Having said that, he spread his hands.
Guinevere’s petite figure froze, apparently anticipating what Su Mo would say.
And the truth is exactly as she thought.
“Excluding all impossible options, there is only one possibility.”
“The object that the King of the End is running away from is you who thinks he is loyal!”
Hearing Su Mo’s words, Guinevere’s figure collapsed directly into Lancelot’s arms.
I have been chasing people for more than a thousand years, but in the end I have been avoiding myself.
If it’s just this kind of thing, it may cause mortals to collapse, but it will definitely not affect the ancestors who were reincarnated by the earth mother.
The reason why Guinevere has such a performance.
It was because, based on this judgment, she thought of something deeper.
“That’s right, you really realized it too?”
Su Mo, who was smiling happily, obviously already understood this.
He explained the truth slowly, as if he wanted to strip Guinevere naked.
“It’s not you who the King of the End is escaping, but what he is escaping is his responsibility as the King of the End.”
“Time wears down on all things. Even the toughest warrior can’t stand the wear and tear of time. He is tired of his duties.”
“I would rather sleep than do my duty.”
“For the King of the End, every awakening has long been a pain, and this pain is increasing day by day.”
“For Steel Warrior, he would choose to escape only when he couldn’t bear the pain at all.”
“And during the time when the King of the End was suffering, Guinevere, what role did you play?”
Although it was expected before.
But after hearing what Su Mo said, Guinevere was still greatly shocked.
Guinevere has no romantic interest in the King of the End.
The reason why she betrayed the Mother God camp was to help the King of the End.
It’s just out of pity.
It may sound ridiculous to pity an invincible warrior.
But if someone saw with their own eyes the depressing expression on the King of the End’s face all year round, he would definitely feel that this is a poor person who has suffered a lot.
It was based on this compassion that Guinevere acted, as a subordinate, to assist in awakening the King of the End, and to help him solve the enemy as quickly as possible and complete his mission.
For a long time, Guinevere believed that what she did was helping the other party.
That’s why we have traveled for thousands of years without complaint.
But now, after hearing Su Mo’s words, she realized her mistake.
If it is said that the King of the End is suffering because of his mission, he would rather sleep than evade his mission.
So, what does it mean that she has been urging the other party to wake up and urging the other party to complete the task?
Every time she urges her, she will be overjoyed, because she thinks she has helped the other party.
But in fact, every time he was urged, the King of the End would suffer even more.
Obviously unwilling to complete the mission, but because of the expectations of his subordinates, he fought with his sword again and again.
Originally, there was only one share of pain, but now it has become two.
I am still complacent.
In this way, the sword of the King of the End became more and more dull, and his heart was crushed by pain…
It wasn’t until one day that I finally couldn’t bear it, so I hid on Sky Island, seeking the rare purity.
“How did this happen? What have I done?!”
After realizing this point, Guinevere seemed to gradually turn into a stone sculpture, from fingertips to chest, every inch was ashes.
Like an ignorant child, he brazenly said that he would rescue the wronged prisoner.
Two hands, but tightly pulling the chains of the gallows.
Tighten the noose inch by inch, allowing the person he wants to save to suffocate bit by bit.
But he was complacent, thinking that he had helped the other party.What a sin.
How stupid again.
Wordless tears flowed from the corners of Guinevere’s eyes.
She finally understood why Su Mo said she was just a child.
Ahhh! I really am hopelessly stupid.
“Wow ah ah…”
Unable to bear the weight, she finally burst into tears.
It was as if he wanted to vent all his stupidity and childishness through tears.
Guinevere burst into tears directly.
In the end, he fainted directly in the arms of the Valkyrie Lancelot.
It seems that I can’t bear it and I’m tired.
Seeing her like this, Su Mo sighed.
“Mercy is evil… I told you that a long time ago.”
Lancelot, who was holding Guinevere in his arms, glanced at Su 0.4 Mo a little at a loss.
It stands to reason that Guinevere is already Su Mo’s property, and she cannot interfere.
But if she was allowed to stay here like this, she couldn’t feel at ease.
Seeing Lancelot’s embarrassment, Su Mo shook his head.
“Our battle is in the back first, you take care of this child first! There is an empty room in the back.”
The Valkyrie gave Su Mo a grateful look, and was about to step back while hugging Guinevere.
At this time…
Erica happened to bring Shaye Gongxin to the audience.
Looking at the girl in Lancelot’s arms, Erica looked at Su Mo with admiration.
“I didn’t realize it before, I didn’t expect the lord to be so good at making girls faint!”
“Where did you say that?”
Su Mo looked at Erica suspiciously.
“If you can’t give a reason, even you will be punished!”.
Chapter 663 Faint for the third time, be yourself, Su Mo
Hearing Su Mo’s words, Erica couldn’t help but turned her head, and looked at Saya Gongxin beside her with a smile. “The news from Anxiela just now made her faint once.”
“Counting Guinevere, this is already the second one.”
Saya Gongxin’s psychological quality is actually not bad.
The reason why he fainted from fright was purely because the previous news was too scary.
Hearing the news of the end of the world suddenly, or the news verified by the God of Disobedience, no one would be able to accept it.
Fortunately, after she fainted for a while, she still woke up.
Realized that if he didn’t do something about it, Fuso might really be sinking.
She immediately ran over to see Su Mo.
When Saya Gongxin came to the back mountain, Lancelot was leaving with Guinevere in his arms.
Although I don’t know who these two girls are.
But she was still able to discern a little bit of the breath of the God of Disobedience.
Moreover, according to Anshela’s previous words, the ancestor in the arms of this Valkyrie should be Guinevere.
In other words… the news of the King of the End is very likely to be 14 true!
After realizing this, she panicked even more.
So, not hearing Erica’s words clearly, she knelt down and asked in fear.
“My lord, may I ask if the news that the King of the End is about to wake up is true?”
Seeing Saya Gongxin’s flustered expression.
Su Mo did not answer her question, but looked at Erica.
“Although what you said is very reasonable, but there are only two people, so it can’t be said that they are good at it?”
“Well… makes sense.” Erica nodded seriously, knelt down on one knee, and said with a smile.
“It’s the minister who made a mistake in wording, please punish the lord!”
Seeing her appearance, Su Mo was a little curious.
“It’s not your style to admit defeat so simply.”
“Because the subordinates don’t hate the lord’s punishment!” Erica boldly confessed.
Having said that, a sly smile appeared on the corner of her mouth.
“Besides, I feel that with Master Su Mo’s ability, it is not impossible to easily faint for the third time!”
My main god is Kaguya
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