Puzzled, Emperor Shi Tian walked into the farm.

Soon I saw a large field of emerald green wheat seedlings swaying in the wind, growing extremely well.

On the other side, a variety of fruits and vegetables are grown.

Although the planting units were not reasonably spaced, they were unexpectedly fruitful.

“Look, host! The watermelon grown with Al-sauce is oversized! ”

A crisp and pleasant voice sounded.

Di Shitian felt a little familiar.

After seeing the bouncing brown-haired loli, he couldn’t help but have a little toothache.

How could this problem be for children here?

The strongest star – Argel.

He did know that Su Mo had received the gift of a snake-haired banshee from [Perseus], and he also knew that Argel had recovered his Linger, after all, he had dealt with Michael before.

But for this guy, he really can’t handle it.

At this time, the bouncing Argel held a watermelon in one hand.

If this is just the case, it will not be surprising, at most praise the girl’s good arm strength.

But Arger doesn’t fall into the category of good arm strength.

Because this watermelon is more than ten meters in diameter.

Even in watermelons, it belongs to large mutant individuals.

“The godhead of the Earth Mother Godhead seems to be quite effective when used for cultivation.”

Looking at Argel’s results, Su Mo touched his chin and was a little surprised.

Although Arger’s true Lingge is a star spirit, she also has a past that was worshipped as a god and has a corresponding inheritance.

Therefore, in terms of plant cultivation, she can directly use divine power to take advantage.

Watermelons ripened with power energy are not much different from normal growth.

Of course, in the absence of sunlight, the color is much lighter.

But the taste is not much worse.

“Just when a guest arrives, you can treat the guest to eat melon!”

Saying this, Su Mo looked at the canary and Di Shitian who had already walked over, and motioned to Argel.

Originally, Arger had no opinion.

Seeing that the person who came was Emperor Shitian, he immediately showed a look of disgust.

“The watermelon treasured by Arger is too wasteful for this guy Di Shitian, I’ll pick an ordinary one!”

Saying this, Argel immediately carried the melon and left.

Under the power of the Earth Mother God, the newly truncated melon vines were also quickly reconnected.

Seeing Argel’s performance, Su Mo was a little speechless.

This is Arger’s treasured watermelon, which she obviously picked casually.

But he didn’t break that either.

Unexpectedly, Di Shitian, who did not even have the qualifications to eat melons, turned dark, but he was not prepared to deal with Argel, but looked at Su Mo.

“How do you have time to run the land, is it a hobby?”

In the box garden, food and water are very important supplies for the middle and lower classes.

After all, there is no scientific production here.

Areas above four and three digits are not bad at all for these basic things.

The mechanization of grain production has not been completed under five figures.

Basically, they are cultivated and sold by communities that are good at planting, and other communities only need to buy them.

Ultimately, however, purchases lead to food security problems.

You know, when resources are tight, food and water are in short supply.

So, large communities like Arcadia generally have farms managed by a dedicated logistics department.

However, it is rare for a main combat force like Su Mo and a community leader to worry about this kind of thing.

After all, it is only in times of war or chaos that you need to worry about the supply of these necessities.

At present, the box court is peaceful and peaceful, and after all the final trials of mankind have been conquered, there can be no major changes.

In this peacetime context, Venezuela does not need to pay too much attention to food security.

Except for personal hobbies, do not do other solutions.

“You don’t understand, growing vegetables is our Oriental life instinct.”

Hearing Di Shitian’s inquiry, Su Mo smiled slightly.

“Moreover, in the not very peaceful season, it is better to prepare more materials for the winter!”

Hearing Su Mo’s words, Emperor Shitian was a little puzzled.

Not very ordinary?

What else is not quite peaceful now?

“Are you worried about the Second Solar Sovereignty War?”

Emperor Shitian subconsciously thought of this, and then immediately waved his hand to explain.

“Don’t worry about this, anyway, it is Shirayasha who leads the rule-making, there will be no problem.”

“With her personality, she will definitely make some strange but hilarious bounty games!”

Since he did not participate in the war for the sovereignty of the sun, Hakuyasha naturally let himself loose a little.

However, she herself is not too out of line, probably just a few more pranks.

Hearing Emperor Shitian say this, Su Mo shook his head.

“That’s not what I’m worried about.”

Saying this, he did not intend to continue to deepen this issue, but took the initiative to provoke Emperor Shitian’s intentions.

“You came here this time to invite me to participate in the Sun Sovereignty War, right?”

“That’s right, since you know I don’t bother to talk much.”

Emperor Shitian nodded.

“The Second Solar Sovereign War is about the future of human history in Hakotei… That being said, just treat this as if it were a normal bounty game. ”

Emperor Shitian kindly reminded.

Too much knowledge can be a hindrance.

Anyway, no matter what the result is, it will not hinder the progress of the times.

“No problem, I accepted.”

Su Mo naturally would not refuse.

Although he now has three sun sovereigns in him, this is completely insufficient for him.

The three suns can only complete Rama’s Linge.

If you want to perfect the simulated star creation map [Avatara], you must obtain ten sun sovereignty to complete Su Mo’s Lingge to the full domain level.

Together, a total of thirteen solar sovereigns are required.

This solar sovereignty war is a legitimate hunting ground for Su Mo, and it is naturally impossible to let it go.

However –

“The Sun Sovereignty War began so soon, and the gods planned to start celebrating so soon?”

Su Mo shook his head and asked in a regretful tone.

Saw Su Mo’s expression of “mud can’t support the wall”.

Emperor Shitian was a little puzzled.

“All the end-of-life theories have crossed the house, is there anything wrong with celebrating at this time?”

Hearing this, Su Mo showed a mocking chuckle.

“All eschatology has crossed … Is this the consensus of the gods today? ”

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