“The king… is inside.”
Although there was fear in her eyes, her mouth still answered Anxiela’s question obediently, as if she couldn’t help herself.
“Well! Then I’ll go to Lord Su Mo!”
After hearing the news that Su Mo was here, Anshela changed her face on the spot.
Not only the intimidating power disappeared.
She also put on a happy posture like a little girl, happily wanting to rush into the back mountain to look for Su Mo.
Like a primary school student looking for his favorite big brother.
This differential treatment made Saya Gongxin unable to complain.
At this time, Erica stopped her curiously.
“Ashela, what is your business with Master Su Mo?”
As far as she knew, Anshela hadn’t done any spying work these days.
Although it is said that with the power of the God of Disobedience, no matter what information you want, you can probably ask it directly from the other party.
But Su Mo has no intention of entrusting her with such a task, and Anshela herself has no self-consciousness.
During this time, she was basically incarnating as “Leviathan”.
In other words, it was an extremely beautiful silver-white snake with a body length of more than fifty meters.
Happily wandering in the deep mountains around the shrine.
He poked his head out from time to time, and his figure, which was comparable to a tall building, had scared many ordinary people.
Thanks to this, rumors of snake and dragon gods appearing nearby have been circulating.
Erica couldn’t figure out what important information a snake god wandering around the mountains and fields could have.
If you have to say that there is some information that you don’t know, but Anshela knows.
Then there is only one possibility.
Hearing her question, Anshela hesitated for a moment.
Thinking that Erica is also Su Mo’s trusted subordinate, there is nothing to hide about this matter, so she asked.
“It’s Guinevere! Just now Guinevere came to me and said that she wanted to see Master Su Mo!”
Because of Athena, she was a little dissatisfied with Guinevere’s choice.
But because she is also a member of the Earth Mother Goddess, and Guinevere came to seek refuge with Su Mo, she was naturally happy to convey it.
“This guy finally knows to stand with the master, and the master should be ready to attack that hateful king of the end!”
Thinking that the great revenge of the Earth Mother God clan will finally be avenged.
Anshela, who was not very familiar with common sense, was very happy, and revealed key information without paying attention.
“The King of the End? What is that?”
Saya Gongxin was finally able to speak.
What is going on with this ominous-sounding name?
Is the enemy that Su Mo would seriously prepare to kill the three Gods of Disobedience in one go, the God of Disobedience?
For some reason, the intuition like spiritual vision made Saya Gongxin fall into the ice cave directly with her heart.
…seeking flowers 0…
She had a very ominous premonition.
It seems to have seen the panic of Saya Gongxin.
Erica looked at her with pity.
“By now, the news of the King of the End is estimated to have spread to magic associations all over the world.”
“However, it’s understandable that those of you who don’t have Godslayers can’t get this information.”
Erica, who knew and participated in Su Mo’s plan, was very clear about Su Mo’s plan.
So now, she wasn’t very surprised by Anshela’s information.
Now, the news about the King of the End has already spread, so it is not a secret, and it doesn’t matter if it is revealed a little bit.
Thinking of this, Erika said in a relaxed tone as much as possible.
… 0;
“Actually, it’s not that scary, it’s just a more powerful God of Disobedience!”
“If the ordinary god of disobedience is at the level of an elite, the king of the end is probably a little bit stronger, equivalent to the level of closing the bottom boss.”
“To be specific, it is the disaster that can be caused when awakened, dozens of times that of the ordinary God of Disobedience. After a long time, it can even destroy the entire human race!”
Erica said it lightly.
hear these wordsSaya Gongxin’s eyes were darkened.
——What does it mean to be more powerful?
——Dozens of times the disaster of ordinary disobedient gods, even capable of destroying all human beings, is it “slightly” stronger?
――Is there a universe hidden in your “slightly”!
Try to suppress your urge to complain.
Saya Gongxin maintained her rationality with her powerful rationality.
Then, the most critical question was asked.
“Where is the area where the King of the End descends?”
At this moment, there was a last glimmer of hope in her eyes.
However, this ray of light was quickly broken by Erica.
Looking at Saya Gongxin’s eyes, even Erica, known as the “Crimson Demon”, couldn’t help but feel a little embarrassed.
She turned her gaze away, speaking in a rare and shy tone.
“Hey, it’s in Tokyo!”
This time, Shaye Gongxin’s eyes really went dark, her body went limp, and she passed out directly. Four.
Chapter 657 Damn steel, you are a girl
Just finished praising the new king for not being as noisy as other godslayers, and he has been as quiet as a virgin for a month. Unexpectedly, as soon as he said this, the new king made a big mess.
Not only did he attract the God of Disobedience, but he was also the final boss that was dozens of times more harmful than ordinary Gods of Disobedience.
It’s as quiet as a virgin, moving like a mad rabbit.
Moreover, if it is in another place, even the arrival of the King of the End may not be unbearable.
But here is Fusang, known as the country located on top of the volcano.
If there really came a disaster dozens of times stronger than the ordinary God of Disobedience.
Economic losses and casualties are no longer the focus of consideration.
The key consideration is whether the country can still exist.
If something terrible happens.
It is not impossible for the entire land of Fusang to sink directly.
It should be known that the land of Fuso itself is on the edge of the Pacific plate, which is why this country is active in earthquakes and tsunamis.
Once a larger disaster occurs, the gap between the already fragile plates will be expanded and a hole will be cracked.
The Fusang Islands are very likely to sink directly into the trench and be directly swallowed by the vast Pacific Ocean.
It is precisely because of this concern.
After hearing Erica’s words, Saya Gongxin passed out because she was too desperate.
Suddenly learned that his entire country was going to sink.
It’s strange not to despair.
Seeing Saya Gongxin fell to the ground limply.
Erica looked pitifully.
She didn’t want this either.
But who told the King of the End to choose this small island in the far east to sleep.
You can only blame them for being unlucky.
If Guinevere really came to surrender, according to the plan, what will happen next may bring an even greater blow to Saya Gongxin.
So, she passed out at this time.
It’s not all bad either.
The change of Saya Gongxin was completely unworthy of attention for Anshela.
A weak human being who has nothing to do with Su Mo doesn’t deserve her attention.
So, after seeing Erica without doubt.
She immediately jumped and ran to the back of the shrine, preparing to report the news to Su Mo.

a moment later…
My main god is Kaguya
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