresight in advance.
According to the countermeasure Su Mo gave her, Ju Jianhui nodded frankly.
“Yes! Su Mo left me a countermeasure!”
After hearing this, everyone looked at each other and immediately cheered.
It’s different from before, when there was a pool of stagnant water in his eyes.
Now they seem to have flames burning in their eyes, this is the flame called hope.
“it is good!”
Hearing what Jun Jianhui said, Director Sawai made a decisive decision.
“From now on, grant the highest authority to Captain Junjianhui to the Atdis, and the management authority to everyone on site.. ”
“From now on, including me, everyone must obey Captain Jianhui’s order and implement Chief of Staff Su Mo’s plan.”
With full trust, Director Sawai handed over all authority to Megumi Junjian.
Then, looking at everyone, he waved his fist vigorously.
“Fight for the future of mankind!”
These words directly inspired the hot atmosphere now.
People cheered and waved their fists to the sky.
“Fight for the future of mankind!”
After cheering in unison, the well-organized and disciplined people immediately returned to their posts step by step under the order of Ju Jianhui.
Everyone carried out the work at hand in an orderly manner, and their mental state was completely different from before.
Intermediary Hui, who has obtained the highest authority, does not shirk.
Walking to the main console, she gave orders to her subordinates.
“Ye Rui, connect my video to the screens of all survivor bases around the world!”
“If you want to defeat the evil god Gatanjae, you need the strength of all human beings!”
Ye Rui immediately nodded vigorously.
And soon, the images on Ju Jianhui’s side were connected to all the screens.
However, the picture of Luluye’s ruins did not disappear, it just shrunk a little, becoming half a screen.
The figure of Jujian Hui appeared on the screen, and her voice appeared in everyone’s ears.
“The evil god in front of me is none other than the monster that once destroyed the super ancient civilization, Gatanjar known as the ruler of darkness.”
At the beginning, Ju Jianhui unexpectedly began to introduce the enemy’s information.
This was beyond the expectations of many people in Artdis.
“The ultra-ancient civilization has a more advanced technological civilization than ours, and it is also guarded by giants who have much more than us.”
“But in the end, the ultra-ancient human beings who were intoxicated by the fragrance of Qijiela’s flowers were still helpless, and were completely destroyed by Gatanjae, so that there were no traces left.”
These words that exaggerate the horror of the enemy’s 250 people will undoubtedly reduce people’s confidence.
However, if people have no confidence and are almost desperate.
Although these words could not arouse their fighting spirit, they were enough to gain their trust.
Knowing this, Junjian Hui adopted this method.
Seeing that everyone gradually trusted her words, she asked a question.
“Even such an ultra-ancient civilization that is so many times stronger than us can’t escape the threat of doomsday. Can we really defeat the evil god Gatanjae?”
– “Of course not.”
Everyone thinks so.
It doesn’t make sense that modern times, which are weaker than super-ancient civilizations, can defeat enemies that even super-ancient civilizations cannot defeat.
“Of course not.” Ju Jianhui’s voice said the same.
Even people who originally had extravagant hopes could not help but bow their heads when they heard her words.
More people agreed and felt the same despair.
Xincheng didn’t understand why Ju Jianhui wanted to say that, and was about to ask, but was stopped by Director Sawai.
――Right now, Megumi Jujian is the supreme commander.
— Her actions cannot be questioned.
At this moment.
Ju Jianhui’s tone changed.
“I thought so before.”
“However, it turns out that my idea was wrong!”.
Chapter 649: Celebrate the Moment of Shining Tiga’s Birth
If at the beginning, Ju Jianhui said that this idea was wrong. There are bound to be a lot of people, who don’t trust that.
Although desperate, they are not stupid.
It must be believed that it was a lie deliberately woven by the officials to comfort them.
However, Ju Jianhui did not do this before, but chose to do the opposite.
Be honest first that your thoughts are the same as the public, and then mention your personal changes.
Subconsciously, everyone began to wonder why she had such a change.
Even the ultra-ancient civilization far stronger than the present cannot defeat Gatanjae.
How can the current human civilization win?
It seems to know the doubts in people’s hearts.
Ju Jianhui didn’t pretend to be a joke, but said bluntly.
“The power of our human civilization today is indeed not as good as the super ancient civilization, but this does not mean that we cannot deal with the crisis from the super ancient civilization.”
“You may not know it. However, the super-ancient civilization did not defeat the monster Qijiela that we once defeated.”
“That is to say, in fact, we have already achieved the feat of surpassing super ancient civilization.”
“Achieving this has nothing to do with the technological strength we have.”
Hear the words of Jujian Hui.
People recalled the time when they were almost bewildered by Qijie Lahua not long ago, and they suddenly showed palpitations.
The power of monsters is certainly terrifying, but generally they only threaten a city or a country.
In other words, apart from the world-destroying beast Gatanjae, the only one who can cover the whole world with mutations is Qijiela who can do this.
Therefore, almost everyone in the world, regardless of gender, age or age, has experienced the power of Chijela flowers.
While still in fear, everyone couldn’t help being surprised when they heard what happened next.
“Super ancient civilization, did not defeat Qijiela?”
They don’t know much about super ancient civilizations.
But it is also known that the ultra-ancient civilization is a powerful civilization that can manufacture time shuttle machines.
Not only that, the ultra-ancient civilization with a large number of giants of light is much stronger than modern civilization in any way.
Therefore, they never thought that the super ancient civilization could not defeat this monster.
My main god is Kaguya
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