Because of the crusade against Gatanjae and the call for everyone to become the light.
Today, the prestige of Ultraman Tiga, that is, Su Mo, has reached an unprecedented peak.
Not to mention asking Su Mo to cooperate with the laboratory to study the body.
If the current earth government department dares to say a bad word about Ultraman Tiga.
They will be scolded by the people until they have to take the blame and resign.
As an object of worship by seven billion people around the world, Su Mo’s reputation today is that of a de facto global leader.
Unless he doesn’t want to.
Otherwise, mankind will inevitably choose him as the leader of the entire earth.
At this time, Director Sawai said this.
Everyone on the deck looked at him.
Whether it is Dagu, Jujianhui, or other high-level people.
Everyone cast expectant eyes, obviously hoping that Su Mo would accept this responsibility and lead the way of human development.
After seeing this scene, Masaki Keigo in the corner showed a wry smile.
He finally understood where he was wrong.
Ultraman does not need to forcibly guide human evolution, that is the behavior of a tyrant.
They only need to help human beings, and they will naturally gain the respect and trust of all human beings.
Under the surrounding expectant eyes.
Su Mo asked a little funny.
“Director Sawai, if you leave the burden to me, aren’t you afraid of losing your job?-?”
Hearing this, Director Sawai spread his hands.
“I’ve reached the age of retirement, it’s time to start enjoying life, it’s just that there is no right person to take over.”
Hearing this, Su Mo spread his hands helplessly.
He took the hat from Director Sawai.
“It’s all said and done, can I still refuse?”
The meaning of this sentence is obvious.
He accepted the position.
“Long live Director Su Mo!!”
After hearing his words, everyone at the scene celebrated. The fact that Ultraman Tiga became the leader of mankind was a great encouragement to them.
In fact, this matter itself is also under Su Mo’s consideration.
Expose the identity of being a giant, one is to shine Tiga, and the other is for the leadership after human civilization.
He believes that under his leadership, human civilization will only be stronger than the Dyna period in the original book.
by that time.
Maybe it’s not even Ultraman Dyna’s turn to play, and human society can solve it by itself.Kill most of the monsters.
Thinking about the scene where the monster Dyna stayed for a long time in the future and was attacked by a human weapon in seconds, it’s a bit interesting to think about it.
But to reach this point, human civilization still needs to develop for quite some time.
And before that.
There are also the last few monsters in this chapter of Tiga, which will appear in the near future.
“Dark giant – Camilla, the warrior of love and hate.”
Thinking of the enemy in the original book, Su Mo rarely felt troubled.
“Di Jia patted his ass and left, but I have to deal with his ex-girlfriend!”
Although, for Su Mo who has mastered the shining form, it is not difficult to defeat him.
But according to the plot of the original book, Camila herself also yearns for light, but she was abandoned by that scumbag Tiga.
It seems a bit bad to kill others like this.
If it’s possible, maybe I can sleep with her to abandon the dark and turn to the light?
Su Mo thought to himself.

When Su Mo in the Tiga world defeated the boss Gatanjae.
Godslayer world.
It has been a month since Su Mo killed four disobedient gods at once.
The king of a foreign country suddenly arrived, not only crusading the three disobedient gods, but also solving the biggest reliance in the Fusang magic circle for thousands of years-the Susanoo who lived in seclusion.
The leaderless Fusang magic world can only serve the overlord in front of him like walking on thin ice.
I am afraid that if I am a little unhappy, I will be punished by the godslayer.
They, who had always stayed away from disputes, finally understood the reason for the cautious attitude of those magic associations in the European magic world.
It turns out that Godslayer is such a terrifying existence.
Realizing this point, the Fusang Magic World changed from the previous conflict.
Overnight, all turned into licking dogs.
It seems that Su Mo accepted Hui Na from Qingqiuyuan.
These magic associations immediately wanted to do what they liked, and wanted to enshrine more witches to the devil king.
Sending all the young and beautiful witches here seems to be hoping that Su Mo will start a campaign to choose a concubine.
Not only that.
Even Saya Gongxin, the leader who is now in the first row in the Fusang spell world after those older generations were petrified, has been suggested many times to serve Lord Demon King.
The deviation of the Fusang magic world’s reaction before and after is simply two extremes.
Fortunately, this Lord Demon King doesn’t seem to be a lecherous person.
He directly rejected the concubine selection ceremony where the witches gathered.
Saya Gongxin felt relieved at first.
Then I heard the subordinates talking one after another——
“.-Is it because these witches are not in line with the Demon King’s preferences!”
“Sure enough, Mr. Saya Gongxin should have been allowed to go up from the very beginning.”
“I hope the king won’t blame us (Lee’s) for this…”
Everyone seemed worried because of the king’s refusal to choose the concubine ceremony.
It seems to feel that there is something to be enshrined in order to have a sense of security.
Seeing everyone’s fearful expression, Shaye Gongxin sighed.
“I knew it would be like this, why did you try to test it back then!”
Although it is true that they are compatriots, she also feels that these people are doing it to themselves.
Hearing her sigh, Erica on the side teased that it had nothing to do with her.
“It’s a pity that the lord was too gentle and didn’t let the disaster spread to the city. Otherwise, Tokyo would have been able to keep up with international standards.”
Have you misunderstood tenderness? Gentleness to kill three or four disobedient gods in one go?
And what is an international standard?
Could it be said that the international standard is that the city must be destroyed once by the God of Disobedience? !
Shaye Gongxin hesitated to speak, and finally chose to shut up.
Chapter 655 The place where the King of the End descends is Tokyo
Erica and Saya Gongxin are talking at the Shichio Shrine near the Tokyo Tower.
Although the Fusang magic world also opened the palace and other places as the temporary residence of the devil.
But the new king did not choose those more noble places, but chose the lesser-known Qixiong Shrine.
In this regard, the conjuration community generally believes that this is because the king has taken a fancy to the two witches of Qixiong Shrine.
――Wanli Guli and Wanli Guguang are twin sisters.
Although Wanli Guguang is only twelve years old.
But as a country where the Tale of Genji has been passed down, conjurers can understand the preference of some big figures for young girls.
As the current leader of the magic world in Tokyo, Saya Gongxin has a different view on this point.
After getting along for a month, she also roughly saw the character and behavior policy of this devil king.
On the whole, although the Lord Demon King has his own style in his actions, he is not as weird as other Demon Kings.
On the contrary, it is a very easy-to-get-along type.
——Return kindness with kindness, and return malice with malice.
No matter how you look at it, they all belong to the rare decent people among the godslayers.
After realizing this, she confirmed one thing – that is, the losses suffered by the Fusang magic circle were all self-inflicted.
If 250 faced the king with a respectful attitude at the beginning.
My main god is Kaguya
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