At this time, Su Mo had finished studying the power form of Shining Tiga.
Finally ready to make a real move to end the world-destroying monster in front of him.
“I will study the matter of the essence later. As a savior, it is impossible not to save the world first.”
With a smile, Ultraman Tiga took a step forward.
In the dazzling hand, the equally shining radiant long sword began to condense.
Chapter 653: The World of Godslayers in a New Era
In the hands of Ultraman Tiga is the sword of salvation that shines with triple brilliance. The first level is the sword of wisdom from Bahram Linger, which is dedicated to killing gods.
The first layer is derived from the right art of God, the right light that infinitely enhances the power.
The first level is derived from the light of hope that shines on Tiga itself, and condenses the hope of human beings all over the world.
“With the triple radiant sword of salvation, judge your sins of destroying the world!”
Su Mo held the sword in his right hand and raised it high.
Like the angel who executes the judgment, like the incomparably holy savior, and like God himself who executes the reward and punishment.
Speaking of which, he now has the essence of a savior, even if he calls himself a god, there is nothing wrong with him.
The sword of salvation, burning with flames and light, evaporated all the shadows and black mist in the nearby sea area just the moment it appeared.
Gatanjah himself was also absorbing the shadowy black mist, but he deliberately left some of it on the battlefield, as if he wanted to use this to gain a field advantage.
However, such a small calculation was instantly defeated by unparalleled power.
In front of the sword of salvation shining with triple brilliance.
All the darkness 14, like the snow beside the sun, melted away quickly.
However, the originally dark sky did not return to the blue sky and white clouds in the past.
Instead, it was reflected into a piece of shining gold by this glorious sword of salvation.
Just like a god walking on the earth, he will turn the earth into a temple.
The nature of the place where the light of salvation shines gradually changes to resemble a mythical heaven.
Between heaven and earth, offense and defense are interchanged.
The shining giant began to occupy most of the sense of existence.
But as the ruler of darkness, Gatanjae appears weak, pitiful and helpless at this time.
Looking at Ultraman Tiga, who has undergone tremendous changes in front of him.
Look at the light shining on Ultraman Tiga.
Gatanjiehe’s ruby-like calamity pupils gradually revealed a dignified and shocking expression.
The ravings of the evil god, which can make people insane, resounded all over the world.
Su Mo, who had gradually been able to understand the dialogue of the evil god, quickly understood the meaning of the voice.
Not fear, not terror.
Just plain unbelievable.
“Didn’t you think that after destroying so many civilizations, you would overturn on the small earth?”
Su Mo tried to guess what the evil god was thinking.
He can also see the ultra-ancient civilization’s attitude of avoiding Gatanjae like a snake and a scorpion.
If it was just a one-time destruction, he shouldn’t be so afraid of the challenge, and even willingly fall into Qijiela’s embrace.
It is very likely that before the super ancient civilization, there were also more powerful civilizations that were destroyed by Gatanjae.
People with super ancient civilizations will think that Gatanjae is invincible.
In other words, the evil god in front of him has destroyed more than one civilization, and it is very likely that the number cannot be counted.
Of course, all this is speculation without stronger evidence.
However, Su Mo didn’t care much about it.
No matter how much evil he has done, at this moment, it will come to an end.
The sword of salvation, shining with triple brilliance, slashed down long.
Facing this blow that would undoubtedly destroy one’s body and take away one’s life.
Gatanjiehe was extremely weird, and did not choose to resist hastily.
Instead, it danced its tentacles crazily, twisting its whole body as if to welcome or welcome.
The huge mouthparts made a strange and strict sound.
It was obviously the ravings of the evil god, but it made people feel the sacredness and madness, destruction and charm invisibly.
This is not dying, but worshiping and praising!
In praise of something – something more noble.
Those red jade pupils symbolized disaster.
He didn’t stare at the most powerful sword of salvation, but stared at Ultraman Tiga in front of him.
Do not!To be precise, what K was staring at was Su Mo in Ultraman Tiga’s body.
“How glorious! How holy!”
“Light and Fire! All and One!”
“Holy! Holy!”
Like the evil god’s version of the aria, Gatanjehe——no! It should be said that it was the evil god Ghatanothoa, who was slashed down from the beginning to the end by the triple shining sword of brilliance in the endless madness.
The holy light destroys the ruler of darkness.
The evil god Gatange was officially eliminated!
After the sea calmed down, Su Mo released Ultraman Tiga’s transformation.
Today, his identity has been exposed to the whole world, so there is no need to fly into space like before.
The golden light dissipated.
back to where they were before.
It was as if humans all over the world had the same dream.
Everyone opened their eyes and could recall the feeling when they became light.
Dagu and Masaki Keigo were also removed from petrification by Su Mo, and everyone celebrated the victory together.
“Thank you this time!”
On the deck, Su Mo thanked Ju Jianhui.
To ensure the birth of Shining Tiga, Ju Jianhui’s contribution is indeed not small.
“No, we should all thank you.”
Ju Jianhui shook his head, and glanced at the laughing children in the distance.
Without Su Mo, they humans would not even have the qualifications to work hard.
“There is no need to say these polite words between us.”
Su Mo smiled and looked towards the sky.
“After defeating the evil god Gatanjae, the other monsters will definitely be intimidated for a long time.”
“Except for a special guy, human beings should be able to enter a relatively peaceful period of development.”
“And this period of time is the best opportunity for mankind—”
“The opportunity to leave the earth’s mother star and truly go to the sea of ​​stars.”
In a sense, the evil god Gatanjae and the monsters born during this period are somewhat similar to the concept of the final trial of humans in Hakoniwa World.
Only by reaching the enemy that must be defeated can human civilization move forward.
The defeat of the evil god Gatanjar itself probably marks the arrival of the interstellar era.
Until the development of the next era reaches the bottleneck, the next wave of monsters will appear.
But at that time, there is no need for him, a senior, to worry about it.
The new generation of Ultraman will inevitably take on this responsibility.
Chapter 654 The Pacifist Su Mo Never Makes Little News
At this moment, Director Sawai, who was walking towards him, happened to hear Su Mo’s words. Although he is old, it is probably because of the victory in this battle.
Director Sawai, who was still in good spirits, stepped forward with a smile, and handed his hat to Su Mo.
“A new era requires new leaders to lead.”
“You guy, you have rejected me so many times before.”
“Now the whole world knows that you are Ultraman Tiga.”
“Nowadays, there is no one but you who can be trusted by everyone in the world and who can lead all mankind to the next era.”
“So, the position of the leader, are you going to take it now or not?”
Should it be said that it is an old fox?
Director Sawai seized this opportunity very well.
My main god is Kaguya
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