Not only because he has become the light.
It was also because she felt an extremely familiar breath.
She finally understood that she could finally fight side by side with Su Mo.
“Yes, you too have become the Light.”
When Jian Hui was moved, a familiar voice came from behind her, it was Su Mo’s voice.
Not to mention the brief exchange between the two.
As Beae saw it, at this moment, under the resonance of her words.
One after another, they chose to entrust their hope and trust to Di Jia.
First children, then youth, then old people, and finally middle-aged people.
In this desperate situation, under the inspiration of such pure emotion.
Rays of light rose from the ground one after another, and then flew towards the battlefield of Luluye’s ruins.
If you look at the earth from outer space, you will find it.
Originally, by the black mist (this’book;by.[:!Fl”?ip!pe’:d’]: whole;”reason(“:More new, book?’Contact!?13?;43.1″ 7;7478”!), the earth, which looked almost like a dead star, was gradually ignited with a faint light like a candle.
These rays of light seem to be able to infect the surroundings, becoming more and more intense.
In just a few minutes, it swept the world.
It seems to light up the whole earth.
Countless rays of light gathered from all over the world on the body of Ultraman Tiga on the ruins of Luluye.
With such a powerful light, even if Gatanjae wanted to plan, he couldn’t make a move at all, and he couldn’t do it even close.
Seven billion people in the world, nearly seven billion rays of light, all gathered in the body of Ultraman Tiga.
Ultraman Tiga, who originally had various colors of gold, silver, red, and blue, now exudes pure golden brilliance all over his body.
That is the radiance of hope.
The perfect Shining Tiga was finally born in this world at this moment.
Feeling his current strength, Su Mo couldn’t help muttering.
Ji Jianhui in the body looked at him suspiciously.
“It’s nothing, I’ll deal with Gatange first.”
Su Mo shook his head.
There is no Woz in this world, and he is not a big gold watch. Naturally, there will be no fans who will join him at this time.
However, with what I have now, shine the power of Tiga.
It is indeed worth celebrating.
The power of the previous solar eclipse form is completely incomparable with the current state.
As long as Su Mo is willing, the power he can display now can even reach a level that he can’t predict the upper limit of the numerical value.
The stronger the enemy you face, the more light of hope you receive, and the stronger Shining Tiga will be.
Especially in the face of those monsters with the nature of destroying the world, as well as enemies that would harm human civilization.
The power of Shining Tiga will unconditionally get an extremely powerful increase.
In itself, it seems to hold the fate of saving mankind as a ray of hope in the face of desperate moments.
Therefore, the upper limit of Shining Tiga is extremely high.
The power of Ultraman is worthy of being called the power of idealism.
Chapter 651 The Eternal Holy Flame of the Essence of the Savior
After feeling the power that I have now. Su Mo didn’t choose to do it immediately.
Instead, he began to analyze the power of Shining Tiga’s form.
For the power of Shining Tiga’s form, he had already foreseen it.……material.
The reason why I specially arranged for Huijian to assist me, so that Ultraman Tiga can absorb the light of hope from all over the world, and become the Shining Tiga.
The purpose is not simply to defeat Gatanjae.
As mentioned before, with Su Mo’s current strength, even without the shining form, it is not impossible to deal with this monster.
The reason why he did this on purpose was not only because he wanted to turn the whole world into light.
I also want to take this opportunity to thoroughly learn the power of the shining mode.
Su Mo had already grasped the rudiment of the shining form when he was dealing with Kirierod II.
After such a long period of pondering, he already has a certain degree of understanding of the power of the shining form.
You only need to really enter the flash mode once, and you can quickly learn the skills of the flash mode.
“Although the shining mode of the single-player version seems to be somewhat inferior to absorbing the light of hope for all mankind, it must still be a level of power, just the amount of energy.”
Su Mo thought in his heart.
In the original book, the shining form that Tiga Altman enters is basically formed by absorbing the light of other people’s hearts.
When facing Gatanjae, what he absorbs is the light of hope for mankind.
When facing Camilla’s incarnation Dimodege, what he absorbed was the light remaining in the giant stone statue.
However, in the theatrical version of the parallel world.
Ultraman Tiga can also rely on himself, without absorbing external light, and become a shining mode.
This kind of power does not rely on external light, and belongs to the power to liberate its own light to the maximum extent.
Since they are all named as the shining form, the difference in strength should not be very big.
“Also, if it’s just a gap in energy, I may not be able to overcome this point.”
Think of the perpetual machine spirit he holds.
Su Mo is very confident in the power of the shining form that he will master.
Seeing Su Mo’s current posture, Gatanjiehe, who felt very bad, gathered energy for a long time.
The penetrating light that once killed the two giants in a single blow spewed out.
Both the tentacles and pincers try to attack Ultraman Tiga.
Want to interrupt his state of absorbing light.
However, under the defense of the shining ring shield, all of Gatanjae’s attacks were in vain.
Neither tentacles nor pincers can approach Ultraman Tiga at all.
The terrifying petrification pierced through the light, and also collapsed under the golden light.
At this time, Su Mo, who was waiting for the continuous light from all over the world to converge, temporarily lost interest in Gatanjae after seeing that the shield did not move at all.
He calmed down and began to understand the mystery of the shining form.
The power that shines on Tiga naturally comes from the light of hope of nearly seven billion human beings, it goes without saying.
But what is important is not these lights, but how these lights resonate to become a greater force for their own use.
You know, seven billion humans sounds like a huge number.
But if they were dispersed, they would be slaughtered without Gatanjeh, and only one Gorzan would be needed.
Therefore, what is important is the resonance form of these forces, and why they can obey Su Mo’s command and be used by him like an arm command.
The resonance form of power itself has been studied by Su Mo long ago.
When he comprehended the prototype of the shining form, the power he comprehended was the power of the light of hope resonating.
Therefore, there is only one question he needs to explore now.
That’s how to bring together these resonant forces.
And it is not difficult to get the answer to this question.
In Tiga, all people exist in the form of light.
Here, people’s thoughts and thoughts are all exposed.
It was very easy for Su Mo to find the consensus of everyone.
Soon, he found this key point.
However, unexpectedly.
The consensus in everyone’s hearts is more or less related to what Ju Jianhui said in his previous speech.
――Just close your eyes and pass on this hope to a trustworthy strong man.
–wait, and hope.
guided by this discourse.
Everyone chose to entrust the light of hope to the most trustworthy powerhouse — Ultraman Tiga.
There are also many people who have entrusted this hope to other people they trust.
However, those who were trusted by them, after several layers of transmission, finally, without exception, all pinned that hope on Di Jia.
…seeking flowers 0…
This is also a matter of course.
After all, only the Giant of Light can fight monsters.
It is precisely because of this that everyone’s light of hope is unreservedly handed over to Su Mo for use.
My main god is Kaguya
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