In the mountains behind the shrine.
A ten-year-old girl knelt on the ground, looking at the man in front of her with a happy face.
After listening to Anshela’s report, a smile appeared on the corner of Su Mo’s mouth.
“Guinevere came to see her, which means that the one-month appointment time has come!”
He has been fishing for this period of time, and he didn’t pay much attention to the change of time.
He had already planted the seeds of the plan a month ago, and he didn’t need to worry about how everyone would move in the future.
There are people who care more about time than him.
Therefore, you only need to wait patiently, and naturally someone will come to ask him for help.
Guinevere is the first link in the plan.
The current intelligence just confirmed his judgment.
“Although I expected this a long time ago, Guinevere is really just a child. Even if she gave a reminder, she still couldn’t find the habitat of the King of the End after spending a month.”
Having said that, Su Mo shook his head regretfully.
Naturally, his previous information did not lie, the King of the End is indeed in Fusang territory.
Moreover, it is indeed a place where the Earth Mother is difficult to find.
With Guinevere’s character, if she finds any clues, she will not obediently run back to fulfill the contract.
It will definitely awaken the King of the End directly in advance.
But she didn’t do this, which means that she has not had the slightest clue after so long.
“Emotion blinds, and even more so when it is placed upon falsehood.”
A slightly cold voice came.
After hearing what Su Mo said, Goddess Athena sarcastically mocked Guinevere.
Although she knew that the other party had her own ideas, it didn’t stop her from hating Guinevere’s choice.
Betrayed the Earth Mother camp and chose to assist the Hero of Steel. As the Earth Mother, she could not tolerate such a traitor.
Hear Athena’s words.
Anshela on the side said flatteringly.
“Anyway, Guinevere also came to join the master’s camp, please forgive her mistake!”
Saying that, Anxiela, who knelt on the ground, rubbed Su Mo’s palm flatteringly, trying to help her compatriots who are the mother god of the earth to say good things.
Anshela herself is the type of idiot who does not distinguish between good and evil, as long as she is the Earth Mother Goddess…
Although because of Athena, she was also very dissatisfied with Guinevere’s choice.
but sheThere is no Athena’s hatred of traitors.
Therefore, she hoped that Guinevere could stand by her side and become a companion.
Seeing Anxiela’s flattering appearance, Su Mo not only couldn’t help but laugh.
He still remembered, when he first met Anshela not long ago, the young girl had a ferocious expression on her face and wanted to bite someone.
Even after being subdued by Athena, Anxiela’s attitude towards Su Mo was still resistant because of her aversion to the godslayer.
Unexpectedly, it was just because he saved this guy’s life.
Anshela’s personality immediately took a 180-degree turn.
Not only did his attitude towards Su Mo become extremely respectful and docile, but his pupils often shone with an emotional flame that even Su Mo felt was too hot.
Sometimes it’s just clingy.
Is it possible that female snake characters will become this kind of coquettish type after being captured?
In other words, as the leader of the Earth Goddess, Athena, who is also a snake, will become like this after being completely conquered?
Thinking of this, Su Mo couldn’t help but glance at Athena.
Goddess Athena possesses the power of wisdom, but she is not able to guess what Su Mo is thinking.
Therefore, she subconsciously misunderstood.
I thought what Su Mo wanted to talk about was about Guinevere.
The silver-haired petite goddess crossed her arms, snorted coquettishly, and looked away.
0.4 “Don’t care too much about my concubine’s opinion.”
“Although I’m a little upset seeing that guy, since it’s your plan, there’s no need to change it because of me.”
Saying this, Athena’s mouth curved slightly, obviously secretly delighted that Su Mo cared so much about her feelings.
Then, she paused, and added.
“Besides, I’m not the kind of narrow-minded person, and I don’t have to teach that traitor a lesson.”
Having said that, she still showed some gloating expression and said in a mocking tone.
“Not to mention, for that guy, knowing the truth itself is a punishment for her!”
Hearing this, Su Mo nodded and agreed with Athena.
I just don’t know if Guinevere can accept this kind of blow.
Chapter 658 The price of amending the contract is the indiscriminate disaster of the military god
Hearing that Su Mo agreed to Guinevere’s request. Anshela immediately ran outside happily and informed Guinevere who was waiting outside the shrine that the king allowed her to see her.
As for what Su Mo and Athena said, knowing the truth itself was punishment, she didn’t care much.
After all, in Anshela’s pure mind, as long as Guinevere can get the protection of Lord Su Mo and save her life, that’s enough.
As for what punishment she will receive, how will she be played by Lord Su Mo and Lord Athena.
That’s the internal fun of one’s own people, so you don’t need to pay too much attention to it.
Nor did she want to be Guinevere’s nanny.
Of course, Guinevere had no such expectations of her.
After hearing that Su Mo was willing to accept her audience, she immediately planned to enter Qixiong Shrine.
At this moment, a dull voice stopped him.
“Wait, my beloved son! Do you really not need me to accompany you this time?”
A knight dressed in armor, whose face was blocked by the armor, appeared from the sky.
14 Anxiela immediately showed a vigilant expression, and a fierce light flickered in the golden snake pupils.
The premonition of encountering a natural enemy made her arouse all the divine power in her body.
This terrible smell…is the breath of the Hero of Steel God!
The knight who was guarded by her with all her strength showed a helpless smile.
“Sorry, Snake God Leviathan, I have no hostility towards you.”
“I am Lancelot, the knight of the lake, and I just go along to protect my beloved son.”
After explaining this sentence, the god of disobedience named Lancelot looked at Guinevere, as if to confirm her opinion.
The famous legend of King Arthur is naturally a household name in Europe.
Even in Fusang, there are quite a few people who know about it.
Among them, the unlucky love between Lancelot and Guinevere, the wife of King Arthur, has been a hot topic of discussion for thousands of years.
However, judging from the attitude of the two talking, there is no atmosphere of lovers.
On the contrary, it looks like a communication between friends or girlfriends.
Anshela, who felt that Lancelot had underestimated her, was naturally very upset.
She is not an idiot, the Goddess of Earth is at a disadvantage against the God of Heroes of Steel.
Not to mention, the other party was the God of Swords named Lancelot.
The properties of steel revealed on the outside are more pure than ordinary military gods, and it seems that he is also a sword god close to the original scriptures.
In such an extremely unfavorable situation, if you don’t ask for the protection of your master, you will definitely be invincible.
She didn’t intend to cause trouble for Su Mo, so she could only swallow her anger and curse the enemy in front of her in her heart.
In this regard, Lancelot chose to pretend not to see it.
As a sword god, Yu Yu didn’t worry her much about Anshela.
However, she was still very worried about the situation Guinevere was about to face.
“Last time, it was because I didn’t accompany you that I almost made you face two godslayers.”
“Although there is only one godslayer this time, if the new king is really as terrifying as you said, it would be too dangerous for you to go alone.”
Thinking of the situation Guinevere described before, she couldn’t help but worry.
Hearing Lancelot’s words, Guinevere shook her head.
“Uncle, you don’t need to persuade me anymore. If you really see the scene of Su Momian making a move, you will know that if he really wants to harm me, even if you accompany him, there is no point.”
Guinevere, who had seen Su Mo make a move for the second time, was very self-aware of this.
The combat power of an ordinary god of disobedience is meaningless to the new king.
“But according to the contract, the other party tells you that the King of the EndAfter taking the position, Guinevere, you will be completely subordinate to the new king. ”
The military god known as Lancelot still persuaded patiently.
My main god is Kaguya
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