Su Mo was very serious about the contract.
Not intending to coddle the other person, nor turn a blind eye.
“For this, you must be punished.”
Such a sentence made Guinevere subconsciously raise her heart.
(Lee Li’s) Lancelot on the other side also looked a little nervous, but as a stupid Valkyrie, she didn’t have any good words to say.
After all, it was indeed Guinevere’s fault for wanting to amend the treaty secretly.
When she was showing helplessness.
The king of Rakshasa in front of him issued the content of the punishment.
“As the price for modifying the contract, this guy will belong to me, do you have any objection?”
Hearing Guinevere’s scream, Lancelot raised his head inexplicably.
After noticing that Su Mo was staring at herself, she looked at Guinevere.
Then he pointed at himself with a confused face.
“Huh?! The price you mentioned…is it me?”
“That’s right.”
Su Mo nodded.
Lancelot blinked, with an inexplicably aggrieved expression on his face.
It was obviously Guinevere’s fault, why did the punishment fall on me!
What a fucking disaster! .
Chapter 660 Homeless people chasing phantoms
Seeing Lancelot’s rather bewildered attitude, Su Mo raised his eyebrows and said. “Aren’t you Guinevere’s patron saint? Isn’t depriving her of the patron saint just a punishment?”
You are right, I am speechless.
Lancelot was momentarily at a loss for words.
From the point of view of the magic contract, it is not out of the question to regard her as Guinevere’s property.
But I always feel that this ignores her own personal will.
Just as she was thinking this in her heart, Su Mo’s voice sounded at the right time.
“As a military god, don’t you want to fight with a powerful opponent when you meet a godslayer?”
“Although your true identity is the god of war worshiped by the Sarmatians, and your predecessor was the fighting goddess who was the queen of the Black Sea—that is, the queen of the Amazons, but now you appear in the name of a knight.”
“Since that’s the case, then according to the knight’s style, you shouldn’t refuse to decide the master-slave relationship by the outcome of the battle, right?”
Su Mo’s eyes seemed to see through everything, and he said an invitation that she couldn’t refuse.
“The winner plunders everything, and the loser bows down. As the hero god of steel, for this process,You should be familiar with it. ”
In the past, the process of the Hero of Steel defeating and conquering the Earth Mother Goddess was just like this.
The Hero God of Steel 250 who follows this principle himself.
Many of them have the same attitude towards their defeat.
So, defeating the Hero of Steel and subordinating it is also possible in itself.
Of course, there are not many steel gods who will seriously implement this process.
However, Lancelot, who is named after a knight, belongs to the slightly rigid and serious type.
Therefore, she can completely accept Su Mo’s words.
“Do you want to repeat the feat in the myth and take me as a vassal?”
The beautiful goddess with a chuckle nodded heartily after confirming Su Mo’s will.
“Okay! I agree to this duel!”
Having said that, her eyes became hot, and she looked at Su Mo with a strong fighting spirit.
“When I heard Aiko’s description before, I actually wanted to fight you already.”
“So, as Your Excellency Su Mo said, this battle is also my long-cherished wish.”
It’s not so much that Su Mo caught her weakness.
It’s better to say that Su Mo just followed the trend.
Otherwise, even if he doesn’t raise this point, Lancelot will take the initiative to seek to fight him after Guinevere’s matter is over.
After all, she is the battle god born with sword and steel.
It is her long-cherished wish to fight against powerful enemies.
Guinevere at the side was still a little worried, and didn’t want her best friend to fall into the clutches of her own reasons.
Looking at her now, she seems to be very happy, so she has no reason to persuade her.
After making an agreement.
Lancelot finally came to his senses and noticed the previous details.
Su Mo revealed the origin of her godhead–Hippolyta, Queen of the Amazons.
“By the way, how did Your Excellency Su Mo see your real body so quickly?”
Looking at Su Mo, her eyes were very curious.
Regarding this, Su Mo just asked back in a normal tone.
“Female military god, or a god with such a relationship with “steel”, do you think there are so many in this world? ”
In mythology, kings and queens often have the same status as gods.
Queen Hippolyta of the Amazons inherited the custom of female warriors from the Sarmatians. She was the goddess of steel worshiped by the Sarmatians in the era around AD.
Its paternal line can be traced back to Ares, and its maternal line can be traced back to Nymph.
Later, the Sarmatians became Roman soldiers.
And because of the religious reform of Emperor Constantine in Rome, the heretical gods were gradually liquidated, which made the name and inheritance of this goddess gradually forgotten.
Later, under Guinevere’s intentional distortion, the legend of King Arthur was created, crowned with the title of Knight of the Lake (beae).
Of course, this is the unique mythological heritage of Godslayer.
However, as Su Mo said.
Female steel hero gods are indeed relatively rare.
From the name of Lancelot, it is linked to the era referred to in the legend of King Arthur, which is the period of the Roman Empire.
If deduced from this point, it is easier to infer the inheritance of her spiritual status.
Hearing Su Mo’s words, Lancelot scratched his head helplessly.
“Even if you look like this kind of thing is very simple, you are the only one who can see through my true face for more than a thousand years!”
Even the witch she had guarded, few people could recognize the origin of her godhead.
No matter how you look at it, it is not so simple that you can answer it lightly.
Thinking of this, she could only sigh.
The new king is so humble!
Inexplicably, the favorability has been slightly improved.
I saw Lancelot and Su Mo talking happily.
Guinevere was naturally a little happy. With Lancelot as a colleague, she would not have to worry about being bullied by Athena in the future.
However, she did not forget her original purpose.
After the conversation between the two of them came to an end.
She interjected cautiously.
“Your Majesty Su Mo, about our contract…”
“You want to talk about the sleeping place of the King of the End?” Su Mo directly pointed out her small thoughts, and then said bluntly.
“Don’t worry, I won’t break my promise to the contract. But, are you ready to accept the truth?”
Having said that, he had a playful smile on his face.
To like to taste the misfortunes of others is an unquestionable vice.
However, if the source of misfortune is human beings themselves, it can sometimes be quite interesting to watch from the sidelines.
For example now.
“Ready…to accept the truth?”
Hearing Su Mo’s words, Guinevere repeated it for no apparent reason.
Although I can’t understand why he would say that.
But the premonition of being a witch told her that this answer was definitely not a good thing for her.
Inexplicably, she felt a chill down her spine.
Her intuition told her that if she pursued it further, it might shake her long-held beliefs.
Maybe, the reason why I have been fighting for thousands of years will be subverted.
But, having come to this point, she has no room to back down.
So, after a long silence, she raised her head firmly.
“I’m ready!”.
My main god is Kaguya
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