“If you decide your destination, Aizi, I will also turn into a god of disobedience and wander in the world, and one day I will be attacked by the godslayer.”
“It’s the last journey anyway, let me protect you till the end!”
The god named Lancelot has been in the world for more than a thousand years.
However, unlike ordinary Gods of Disobedience, she was not infected by the madness of Gods of Disobedience, nor did she cause any disasters.
This is because she and Guinevere previously had a contract similar to that of a patron saint.
This restrains her from incarnation.
If Guinevere gets the position of the last king and becomes the property of the new king, the mission of her patron saint will also end, and she will inevitably fail in her incarnation.
Although this is not bad for her as the war god, she still wants to protect her friends in the last days when she is still able to maintain her sanity.
“Besides, I’m also very interested in the one you admire, His Majesty Su Momian, whose strength has surpassed the limit of a godslayer. It’s a rare opportunity, and I also want to see what he looks like.”
Having said that, Lancelot showed great anticipation.
As a warlike warrior, what could be more exciting than seeing a worthy opponent?
Hearing her voice so excited.
Guinevere would have seemed to have persuaded her not to go.
If the two fight, the fighting process may not be as intense as Lancelot imagined, and it may become one-sided to the point of being a bit boring.
But after thinking about it, she felt that Lancelot would be more interested in what she said.
So, she lowered her shoulders helplessly and agreed to the other party’s request.
“Okay, uncle, let’s go with my concubine! But you must pay attention, you must pay attention to etiquette, and don’t provoke Su Momian!”
Since she couldn’t persuade him, she could only hope that Lancelot would not be rude.
She didn’t want to see her friend who had been with her for many years being attacked by the devil in front of her.
Hear what Guinevere said.
Lancelot landed from the sky, his tone full of joy.
“Don’t worry, Aiko! Although it’s been a thousand years, I still remember the knight’s etiquette!”
Saying so, she took off her helmet directly.
And removed the armor that wrapped his whole body.
“Although as a knight, you can wear armor to meet an audience, but I remember the custom in the East. It seems that you can’t wear weapons and armor when you meet the emperor, right?”
Seeing the slender and dignified figure in front of her, Guinevere nodded very naturally.
Anxiela on the side was the boss who opened her mouth in surprise.
Looking at the beautiful girl with blond hair and an extremely slender, extremely awe-inspiring figure.
With no culture, she was completely dumbfounded.
“Damn steel hero god…why are you a girl?!”.
Chapter 659 Are you ready to accept the truth?
The Knight of the Lake, Lancelot, is clearly the knight who had an affair with Queen Guinevere in the mythology. However, the god in front of him was clearly a woman.
She has a beautiful appearance, and her figure is so much better than that of Anshela, who is about ten years old. Her body curve is much more mature than Erica’s.
Although generally a peerless beauty, her awe-inspiring demeanor reminds one that she is more of a warrior than a woman.
Although it is common for myths to remember their gender wrongly, such a large error is still a bit strange.
Anshela didn’t suspect that Lancelot was a pseudonym.
After all, for the gods, the address of the name often affects the spiritual status.
Even if you want to report a false name, you will generally report the related godhead, and you will not just point at it.
In other words, the godhead of Lancelot may have a deeper origin.
to appear as a woman.
After realizing this, Anshela’s hostility towards Lancelot did not diminish.
Although she is a woman, it does not prevent her from being a deity close to the origin of the Man of Steel, and she is completely in the opposite camp of the Earth Mother Goddess.
Of course, even if she was dissatisfied, she had no intention of doing anything to Lancelot.
Apart from not being able to win, it was also because she was Su Mo’s guest.
Whether it was out of her own wish or out of her relationship with God, she didn’t want to affect Su Mo’s plan.
So, under Anxiela’s temporary swallowing and leading the way.
The beautiful military god, who had removed his armor, entered the gate of Qixiong Shrine together with Guinevere, and went to meet the god-killing demon king.
The mountain behind the shrine.
