Seeing Su Mo’s expression, Emperor Shitian inexplicably felt a little uneasy.

Could it be that after the twenty-first century AD, there will be a new final trial of mankind?

That’s not right!

According to the observations of the Laplace demon, as well as the two goddesses and others.

The dystopian demon king and the absolute demon king are the last two final trials of mankind that need to be defeated in order to cross the end of human history.

After that, it is only necessary to observe the historical transition period to ensure that mankind passes safely.

There is nothing to be disturbed about no matter how you look at it.

The puzzle that caused the final trial of the two humans was also solved by Su Mo when he killed the Absolute Demon King before.

The core lies in the third type of perpetual motion machine.

Today, everything is clear and nothing is missing.

Thinking so, out of caution, Di Shitian still asked.

However, Su Mo did not mean to answer.

The fall of the God Group was not a day or two, and the God Group could not have helped much in this matter.

If you tell them, you will make trouble.

In terms of adding trouble, Emperor Shitian will never disappoint.

So, after thinking about it, Su Mo asked.

“When did the Second Solar Sovereignty War officially begin?”

“The time is not yet set.”

Emperor Shitian scratched his head.

This bounty game is still in the planning period, and the consent of the sun’s sovereign holders is still being sought according to the procedure.

As for things like the rules of the gift game and the duration, they are not things that can be settled in a moment.

“However, even if it adds up to a year at most, it should be able to start the game after a year.”

According to past experience, Emperor Shitian said so.

Hearing this, Su Mo was stunned.

Open your mouth is a year, and you will notify you now of things in a year?

When he just wanted to complain, he remembered that the concept of time of the immortal seed seemed to be different from that of ordinary people.

Although Su Mo is also an immortal species, the time he has experienced now is not long, and the encounter in the box court is magnificent, so the concept of time is no different from ordinary people.

But for others, a year is nothing more than a blink of an eye.

Except that young black rabbits may be a little sensitive to this time.

Laetisia, Arger and others probably don’t think this time is long.

Even the canary as a human has survived for at least a thousand years.

Thinking of this, Su Mo couldn’t help but look at the canary.

So, this guy is also a super-old leftover girl?

No matter how smart the canary was, he couldn’t guess what Su Mo was thinking.

However, women are very sensitive to gaze.

“Su Mo, shouldn’t you be thinking about something bad?”

The canary showed a suspicious expression and looked at his leader.

“Absolutely nothing.”

Su Mo did not squint.

Compared to Argel, a living fossil-like loli, Canary is almost only the age of a baby, so she is still young!

“Hmph~ Let’s believe you.”

The canary clasped his hands to his chest, temporarily ignoring Su Mo’s previous disrespectful gaze.

On Su Mo’s side, he picked up the topic.

“One year, as a preparation, is indeed enough, with Hakuyasha’s personality, he will definitely want to hold the most luxurious bounty game, right?”

“Quite possibly.”

Emperor Shitian nodded, Bai Yasha’s personality is like this, it is estimated that it will not change.

After thinking for a few seconds, Su Mo said a proposal.

“No matter how luxurious the gift game is, only a few people can watch it live, and according to the convention, the gods can probably only watch the broadcast, which is inevitably too deserted.”

“Since it is to celebrate the celebration of crossing the wind of decadence, how can the gods not participate in it, how about this solar sovereignty war than holding it in the celestial realm?”

Hearing Su Mo say this.

Emperor Shitian showed a look of intent.

The heavenly realm is held, and the gods are watching, such a gift game is indeed unprecedented.

It’s just–

“In this way, the community of the lower and lower classes in the box court will not be visible.”

Di Shitian was not willing to sacrifice the rights and interests of ordinary communities.

“Isn’t there a full-screen broadcast?”

Su Mo added.

“Moreover, the Sun Sovereignty War must have involved more than one match, and if you want to have fun with the people, you can just place the sub-venues in different locations.”

“The main venue is placed in the heavenly realm to preside over the opening ceremony, which can not only allow the gods to celebrate well, but also allow the middle and lower levels of the box court to get a glimpse of the demeanor of the gods.”

Hear Su Mo’s plan.

Emperor Shitian was indeed a little moved.

If it is only the opening ceremony to the heavenly realm, it is not impossible.

The gods have accompanied human history through one era after another.

Now, the Pisces era is coming to an end and the Aquarius era is coming.

At this important juncture, it is not a bad thing to let people know more about the gods.

To be honest, he also felt that the current divine group was too numb, and it was good to have more contact with the lower level of the box court.

However –

“A glimpse of the demeanor of the gods, if others say it, I think it’s nothing, but how can it come out of your mouth so much like sarcasm? You really don’t want to do anything bad? ”

Emperor Shitian looked at Su Mo’s expression with some doubt.

Would you, a guy who defeated a million gods alone, respect the gods so much?

However, he remembered that when he was fighting with the million god groups, Su Mo was contemptuous and careless about those god species.

This is a completely different style from today.

When things go wrong, there will be demons.

Hearing Emperor Shitian’s words.

Su Mo’s face turned dark.

Di Shitian, a guy with a black heart, actually doubted him so much about this young hero who killed the final trial of mankind?

Even if his proposal is really not good.

Putting this fact aside, isn’t there a problem with Emperor Shitian’s groundless suspicions?

“Do you have to change it to the lower and middle levels of the box court to see the shameless and depraved faces of your gods, so that you will feel comfortable?”

Su Mo said speechlessly.

What he didn’t expect was.

Hearing this, Emperor Shitian immediately nodded.

“It’s okay if you say that.”

Scolding directly, it is not sarcasm.

Being scolded by the young Yingjie whose strength is above the million god group is not a bad thing for the arrogant and arrogant god group.

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