Chapter 661 Compassion Is Evil Good at Fainting Girls
Although there is an ominous shadow in my heart. But now, standing in front of the goal is only one step away.
If you give up at this time, the efforts of more than a thousand years will really go to waste.
So, Guinevere took a deep… breath.
Trying to keep calm, waiting for Su Mo’s answer.
Looked at her with a strong support.
Su Mo didn’t sell eitherGuan Zi, speaking directly.
“Let me tell you the answer first. The place where the King of the End sleeps is indeed in this island country in the far east. It’s just that it’s in a slightly special place.”
Hearing Su Mo confirm this again.
Guinevere nodded silently, but she was quite puzzled.
In the past month, she has not had a moment’s rest, and has been looking for the figure of the last king in this land of Fusang.
Although it is only the body of the ancestors now.
But its predecessor was the ancient Mother Goddess, the White Goddess worshiped by Wales.
With the remnant characteristics of the Earth Goddess, it is not difficult for her to find the breath of steel on the earth.
During this month’s overtime work, she has already (‘book, book by’.【””Flip:?p,!ed’!]】”: management (more;’more new books, contact 1;”34.31.7! 7;?47,8..) explored the whole Fusang.
As a result, nothing was found.
“Su Momian…Master, what special place are you referring to?” Guinevere asked in great confusion.
“This point, I have given you a hint before.”
Su Mo had a playful smile on his face.
Guinevere was taken aback, thinking of something.
“You mean–the place where the Earth Goddess can never be found–this sentence?”
Naturally, she also considered Su Mo’s hint.
However, after searching Fusang and finding no trace of the King of the End, she thought that what Su Mo meant was that the place where the King of the End slept was hidden by an enchantment.
That’s why I didn’t find it myself.
Now it seems that there is still a deep meaning?
“That’s right.” As if seeing what she was thinking, Su Mo raised his eyebrows and said.
“For the ancestors, neither the land nor the sea can stop you.”
“But in the so-called Fusang territory, besides the land and the sea, there is another place that is often overlooked.”
Having said that, even Lancelot reacted.
Guinevere needless to say.
She opened her eyes wide and immediately looked at the sky above her head.
Although she didn’t see anything, it didn’t prevent her from being sure of Su Mo’s judgment.
If it can’t be found on the earth, why can’t it be in the sky!
If this is the answer.
Guinevere finally understood why she had been wandering the earth for thousands of years, but she couldn’t find the place where the King of the End slept.
It was simply because she found the wrong position completely!
Thinking of this, she patted her head and smiled wryly after clearing her doubts.
Why didn’t I think of this earlier?
If you realize it earlier, you don’t have to sell your ownership in exchange for an answer.
As a god ancestor, she was able to use the flying technique.
Although it is said that the flying technique cannot fly too high.
But Lancelot is a military god who has a lot of connections with clouds and lightning, and he can fly in the sky on horseback.
If she was directly asked to go around the atmosphere to find Sky Island, she would probably be able to find her target in a short time.
After realizing this, Guinevere finally understood what opportunity she had missed,
Can’t help but feel a little annoyed.
Obviously Su Mo gave a hint, why didn’t he turn his head around!
Deliberately indulged in regret, she subconsciously didn’t want to delve into why the King of the End chose Sky Island as his sleeping place.
However, Su Mo would not allow her cowardly evasion.
“The King of the End is indeed sleeping in the Sky Island above the sky, so you won’t be able to find him even after thousands of years.”
“Just, have you ever thought about why the King of the End escaped from the earth and ran to the sky?”
After stating the facts, Su Mo’s tone was sharp as a knife with a playful smile.
“As the King of the End, his mission is to wipe out the Godslayers.”
“Since this is the case, he should have slept in the place agreed with you, so that he can wake up when there are enough godslayers and fulfill his destiny.”
…seeking flowers 0…
“But why, he fled to the sky on purpose, to a place where his helpers couldn’t find it after a thousand years?”
Su Mo pointed out the contradictions in the King of the End’s behavior in a relaxed tone.
The tone of his questioning was light and thin, but Guinevere seemed to be hit by a heavy hammer, and she was a little unstable.
The terrible conjecture that floated in my mind before came to my mind again.
Like a blade shining with cold light, it almost tore her heart apart.
Lancelot, who was on the side, supported Guinevere who was staggering with distress.
She wanted to say something comforting, but couldn’t.
As the God of War, she had already noticed that the King of the End didn’t seem to be very enthusiastic about his mission.
… 0;
However, because Guinevere insisted on helping the other party, she was unable to speak out.
It is a pity that paper cannot contain fire after all.
After waking up from a dream, one must face reality after all.
Su Mo’s words continued.
“Genevere, out of pity, you betrayed the alliance of the Mother Goddess, and you want to help the King of the End who is full of pain, so you don’t hesitate to sacrifice your life to become the Holy Grail, and you also want to assist the King of the End to complete the mission .”
“But, have you ever really confirmed it when you did this?”
“Continuous fighting and constant elimination of godslayers, is this really what the King of the End wants to do?”
Su Mo’s tone sounded very gentle, but his mouth was merciless.
Hearing these words, Guinevere seemed to hit a weak point, her petite body trembling constantly.
It wasn’t Su Mo’s words that really hurt her heart.
It was her own inner fear.
God! If what she has done for more than a thousand years is all wrong!So what were the consequences of this mistake?
See Guinevere approaching collapse.
Beside Su Mo, Athena, who was originally interested in the truth, shook her head involuntarily.
She sang softly a waka that she heard from nowhere.
“Perhaps because of not knowing dreams, wandering people chase phantoms.” 4.
Chapter 662 The Arrival Location, Tokyo Bay
Athena’s humming really suits the atmosphere. As a homeless person, Guinevere’s pursuit for thousands of years was not for the King of the End, but for the pity in her heart.
Seeing how miserable Guinevere was, Athena, who was in a good mood, decided not to punish the traitor any more in the future.
After all, Su Mo’s words were like blades, much more terrifying than physical punishment.
Thinking of this, the petite silver-haired goddess took a cautious look at Su Mo, and decided not to make Su Mo angry in the future.
Although as the queen of the Mediterranean, she is not afraid of debate.
But when she heard such sharp words as Su Mo’s, she still had lingering fears.
This is not cowardice, but knowing how to maximize strengths and avoid weaknesses!
Su Mo on the other side didn’t know what the silver-haired goddess was thinking.
Looking at Guinevere in front of him, a happy smile appeared on his face.
“Two Fifty Zero” “Pretending to be an ostrich is useless, you probably guessed it by now!”
“The Divine Sword of Salvation symbolizes the correction power of the world. Even the power of the gods cannot be destroyed, so he doesn’t have to worry about being attacked while sleeping.”
“The God of Disobedience is his ally. Godslayer will only wake him up when he comes, and then be beheaded by him to help him fulfill his mission.”
“So, for the King of the End, there is no point in concealing his whereabouts, and there is no need to hide from anyone at all.”
“Under normal circumstances, he doesn’t need to hide on Sky Island at all.”
My main god is Kaguya
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