After realizing this, he was slightly taken aback.
It seems to have realized something.
“All creatures, when faced with danger and pressure, when they are helpless, will choose to believe and entrust to a superior existence than themselves.”
Su Mo whispered in his heart.
“In this way, the trusted person will seek a higher existence in order to escape this heavy pressure.”
“The existence of higher places will yearn for a higher level and trustworthy powerhouse.”
The current situation is a true portrayal of this process.
… 0;
It is precisely because people know their own powerlessness.
Only then will he pin his hopes on the strong man he trusts.
But the strong themselves often need a stronger person to place their expectations on.
Because of this, people’s light of hope will be transmitted layer by layer, and finally all of them will be transmitted to Ultraman Tiga.
And the result of doing so is——
“In this way, all kings are born.”
Therefore, today’s Ultraman Tiga is not a giant of light.
Instead, as the leader of mankind all over the world, or as the last king of mankind, he came to stand in front of Gatanjeh.
And because Ultraman Tiga is both light and human.
Therefore, the prayers that people place on him are definitely not just as simple as the leader of human beings.
Everyone in the world, not just expect Ultraman Tiga as the leader of mankind.
They also have special worship for Ultraman Tiga, the side of light.
If we say that choosing to go to the battlefield with Ultraman Tiga is because of the human nature of Tiga.
Then, choosing to hand over all power to Tiga Ultraman, and to cast unreserved trust in Tiga Ultraman is because of his divine part.
And the result of doing so is——
“In this way, all gods were born.”
Su Mo sighed as if he had realized something.
And it was at this moment.
The ever-burning holy fire that has been hidden in his body from the goddess Hestia has undergone a sudden change! Four.
Chapter 652 The Triple Shining Sword of Salvation Evil God’s Passing
【Eternal Holy Flame】. This is the power obtained from Hestia from the earth fault world.
This bright burning holy flame has a pure radiance that surpasses the sun.
As one of the three virgin goddesses in Greek mythology.
Hestia is revered as the god in charge of the kitchen fire.
For modern people, they may think that Hestia, who is in charge of the stove, is just a squatting at home?
However, if you want to investigate the source.
The first flames burned by human beings originally had the functions of roasting food and gathering people to carry out religious activities together in the cold night.
The latter gradually evolved into a sacrifice.
This is also the reason why Hestia can master the [Eternal Sacred Flame] used to sacrifice to the gods.
Regarding the [Eternal Holy Flame], even Hess “Two Fifty Zero” Tia herself didn’t know what it was useful for. According to her, it was hardly used in the heavens.
I only know that this thing has a high status and should be related to the gods and beliefs.
It’s just that the gods in the wrong world didn’t need to believe in it hundreds of millions of years ago, so there is no record of using it at all.
And for [Eternal Holy Flame].
The Su Mos in various worlds don’t have a deep understanding.
All I know is that after Su Mo, who is in the world of the game life, bestowed the favor of God on human beings, the Eternal Sacred Flame made a change.
In the middle of the holy flame, a crystal similar to the marrow seemed to be born.
However, it seems to be due to insufficient conditions.
This crystal was not fully formed, and only the external form was condensed at the beginning.
After that, it has been slowly condensing, without much movement.
Therefore, Su Mo, who were busy studying other forces, gradually forgot about it.
until today.
The eternal sacred flame in Su Mo’s body in the Tiga World finally changed.
Moreover, it is not an ordinary change.
The [Eternal Holy Flame], which had been burning quietly, seemed to feel the surging emotions in the hearts of seven billion human beings.
Moreover, because these seven billion people have all turned into light.
Their feelings are more pure, and their prayers are more deeply rooted in their souls.
There is a world of difference between the quality of prayers and ordinary people’s prayers.
The fiercely burning flame seemed to burn through the sky, and the height of the flame was like a pillar of support.
If it wasn’t because of itself, it was hidden in a place similar to the landscape in Su Mo’s heart, maybe even the temple couldn’t bear the burning holy fire.
It seems to be burning the prayers of all the people in the world as nourishment.
In this bright and radiant holy flame, something was gradually being forged into shape.
The original crystallization speed was so slow that Su Mo even forgot about it.
But now, under the acceleration of this massive nutrient.
Inside the holy flame, a polyhedron-like object shining with golden light is rapidly taking shape.
The whole body of the golden object is translucent, like glass, shining with dazzling light.
See the pose of this object.
Su Mo immediately remembered that the forest god Cainas in the world of the game’s life had been exposed before the crusade.
It seems to be the same shape as the object in front of me.
It’s just that the polyhedron successfully forged in eternal life is ten thousand times better than the Sengod Kainas in terms of shape and magnificence.
“Sure enough, is this thing the essence?”
Seeing that the burning rate of the Eternal Holy Flame is gradually decreasing, it seems that it is already completed.
Su Mo couldn’t help reaching out his hand, and went to touch the regular polyhedron.
He judged this not only because this thing gave him a feeling similar to the essence.
Also because, he clearly remembers.
Just now, it was precisely because Su Mo explained the key to the formation of “God”.
——”In this way, all gods can be born.”
The object in the eternal flame seemed to have met the last condition and was fully formed.
It seems to be similar to the self-consciousness that Buddhism pays attention to.
Only when Su Mo himself realizes this, can this essence take shape.
And when he stretched out his hand and touched this golden glazed essence.
A feeling of physical and mental connection flooded his heart.
He could feel that this marrow could completely become his power…
As long as Su Mo is willing, he can use this essence to become a god at any time.
And the nature represented by this marrow, he knew immediately.
This is the essence of the personality of the savior.
Whether in the world of Game Life or Tiga World, Su Mo deserves the title of savior.
Therefore, it mainly condenses the essence of the prayers of the people of the two worlds,Su Mo was not surprised that it would be a power based on the concept of a savior.
The only thing that surprised him was.
The personality of this spirit seems to be much higher than he imagined.
The essence itself is not much different from the godhead.
However, the godheads of the many gods that Su Mo has mastered seem to be inferior to the savior in personality, and the aura they exude are all lower than the essence of the savior in front of him.
Even the three-digit Bahram’s spiritual status that Su Mo possessed and entrusted by Insaken of Hakoniwa World belonged to Bahram.
After encountering the essence of the savior, they all lowered their stances, faintly showing the meaning of submission.
Could it be that this is because Mithra, the master served by Bahram, the Dharma protector, also has the savior godhead?
For this, he was a little puzzled.
However, before he could continue to study carefully, Gatanjeh outside couldn’t wait any longer.
The shadowy black mist that spread 0.4 times around the world was all taken back by Ōk.
Seeing Shining Tiga in front of him, Gatanjae’s vigilance was raised to the limit, and he was ready to completely knock him down when the opponent didn’t respond.
It’s a pity that with the power possessed by this body now, no matter how brave you are, it is impossible to break Ultraman Tiga’s shining ring shield.
And what a pity.
My main god is Kaguya
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