heartAfter a ray of pride rose, someone with a good memory finally noticed something was wrong.
“Speaking of which, we didn’t seem to be of much help in defeating Qijie Lahua’-.”
“Except for the victory team, it seems that all of them were solved by the two Ultramans.”
Speaking of Qijie Lahua, the human army was almost wiped out at that time.
If it weren’t for the two Ultraman shots, it really wouldn’t be able to deal with it.
But ordinary monsters, humans are not opponents, so this is not a big deal.
The important thing is——
“Why can the problem that our two light giants can solve, but so many giants in the super ancient civilization can’t solve it?”
Finally someone asked this question.
Although Ju Jianhui couldn’t hear what these people said, she also guessed that everyone would think so.
So, when everyone’s emotions were brewing enough, she explained.
“Because, in the ultra-ancient civilization, giants are giants, and humans are humans, and they will not interfere with human choices.”
“So, when the human beings of the ultra-ancient civilization chose to indulge in Qijiela flowers, the giants did not do Qijiela.”
Even if human beings choose to perish themselves, the giants will not interfere.
This is the reason why the ultra-ancient civilization failed to defeat Qijiela.
――If this is the case, why did the two Ultraman Tiga and Guja not choose to sit and watch the human race perish?
It is natural to have such questions in my mind.
The answer given by Ju Jianhui was also very simple and clear.
“Because our Ultraman is different from the super ancient civilization, they are both light and human beings.”
This heavy news hit everyone directly.
And before these people had time to react.
Ju Jianhui looked at the image behind him.
That’s the scene where Ultraman Tiga is fighting Gatanjah.
“So, everyone, keep your eyes open and watch this final battlefield!”
Ju Jianhui’s tone became agitated, and his tone of voice accelerated a little.
“The Ultraman Tiga in front of me is not only fighting as light, but also fighting as a human being!”
“It’s not just a battlefield for giants and monsters, it’s also a battlefield for us humans!”
“As human beings, do we have to stand by and watch at this most critical time?!”
“The destruction of the ultra-ancient civilization should be clearly demonstrated. Humans without giants cannot defeat monsters, but giants without humans can also hardly defeat powerful enemies.”
“At this most critical juncture, I hope that everyone can work together to fight against our common enemy!”
Finally, Jujian Hui expressed his request.
Yes, a request, not a request.
If it is Ultraman Tiga from the original world line, what is needed is indeed a request.
After all, only when humans and giants work together can it be possible to defeat Gatanjah.
However, for Su Mo in this world, even without the shining form, he still has the trump card to defeat Gatanjae.
The reason why I still hope that everyone entrusts us with the light of hope.
Not only because he wants to study the power of the shining form.
It is also because only the light gathered by all human beings should be the key to defeating Gatanjaeh.
All human beings need such an experience before they can overcome their enemies and move forward into a new era.
In the original book, the reason why human beings passed through their infancy without any trouble, broke through the embrace of their mother planet, and became an interstellar civilization, the impact of this battle on civilization must not be ignored.
In the past, Su Mo had become a part of the past under the inspiration of Ti Jia in front of the TV.
Now, it’s his turn to give people all over the world a chance to be the light.
And heard the words of Ju Jian Hui.
The people with waves in their hearts stood up one after another.
After learning that Ultraman Tiga himself was actually a human being fighting (Lee’s).
All of them raised a little courage.
And this little courage is like a coal seam exposed in the bottom layer.
As long as there is the right opportunity, a flame that can ignite the sky can erupt.
And now, people all over the world are looking for this opportunity.
“.-We want to help Ultraman Tiga!”
“This is our battlefield, I want to defeat monsters too!”
Everyone expressed their noisy wishes one after another.
But to solve this wish, one more prerequisite needs to be fulfilled.
That’s – almost –
“What should we do to join the battlefield and fight side by side with Ultraman Tiga?”
Everyone got up, raised their heads high, and looked at the middle Hui on the screen.
The coal in their hearts was already scorching red, and just a little bit was enough to ignite a monstrous fire.
And Ju Jianhui, who was entrusted with the task by Su Mo, was the one who ignited this time.
Chapter 650 Only in this way can all gods be born
It seems to have sensed the enthusiastic response of the people. Under the gaze of all human beings, Ju Jianhui spoke.
“We humans are a very weak race. Let alone join the battle, most of us can’t even connect to the close battlefield.”
Pouring a ladle of cold water on the hottest place is not to quench the enthusiasm, but to quench the blade.
The courageous people waited patiently for her next words.
Sure enough, Ju Jianhui’s voice changed.
“However, we humans are a whole, not a single individual.”
“Since as individuals, we are powerless, entrust our power to others!”
“Entrust your hope to a trustworthy strong man, and let the strong man bring his own prayers to break through the predicament that we could not break through!”
“The entrusted person does not need to panic or worry, just pass on this hope to a strong person he can trust.”
“Then, wait, and hope!”
Speaking of which, JujianhuiAfter a slight pause, he spoke the final declaration.
“If everyone wants to join the battlefield and contribute their own strength to this battle!”
“Then close your eyes and entrust all your hopes to Ultraman Tiga!”
“Even if we don’t believe in ourselves, we can choose to believe in Ultraman Tiga!”
“Believe in Ultraman Tiga, you can definitely defeat the enemy!”
“Believe in Ultraman Tiga, you can feel our miss!”
“Believe in Ultraman Tiga, believe in ourselves, we can also become light!!”
At the end, Ju Jianhui couldn’t control his tone and began to shout excitedly.
She herself didn’t know whether what Su Mo said to her was true.
She also doesn’t know whether human beings can really become light.
However, if even she didn’t believe Su Mo’s words.
Who else can believe it? !
In other words, after completing the task given by Su Mo, she was the first to close her eyes, and at this moment she chose to trust Su Mo wholeheartedly.
Close your eyes and hear your own unstoppable heartbeat.
Ju Jianhui felt in a daze that the frequency of her own heartbeat seemed to coincide with Su Mo’s.
I thought it was an illusion.
However, with his eyes closed, for some reason, the surrounding environment began to emit a faint golden light.
And this brilliance became stronger and stronger.
How is this going?
In a daze, Ju Jianhui opened his eyes, and what he saw was not the Artdis, but a huge space of clear golden light.
Around her, there were countless golden meteors flying towards the hall where she was.
“Is this… light?”
“Lots of light!”
Ju Jianhui recognized the bodies of those golden meteors, and could even feel the human thoughts in those golden rays.
After realizing this, she lowered her head in surprise and looked at her hands.
A bright golden radiance is shining.
“I, I also became light?!”
She couldn’t help covering her mouth, tears almost pouring out uncontrollably.
There are no words to describe how I feel at this moment.
As if the whole person had been purified, Ju Jianhui felt an unparalleled sense of peace of mind.
My main god is Kaguya
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