Chapter 119 Five Enlightenments Who Were Brutally Plagiarized! 【3/2】。

Before the two sides of the stall could have time, they were cut in half evenly from head to toe by the familiar chopping blow.

That’s right, Leo used a technique that belongs to a two-sided stall, and I am afraid that the two-sided stall did not expect that he would be cut as a vegetable by his own technique.

Looking at the body divided into two halves, Leo quickly stepped forward, his two hands shining with the brilliance of Wuwei transformation, guiding the souls of the two to the two bodies respectively.

Just when the souls on both sides were placed on both sides, the black mud existing in this body began to spontaneously repair the damaged body under Leo’s influence.

It didn’t take long for the original one person to now become two. With a wave of Leo’s hand, Knotweed Yuren is imprisoned in the prison of Tartarus. Although Knotweed Yuren does not have much strength to make trouble.

But just in case, Leo stuck it in it.

Looking at the two-faced stall with his eyes open, Leo said with a hint of fun.

“How, is the current body very suitable for your heart?”

The two stalls looked at Leo with some speechless eyes and complained.

“Yes, yes, but there is something wrong with your method, just now that is my technique, right?!” What does it mean to attack me with my Birth Technique? ”

did not see the scene of the thunderous thunder on both sides of the stall as he wished, Leo waved his hand a little tastelessly,

“Well, just like this, I don’t want to kill Knotweed Youren, and you can’t bear this body, then this is the only way.”

Hearing Leo’s words, the two-faced stall did not say anything, but turned his head to look at Knotweed Yuren.

“Naw, how to solve this little ghost, how to kill him?”

Saying that, the two sides of the stall showed a strange and happy smile. You must know that the two-faced stall is still quite angry with the knotweed Youren in front of him, not only because he was unhappy that he failed to seize his body at the beginning, but also because he planned to take advantage of his behavior.

However, even if the current knotweed Yuren is meat on the cutting board, as long as Leo has no opinion, he can plunder him at any time.

“Knotweed Yuren is still useful, and now I don’t hate this kind of person, let’s keep him with Gojo for the time being.” When the plan is completed, he is useless, and he is letting him out. ”

“Cut, boring!”

Hearing that Leo did not plan to kill Knotweed Yuren, the two-sided stall couldn’t help but be a little amused, waved his hand at Leo, and walked towards the door.

“I’m going to go out and have a good look and enjoy the taste of freedom.”

“Remember, don’t kill wantonly.”

Hearing Leo’s words, the two sides of the stall just snorted lightly.

Looking at the two-faced stall that looked very calm but could not stop the expression of leaving the cage, Leo just smiled and then looked at the sealed Gojo Gojo and the knotweed Yuren who was still in a coma.

Although Knotweed Youren’s system is different from ordinary people, even he can’t bear it in the face of the violent split just now. After all, he was only a high school student before, and the gap between the two sides of the Cursed King was still a little big.

Walking slowly to the prison gate, Leo unlocked the enchantment.

“Bastard boy, what do you want to do again?”

“Nothing, just a little curious about the invincible Gojo Gojo Enlightenment Birth Technique.”

As soon as the words fell, countless black muds poured out of Leo’s hands and continued to pour towards the prison gate.

Gojo Gojo, who was inside, also found that the space inside the original prison gate realm was being filled with countless black mud that exuded extreme malice. Moreover, these black muds were still absorbing his spells, and even though they were separated by an infinite limit, Gojou still felt that his spells seemed to be constantly being extracted.

“At this time!!! Your technique is not this! Who the hell are you? ”

The reason why Gojo was so shocked was that when he first met Leo, he used the light of goodness, and the light of pure goodness was completely two extremes in this black mud. That’s why Gojo was shocked.

If Leo had used black mud in the first place, Gojo would have used all his means to keep it. Hearing Gojo’s exclamation, Leo just smiled faintly.

“I am good, named Ahura, the infinite light, the most good, and I am evil, named Angola, I am the one who does not share heaven and is evil.”

Hearing Leo’s words, Gojo directly stated his conjecture.

“Imaginary spells? Zoroastrian? ”

For Gojo, who often travels around the world, he knows that people’s fears can form spells, which are similar to the legendary spells and are generally called imaginary spells.

Obviously, Gojo directly regarded Leo as a curse formed by human fear and belief in the two gods of good and evil in Zoroastrianism.

For Gojo’s conjecture, Leo did not give a denial, but continued to do what he was doing.

As the black mud continued to absorb the spell power of the five realizations, his resident technique defense also continued to weaken, which also accelerated the erosion progress of the black mud.

“Hmph! ~”

Losing the defense of the technique, the black mud instantly invaded Gojo Gojo’s body and even soul, of course, it was maintained at one degree under Leo’s control. did not let Gojo Goku be directly eaten by the black mud.

Lines continue to appear in Leo’s mind through the exploration of black mud, which is exactly the birth technique that the five realizations are inscribed with body and soul since birth.

The no-lower limit technique is a five-strip ancestral technique that can interfere with atomic-level matter and dominate space. Extremely meticulous spell manipulation is required, so only Six Eyes holders can use this technique. Others can’t use it even if they inherit it. Of course, the amount of calculation brought by Leo’s powerful soul is enough to use this technique.



The principle is to bring to reality the convergent infinite series of the magical infinite infinity ” paradox ” of Achilles “.

“This distance can be reduced endlessly”

The no-lower technique can realize this concept in a certain space of reality.

As the lines in Leo’s mind became more and more, soon Leo had no lower limit to the five enlightenment birth techniques.

“This technique of yours is good. However, I think it is a bit time-consuming to familiarize myself with your technique, so how about giving me your experience. ”

Leo felt the newly formed skill stone in his body and said to the five realizations inside, and then began to read the memories of the five realizations through the black mud and began to use the relevant techniques. Gojou, on the other hand, had no strength to say anything at all.

After a while, Leo opened his eyes closed because of reading the memory, urging the skill stone in his body, and a defense layer invisible to ordinary people appeared around Leo.

Yes, this is one of the uses of the Infinite Limit Technique, which Gojo has worked hard to achieve after nine deaths, but now it belongs to Leo.

The power of the spell stop, the neutral Infinity Limit spell, no active aggression, manifested as the closer to the object, the slower it will become, as if stopped, in this state, no attack can hit the caster, and in addition, the five Senses Unlimited Limit Technique is constantly used, this technique can be used around the clock with almost no consumption.

Of course, Leo basically understands the other unbounded derivative applications of Gojou. The Curse [Cang] of Convergence, the Divergent Spell Reversal [He], and the strongest can create an imaginary mass in the form of energy waves that are enough to cut off space.

Leo’s existing techniques are basically few compared to these, and now that he has this super package, Leo said that the white is really fragrant.

“Bastard, thief!!”

Withdrawing the black mud because he got what he wanted, Gojo slowly eased up, watching Leo experimenting with his birth technique, and couldn’t help but curse in a low voice.

Leo just smiled faintly at this,

“Just wait here for the arrival of the new world, I hope you like it.”

As soon as the words fell, Leo waved his hand, holding the prison gate of Gojo Goku and the secret room prison where the knotweed Yuren fishing Targenros prison was even sunk underground.

–Dividing line–After thinking about it, it’s better to stay up late to make up for it.

Seeking flowers!!!! Evaluation Ticket!!! Lose!.

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