Instead of trying to test it in vain, the king probably wouldn’t do anything to them.
As for Wanli Guli, and Wanli Guguang.
It is also completely different from outside speculation.
In the past month, the new king has not been very close to Wanli Guguang, but has a good relationship with Wanli Guguang.
But, that’s only because Wanli Guguang has a lively personality.
The new king himself does not give much preferential treatment to the sisters.
If the new king Su Mo really takes a fancy to this pair of sisters, the Fusang magic circle will definitely offer them up sincerely.
Saya Gongxin herself did not object to this point.
After all, if you can win the king’s favor at the cost of two witches, it will be bloody money!
According to the reason Shaye Gongxin had heard, the reason why the new king Su Mo chose to temporarily live in the Qixiong Shrine did not seem to be because of this pair of sisters.
At that time, the reason he gave seemed to be——
“It’s very close to Tokyo Bay, so let’s go here!”
For this reason, Saya Gongxin is still very puzzled.
I don’t know what’s so special about Tokyo Bay.
Anyway, she is not qualified to ask about the devil’s affairs.
She also let go of this matter (beae) and has been following the new king to help deal with the problem.
Erica has always been in charge of government affairs under Su Mo.
But now it is in the territory of the Fusang magic world, so the agent Shaye Gongxin is also necessary.
Today’s government affairs are mostly conveyed by Erica, and orders are made according to the actual situation.
Saya Gongxin is responsible for extracting suggestions and implementing them.
“Fortunately, there are not many tasks on Wang’s side. I feel that it is much easier than my previous work!”
Put aside the previous topic for a while.
Shaye Gongxin stretched her waist, looking quite relaxed.
Dealing with government affairs may sound troublesome, but at this time, the most important thing for them in the Fusang magic world is to meet all the king’s requirements.
As an agent, Saya Gongxin can mobilize abundant resources, and her authority has also been greatly enhanced.
As for Su Mo himself, he didn’t go out much after staying at the Qixiong Shrine, and he didn’t make any troublesome requests.
Therefore, apart from maintaining the three meals of the highest standard, Saya Gongxin has nothing to do.
This is how I often have time to chat with Erica.
After taking a sip of hot tea, Saya Gongxin said enviously.
“Suddenly, I felt that it would be great if the king could always settle here. You can’t worry about those gods who don’t obey, and you don’t have to worry about the old guys from those families fighting over each other.”
These words are both sincere and tempting.
After getting used to the days when Godslayers were stationed there, she somewhat hoped that Su Mo would stay here forever.
It just so happened that the Susanoo behind them was hacked to death by Su Mo, and no one will be able to protect Fusang in the future.
It would be a good thing for them if there were godslayers who were willing to guard them.
Erika’s eyes twitched when she heard her words.
“You are thinking of Taozi! The king’s territory is our Rome and Italy, and you organizations that don’t even have allegiance want to snatch our king?”
If it wasn’t for the good relationship recently, she would have wanted to “Bah”.
Do you think any place is eligible to be favored by a godslayer?
Erica’s remark is not to exclude competitors.
Instead, it is suggesting that the other party hand over enough chips, so as to arouse Wang’s interest.
“Hey… isn’t this a joke…”
Shaye Gongxin laughed, and she also felt that this idea was a bit unrealistic.
After all, Fusang’s first impression of the world of conjuration was not very good.
Originally, I wanted to use Erica to convey my thoughts.
But judging by her attitude, it seemed a bit difficult.
Only then did she realize that if she wanted to be a dog, she could be a dog.
There are not many magic associations who want to become the dog of the godslayer. If you can’t show the value of use, why should the godslayer choose you?
Saya Gongxin is a little desperate for this world where being a dog has to be involuntary.
Fortunately, she is in a good mood.
Seeing that the heat hadn’t come yet, she immediately changed the subject.
“It’s really quiet today! There are no birds making noise outside the shrine.”
“If only every day could be as peaceful as today.”
Holding the teacup, she sighed very leisurely.
To be honest, she has a not-so-good impression of the new king, Su Mo.
This good opinion not only comes from the fact that the new king, Killing God, will take care of the people and basically cause no economic losses.
It also comes from the quiet posture of Xinwangzhai at the shrine for a month.
There is nothing more reassuring to the Magic Society than the godslayer not doing anything.
At this point, all other godslayers, including Pluto, who has a better reputation, can’t do it, so they will cause a bunch of disasters intentionally or unintentionally.
Compare them.
The new king, Su Mo, is simply an angel, a saint!
“If every godslayer could be like the new king, the world would definitely be much more peaceful.”
(This book is organized by [!F,li;ppe!d], sorted out?, (more new book link. Contact 1;”3’4;!317!7478) Saya Gongxin couldn’t help sending it out, a bit like Wan An exclamation of Riya’s management style.
Hearing this, Erica blinked, but did not agree.
Her own master, she knew it herself.
Although Su Mo has common sense, the process of killing gods has never affected the people.
But when it comes to peace, that is completely irrelevant to Su Mo.
From her point of view, not only is her lord not a pacifist.
His ability to do things is even the best among all godslayers.
Is there any godslayer who can kill more than two figures of gods one after another within a few months after his debut, and hang and beat the senior godslayer?
It was just that the rare silence in the past month caused Shaye Gongxin to accidentally misunderstand.
One of the lord’s most beloved knights.
Erica knew it. Either her king would not do it, or it would be big news if she did.
Such a king can be patient and quiet for a month, he must be brewing a big bomb.
But Saya Gongxin’s words are somewhat similar to something the Lord said before.
Thinking of this, Erica showed some weird eyes, and looked at Saya Gongxin sympathetically.”The flag is set at this time, why do I feel that your leisurely life will disappear soon!”.
Chapter 656 The truth is also a punishment
Shaye Gongxin looked at her with some puzzlement. Without waiting for her to ask.
The door of the shrine was directly slapped open.
Shaye Gongxin hadn’t had time to be alert.
The other party broke in directly.
“Is Master Su Mo there? I have something important to report!”
The young girl who seemed to be only ten years old asked the two of them unceremoniously… said.
Although it looks like a harmless naughty little girl, the snake-like vertical pupils shining with golden light give people a strong sense of oppression.
Because Erica was Su Mo’s subordinate, Anshela restrained most of her power.
But even so, Erica could feel the coercion from the level of life.
This is the sign of the disobedient god!
She was obviously just a god ancestor before, but after receiving the gift of Su Mo’s godhood, she became a complete god and also Su Mo’s subordinate god.
In terms of subordination alone, her status is comparable to that of Erica.
But the two didn’t have much overlap.
Erica has basic respect for her strength, and this power will not affect her who is a paladin and has been blessed by Su Mo.
However, Saya Gongxin is completely different.
She, who was far inferior to Erica in strength, was glared at by Anxiela without restraint.
The suppression of the life level belonging to the God of Disobedience made her completely unable to resist the opponent.
In the world of godslayers, the destined person cannot defy the words of the gods.
My main god is Kaguya
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