Chapter 118 Box Spirit: You said it well, but I refuse! 【2/2】。

Leo and the others, who were waiting for Xia Youjie outside, suddenly found that Xia Youjie came out of the enchantment.

And at this moment, Daize three points of despair, four points of indifference to see Xia Youhu outstanding, his eyes suddenly seemed to see a savior, yes, in the face of such humiliation, he must count a good meal of five realizations. Only in this way can we soothe the mood of the death of the society that has just died.

“Xia Youjie, where is Gojou? Where is he?!!! ”

Seeing such an urgent leak, Xia Youjie was a little dumbfounded, Leo had not yet spoken, what do you mean by being so anxious here? Of course, Xia Youjie didn’t know what happened outside just now, and if he knew the scene of the social death of Leaky Hu, he would probably understand it.

“Sir, Gojo Gojo has been successfully sealed inside, but he seems to have used his own Birth Technique, making it difficult to move the prison gate when it stops in place. You see? ”

Instead of answering Leaky’s words, Xia Youjie came directly to Leo and said the situation inside. This situation is actually expected by Leo, but Leo still has a way.


As Leo’s handprint pinched, the original tent slowly disappeared, revealing the five realizations that had become box essences.

“It’s you, blonde imp who stands in the way!!!”

Seeing Leo, who was in a leading position in front of everyone, Gojo couldn’t help but exclaim. Isn’t the boy in front of him the same blond imp who blocked his way before.

Thinking of these five realizations, I also found that the current situation is indeed reasonable and unexpected. At present, only this little devil who dares to face himself will design this trap.

Hearing Gojou’s words, Leo’s smiling face gradually disappeared, and last time he still called the boy a little ghost. The fire is big!!! But now is not the time to say that.

“Gojou, how about I give you a chance to join my subordinates.”

Gojou’s laughter suddenly came out from inside,

“Although what you said is a little strange, I will listen to your reasons for the time being.”

Although I don’t know why Leo has so much confidence for him to join him in the Gojo Betrayal Spell World, let’s listen to it for the time being.

Leo smiled and said immediately.

“I intend to cut off the reincarnation of the spell, relying on the spell of negative emotions to give birth to countless tragedies so far, so I intend to sublimate the human beings of this world and turn them into good people.”

“Good man?”

Gojo thought with some doubt.

“That’s right, good man! After sublimation, the negative emotions of human beings will become very low, and the birth of spells will be suppressed, and all people will become this life-loving, positive, optimistic and friendly human being. ”

When Leo said this, Gojo Gojo was directly shocked, no matter how you look at what Leo said, it doesn’t look like a villain, yes, in Gojou’s opinion, Leo obviously belongs to that kind of villain.

However, now Leo’s words are all a very good thing, but Gojo has some doubts.

Having lost most of the negative emotions, are humans really the human beings they are now? In response to this question, Gojo deeply understands that perhaps such a world is very attractive, and most human beings must also expect such a world to be as beautiful as utopia.

Without these things, it is not known whether humanity will be better or worse, but such a world is undoubtedly false. In Gojo’s opinion, Leo must be trying to absorb all the negative emotions of human beings through something, so that if there is any problem in the future, it is not a small problem.

“You said it well, but I refuse!”

The expected answer, Leo was not angry, but smiled lightly.

“It doesn’t matter, anyway, now that the conditions have been gathered, without you, no one in this world can interfere with my plan, Leo waved his hand, and an ultra-small enchantment wrapped the prison gate territory, sealing the connection between the five enlightenments and the outside world.”

“Sir, I don’t know what to do with Gojou?”

Xia Youjie on the side stepped forward and asked Leo, after all, as Gojou’s friend, he didn’t want him to die. Even Gojo killed him with his own hands.

“Don’t worry, Gojo Goku I won’t kill him, let’s move him to our stronghold now.”

As soon as the words fell, a light blue point of light appeared on the tip of Leo’s finger, and then it continuously spread into a cube of light curtain at an extremely fast speed, enveloping several people in it.

With a flash of blue light, only a boxy gap was left in place.


Looking at the familiar palace in front of him, the two-sided stalls on the side were a little surprised,

“This is a space transfer?”

“That’s right, I still have to thank Xia Youjie for the birth technique provided.”

Hearing Leo’s words, Xia Youjie on the side showed a somewhat helpless expression, knowing that he had even squeezed the last bit of spell power out at that time.

“Okay, Xia Youjie, you take real people to prepare the relevant things of the plan, and remember that the shape materials we set up before are well obtained into the conversion crystal. As for the stalls, you can stay here for a while. ”

As soon as the words fell, Xia Youjie and the others left quickly, they knew that now was the most important time before the plan, but they could not look at the few people who left, Leo unlocked the enchantment that blocked the box essence five strips to understand the connection with the outside world.

“Here it is?”

Seeing that the surroundings had changed, Gojo realized that his desire to stay where he was and wait for rescue had failed.

“Little ghost didn’t expect it, now you are like this!”

The two-faced stall on the side mocked Gojo without mercy.

In the face of the mockery of the two-faced stall, Gojo Gojo did not care, but said to Leo.

“Little ghost, it’s impossible for me to join your subordinates, if you let me go now, I can still consider not spanking you when I come out.”

To this, Leo just smiled.

“Since you don’t want to join us, forget it, you can’t help it now, but your technique is quite interesting to me”

Gojo listened to Leo’s words in confusion, what is it to be interested in my birth technique? Can he still take my Birth Technique??

Before Gojo could speak, an enchantment gagged his mouth again, and Leo turned to look at the two-faced stall on the side.

“Su Stall, do you want to get rid of this little ghost’s body?”

When the two stalls heard Leo’s words, they immediately raised their eyebrows.

“This little ghost’s body is not bad, I don’t plan to change my body.”

Leo shook his head and explained.

“I mean I have a way to let you have the body of Knotweed Yuren while also allowing you to separate independently.”

“Oh, and this way? That’s really good, this little ghost has been chattering in my head a little annoyed to hear the words of the two-faced stall, Leo showed a bad smile,”

“Then you stand up first.”

The two sides subconsciously stood up, and before he could react, a slash came towards him. One dividing line – today’s matter, just two more!!! Tomorrow will burst more, visual inspection 5 more bottom.

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