“My concubine is Guinevere, and I pay my respects to Your Majesty Su Momian.”
“In Lower Lancelot, I met the Rakshasa Lord!”
Guinevere, dressed like a princess, bowed to Su Mo who was on the high steps with court etiquette.
Lancelot, who was dressed in a refreshing attire, had his own style, saluting with knight etiquette.
Although in terms of her status, she didn’t need to show weakness so much when meeting the devil, but since it was the most critical moment for her beloved son Guinevere, she didn’t want to provoke disputes at this time.
If you want to fight…you have to wait for Guinevere’s wish to be fulfilled before you fight.
Looking at the two girls bowing at their feet, Su Mo sized them up interestingly.
Guinevere’s eyes were firm and fiery. Presumably, she had already made a decision. Even if she sacrificed herself, she would still have to obtain information about the place where the King of the End lived.
On the other side, Lancelot’s eyes were clear and awe-inspiring, and he could see the aura of the God of War at a glance.
If it weren’t for Guinevere, this guy might be straightWill come to challenge myself.
After roughly seeing the state of the two of them, Su Mo shook his head and said.
“Your Majesty, let’s get back together.”
“Now the two of you are not my subordinates, and you don’t need to restrain yourself with the etiquette of subordinates.”
Su Mo himself is the type who does whatever he wants and doesn’t pay attention to etiquette.
However, I have to admit that etiquette itself can distinguish between upper and lower, and has the function of sorting out the sequence, which is beneficial to management.
Erica, Liliana and the others paid attention to this, so he let it go.
However, for the God of Disobedience, he is not so demanding on etiquette.
“Thank you Your Excellency!”
Hearing this, Lancelot’s impression of Su Mo improved a lot.
Compared to those unreasonable godslayers, or the scheming type like the Black Prince Alec.
As the god of war, she admired Su Mo’s kingly demeanor even more.
Whether it’s allegiance or combat, this type of demon king is to her taste.
Lancelot was delighted.
Guinevere was a little flustered.
After hearing Su Mo’s words, she knelt down in panic and asked in panic.
“Why did His Majesty Su Momian say such a thing?”
“According to our agreement last time, didn’t you agree that you would tell me the location of the King of the End, and then let me be your subject?”
This is the situation Guinevere is facing now.
After all, she searched Fusang for a whole month without any clues, and it is estimated that there is no hope if she continues to search.
If Su Mo repents at this time.
She doesn’t know when and when she will be able to complete her mission and awaken the King of the End.
Therefore, when she heard Su Mo’s words, she subconsciously thought that the other party was going to break the contract.
Seeing her undisguised panic, Su Mo smiled slightly.
“The content of the contract is to be my property, not a subject, but there is no difference between the two.” Shaking his head, he said in a leisurely manner.
“So, are you here to ask to be my property this time, Guinevere?”
This straightforward question made Guinevere’s cheeks flush with embarrassment.
But what she said was not wrong. It was her side who was eager to complete the transaction, so she had no room for ambiguity and nodded immediately.
“Yes, Su Momian—the lord!”
Suppressing the girl’s shame, Guinevere changed her address, and her tone became a little self-defeating.
“The concubine Guinevere came to fulfill the contract and asked the lord to take her in.”
“.-The concubine is willing to give everything in exchange for the awakening of the last king.”
Speaking of this, she even used a little scheming.
Originally, the content of the contract was to seek the position of the King of the End, but at this time, she considered the possibility that she would not be able to wake up the other party even if she knew the position.
So the content was secretly replaced with the awakening of the King of the End to prevent any accidents.
For this little trick, Su Mo is naturally very insightful.
“Although to me, there is no difference between the two.”
“But modifying the contract without authorization is quite immoral.”
Su Mo propped his cheek with his left hand, a smile appeared on his face.
He was supposed to awaken the King of the End. For him, Guinevere’s wish came at no cost.
However, even so, the other party does not have the power to temporarily modify the treaty.
My main god is Kaguya
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